media misinformation

'Al-Qaeda assassin worked for MI6', secret cables claim

'Al-Qaeda assassin worked for MI6', secret cables claim

The BBC reports.....

An alleged al-Qaeda militant suspected of bombing a luxury hotel and two churches in Pakistan in 2002 was an informer for MI6, it has been claimed.

Adil Hadi al Jazairi Bin Hamlili was detained at Guantanamo Bay between 2003 and last year when he was sent back to his native Algeria by President Obama.

Wikileaks released the files of 759 Guantanamo detainees at the weekend.

They included unverified claims that al-Qaeda had hidden a nuclear weapon in Europe for detonation should Osama Bin laden be captured and attempts by al-Qaeda to recruit workers at London's Heathrow Airport.

CNN tries its best to demonize the 9/11 Truth Movement

This is shameless, and shows that they are desperate now because the Truth Movement is growing. I feel the media is moving into criminal behavior with this kind of censorship and misinformation. Talk about a conspiracy!
The cool thing is that they admit that one third of Americans do not believe the official story. That was uplifting. By the tenth anniversary, who knows what that figure will be.

First, you can download the video from the show.
I have also provided a transcript of the segment.


We have all heard some absolutely incredible 9/11 conspiracy theories. The web of course is full of them. But tonight we're bringing one out that feeds on racism out in the open. We were absolutely shocked by one recent poll that found out that one in every three Americans believe the terror attacks were not the work of America's enemies, but some sort of inside job. And Deborah Feyerick found a smaller percentage who believe an even uglier theory.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This 9/11 attack was not by 19 Arabs. It was not by Muslims.