Church & State

Faith-Based fascism : "God Is With Us": Hitler's Rhetoric and the Lure of "Moral Values"

"God Is With Us": Hitler's Rhetoric and the Lure of "Moral Values"

by Maureen Farrell

December 7, 2004 (pls see link for all the relevant sublinks)

"God does not make cowardly nations free." -- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

A couple weeks ago, while asserting that the Founding Founders intended for the U.S. government to be infused with Christianity, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said that the Holocaust was able to flourish in Germany because of Europe's secular ways. "Did it turn out that, by reason of the separation of church and state, the Jews were safer in Europe than they were in the United States of America?" Scalia asked a congregation at Manhattan's Shearith Israel synagogue. "I don't think so."

One might expect regular citizens to be ignorant of history, but a Supreme Court Justice? Does he imagine that the phrase "Gott mit Uns" was a German clothier's interpretation of "Got Milk"?