Habeas Corpus

Obama joins Bush, Congress in War Crimes for false imprisonment, torture at Bagram Prison

hyperlinks and video live at source: http://www.examiner.com/x-18425-LA-County-Nonpartisan-Examiner~y2009m11d25-Obama-joins-Bush-Congress-as-war-criminals-for-...

The US invaded Afghanistan illegally; the country did not attack the US and their government volunteered to cooperate with extradition of any criminal suspects upon evidence of probable cause. The US refused to provide evidence, did not receive requisite UN Security Council authorization for military action required by US and international law, and illegally invaded in a War of Aggression.

Please pause to verify the fact that the US illegally invaded Afghanistan. When an invasion is illegal, the people fighting US troops are defending their nation against a hostile force. If China invaded the US on such pretext, Americans who did not defend our nation would be called cowards and traitors to the invading horde.

3 Detained in Afghanistan Can Take Challenges to U.S. Court: Habeas Ruling Is a Blow to Administration

3 Detained in Afghanistan Can Take Challenges to U.S. Court: Habeas Ruling Is a Blow to Administration
By Del Quentin Wilber and Karen DeYoung, Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, April 3, 2009; Page A01

U.S. District Judge John D. Bates rejected the government's argument, first made by the Bush administration and later adopted by the Obama Justice Department, that it could detain prisoners indefinitely in a "war zone."

In a 53-page ruling, Bates said that the situation of the three detainees at Bagram air base -- who were captured elsewhere and transported to Afghanistan by U.S. forces -- is "virtually identical" to that of prisoners held by the military at Guantanamo Bay. A landmark Supreme Court ruling last year accorded habeas corpus rights to detainees at that facility in Cuba.

The ruling is likely to complicate the administration's ongoing review of detainee policies. President Obama criticized his predecessor's denial of rights to and treatment of alleged terrorists and during his first week in office ordered Guantanamo Bay to be closed this year. A high-level administration task force is studying what to do with detainees deemed too dangerous to release.

The VIOLENT American Revolution of 2008

please forward this if you agree...

Don't succumb to the invitations by Glen Beck and others, including agent provaceteurs in the truth and freedom movements to get violent in our actions.
people will wake up.
it might take them losing their 401K's or whatever but eventually when they have nothing left to protect or somewhere between now and that point they will wake up.
perhaps our greatest contribution will be seen by historians as that we led the way in a peaceful fashion.
consider this...
the people that have not woken up by this point are less enlightened individuals.
when they do wake up, these same people will have not only their ire against the counter efforts and the sources of these counter efforts towards their survival but also the guilt of not having acted sooner.
these same people will also be woken up rather abruptly and you know that is not good for maintaining an even temper.

so the more that we expand in influence the more responsibility that we have to set a good example in a Ghandi-like, MLK-like fashion.

John Yoo, Totalitarian By Paul Craig Roberts


John Yoo, Totalitarian

By Paul Craig Roberts

19/06/08 "ICH" - -- - John Yoo stands outside the Anglo-American legal tradition. His views lead to self-incrimination wrung out of a victim by torture. He believes a president of the US can initiate war, even on false pretenses, and then use the war he starts as cover for depriving US citizens of habeas corpus protection. A US attorney general informed by Yoo’s memos even went so far as to tell the Senate Judiciary Committee that the Constitution does not provide habeas corpus protection to US citizens.

Yoo’s animosity to US civil liberties made him a logical choice for appointment to the Bush Regime’s Department of Justice (sic), but his appointment as a law professor at the University of California, Berkeley, shatters that university’s liberal image.

Habeas corpus is a centuries-old British legal reform that stopped authorities from arbitrarily throwing a person into a dungeon and leaving him there forever without presenting charges in a court of law. Without this protection, there can be no liberty.

One British MP Stands up for Habeas Corpus.

Damn! Need a few guys like this in the House of Representatives! You can send a note of support to Davis here: https://www.conservatives.com/tile.do?def=contact.us.page

Davis resignation: Unlikely hero of liberal Britain shocks the political establishment

By Andrew Grice - Friday, 13 June 2008

David Davis became an unlikely hero of liberal Britain yesterday by sacrificing his political career to launch a one-man crusade against the Government's plan for suspected terrorists to be detained for 42 days without charge.

The former SAS reservist, who supports the death penalty for premeditated murder, shook Britain's political establishment to its roots by announcing he would stand down as an MP to fight a by-election to stop the "slow strangulation of fundamental British freedoms".

The former shadow home secretary's bombshell left David Cameron and many Tory colleagues seething. But outside the Westminster village, the reaction was very different. Mr Davis's Commons office was flooded with telephone calls and emails from members of the public praising him for putting his principles before his career...

...He thinks it is more important to make a stand now; that 42-day detention is such an infringement of our liberties dating back to Magna Carta that his ambitions must take second place...

...It was the manner of Mr Brown's hollow victory that pushed Mr Davis over the edge. He was spitting blood that the Prime Minister had resorted to offering "30 pieces of silver" to the DUP to overturn civil rights enjoyed in Britain for 800 years...

...Mr Davis is already planning his campaign for an "anti-Big Brother by-election" on 10 July. He wants to start a debate on aspects of Britain's "surveillance society", including what he regards as "the most intrusive identity card system in the world" and the scale of the DNA database...

Italia 9/11 * CIA * Habeas * Yucca * $-down

Italia 9/11 * CIA * Habeas * Yucca * $-down
Flyby News Notes -
Editor - Jonathan Mark - www.FlybyNews.com
December 7, 2007 - Italia 9/11 * CIA * Habeas * Yucca * $-down

”.. all the democratic groups of both America and Europe,
including those of the Italian center-left, know very well
already that the disastrous [September 11, 2001] attack was
planned and realized by the CIA and the Mossad, with the help
of the Zionists, in order to put under trial the Arab countries and to
lure the Western powers to intervene in both Iraq and Afghanistan.”

-- Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga
Quote in Italy's popular newspaper, 30 November 2007

1) Ex-Italian President: Intel Agencies Know 9/11 An Inside Job
- - Former Air Traffic Controller Robin Hordon speaks out on 9/11
- - Seven Senior Republican Appointees Challenge Official Account of 9/11
2) C.I.A. Admits It Destroyed Tapes of Harsh Interrogations
- - US intelligence report shows war drive against Iran based on lies
- - Two-Thirds of Israelis Oppose Attack on Iran: Poll
- - Habeas Corpus War for Guantanamo Prisoners
- - Legal Action by Inmates Could Close Guantanamo

Guns and Butter 1pm Today - Michael Ratner: Tyranny Abroad, Police State At Home

Guns & Butter

Wednesday, March 7, 2007, 1:00pm

Tyranny Abroad, Police State at Home

Interview with attorney and President of the Center for Constitutional Rights, Michael Ratner. Michael Ratner has led the center in its aggressive legal fight against the post - 9/11 violations of civil liberties by the Bush administration. He was part of a small group of lawyers that first took on representation of the Guantanamo detainees in January 2001, a case that went to the supreme court where a major victory was won in June 2004.

KPFA 94.1 FM Berkeley 1pm PST, and streaming and archived at www.kpfa.org
