Press Conference in Tampa to Launch a Genuine 9/11 Investigation-Dec 6

Philanthropist Jimmy Walter Presents:

The New Pearl Harbor - Confronting the Evidence

Press Conference in Tampa to Launch a Genuine 9/11 Investigation, December
6th, 10:00AM, Don Vincente De Ybor Hotel

WHO: 9/11 experts Jimmy Walter, Morgan Reynolds, David Von Kleist, William Rodriguez, Joyce Riley, and Eric Hufschmid.

WHAT: A Real Investigation into What Happened on September 11, 2001.

This forum is an investigation into the following:

1. Why the Bush administration ignored warning signs about terrorist attacks.
2. Why they leaked classified information to the media.
3. Why members of the administration lied under oath and obstructed justice in an investigation about national security violations.

Would the U.S. Terrorize Its Own People?

Spectacular article with loads of information in a small package. Touches on Operation Northwoods, Reichstag, fake terror, and the leaked memo discussing the need for a new terror attack to bolster support.

This article is great to open new eyes, spread it around, follow the link to get the whole article including all hyperlinks:

But could this happen in modern America? Initially, it is now fairly well-accepted that the Gulf of Tonkin Incident was a fabrication. See this article.

Daryl Bradford Smith interviews Dr. Morgan Reynolds and Eric Hufschmid

Bush administration Labor Dept. economist, Dr. Morgan Reynolds, and Eric Hufschmid, author of "Painful Questions", spell out clearly the evidence proving 9-11 was done by our government and agents from Israel.

Click the links below for the MP3 audio files
Hour_1, from Nov 16, 2005
Hour_2, from Nov 16, 2005

Indira Singh Interviewed by Michael Corbin

Got a heads up tonight that Indira Singh recently did an interview with Michael Corbin on a radio show called 'A Closer Look' out of Colorado. I haven't had a chance to listen to the nearly 3 hour interview so I will just post the summary off of

1st and 2nd Hour:
Michael interviews Indira Singh, a whistleblower on 9/11. Indira links some very important facts in her investigation that leads to disturbing conclusions about who was behind 9/11 and why.

Here is a link to their download page:

9/11 Related Cartoon Strip

Cory You sent in this strip today, thought it was pretty impressive art and worth sharing. You can check out his site at

I had a few emails back and forth with him and it sounds like he would be more than willing to do more comics on the subject in the future. If any of y

To All "Friendly" Media

Given the past few weeks' exciting news regarding Able Danger, and Professor Steven E. Jones, people have been starting to ask questions about what happened on that fateful day. We at would like to ask anyone within the media, specifically, the "Friendly Media", Mike Malloy, Alex Jones, etc... to please contact us for interviews so we can inform people what it is they can do to help.

Please contact Janice Matthews at, or Jon Gold at, and we will make the time to appear on your show.

Massive Grab Bag of the Week

It is so amazing how much is being said lately about 9/11 each and every week. What is even more amazing is how the mainstream media continues to ignore the 9/11 elephant in the room. When I first started this blog I was worried that covering only new 9/11 related news would be to narrow a scope to be consistent, guess I was wrong.

So, kick back, relax, and catch up on a ton of 9/11 related stuff from this week.

Tucker Carlson, PNAC & 9/11 - Another PNAC 9/11 Connection

Here is a bit more about Tucker Carlson's interview with the physics professor who put forth a paper claiming explosives were used to destroy the WTC on 9/11... just prior to the professor's appearance on Carlson's program, Tucker's guest was someone from the Weekly Standard (this guy was a regular guest).

Prof. Jones 'Bows Out Of The Limelight'

Its been an incredible week, hopefully someone will pick up the torch:

The BYU professor, who thinks explosions most likely brought down the twin towers, is now limiting his media appearances to only 'peer reviews.' Read his last words to the media here in the Arctic Beacon.

The BYU physics professor who thinks explosions brought down the WTC said Wednesday he's "bowing out of the limelight" and limiting his media appearances to only academic peer reviews.

Conservative Professor Steven E. Jones has been barraged by media appearances since releasing a 19 page paper last week, saying "pre-positioned explosives" most likely brought down the twin WTC towers as well as WTC No. 7.

Open Thread - Taking a Break

It has been a long couple of nights for me and others waiting up 'til the crack of dawn to report on Tucker's latest statements. So tonight I'm going to catch up on some things, and leave the reporting up to you guys.

Send in your comments and new articles and later tonight I'll post a grab bag of your submissions and a few email submissions I've received as well.

Tucker Carlson Resorts to Calling 9/11 Skeptics 'Quacks'

Tonight Tucker Carlson played one voicemail from a caller who thought he was wrong in his slander of Jones, and another from a FDNY firefighter who thought he was right, and that Steven Jones was a 'quack'. Tucker then said that 'he knew' that Steven Jones was 'a quack', and that 'it is because of people like you that I had qualms about that story in the first place, people who lived through that day' (referring to the FDNY caller).