
Moussaoui's life depends on what U.S. knew before 9/11


WASHINGTON (AP) -- The fact that the U.S. government overlooked numerous warning signs in the run-up to the September 11 attacks is an old story that is being used in a new way in the Zacarias Moussaoui case. It could save his life.

With the admitted al Qaeda conspirator facing a death penalty trial early next year, the judge framed a key question in a recent closed-door hearing: Even if Moussaoui had told the FBI everything that he knew, would that have enabled the government to avert the 2001 terrorist strikes?

Former Cleveland Mayor Reported Flt.93 Landed There on 9/11

It is interesting that this is getting some press all of a sudden. The Cleveland Airport Mystery has been discussed quite a bit on Internet newsgroups and definitely lends itself to the plane swap and bumble plane theories:


By Greg Szymanski

On the morning of 9/11 a little known Cincinnati television station ran a story saying Flight 93 landed at Cleveland International Airport instead of crashing into the Pentagon as claimed in the official government story.

Bombs in the Towers - - Why and How

Here is an article discussing why and how bombs were used in the towers. The most interesting part of this article is the statement that a video interview of the witness to the power down, who I assume will be Scott Forbes, is forthcoming. This video will go a long way to making our case:


When people are exposed to the overwhelming evidence that bombs brought down the World Trade Centers on 9/11 (see for example this short article and this essay), they often ask two questions:

New York picks SAIC to secure WTC site

Does it make any sense to have any security at the WTC site? Because when a 'terrorist' decides to strike, all the security provisions put in place will be noticeably absent anyway. Norad will stand down, bomb sniffing dogs will be removed, buildings will be powered down, etc. Oh well, gotta convince the public that they are being protected right?


New York Gov. George Pataki's office said yesterday that San Diego's SAIC has been hired to help authorities create a master security plan for the World Trade Center site while it is being rebuilt.

9/11 Mass Murderer of Americans getting standing ovations...in America?

Here is a posting at a 911TruthAction group by Greg Nixon asking a very valid question. The perpetrators of 9/11 should not be able to walk outside their doors without running into one of us, never mind getting standing ovations at colleges.

If we could all put our differences aside long enough to ensure there are several of us at every event that these guys attend, we would be having a much bigger impact:


What's wrong with Americans? Or should I say with the 9/11 truth

Steven E. Jones, Brigham Young Physics Professor, Thinks Bombs, Not Planes, Toppled WTC



Y. Professor Thinks Bombs, Not Planes, Toppled WTC

The physics of 9/11 - including how fast and symmetrically one of the World Trade Center buildings fell - prove that official explanations of the collapses are wrong, says a Brigham Young University physics professor.

NIST: Weak steel not a factor in WTC collapse

Kind of an old article, but definitely worth revisiting:


Early tests on steel beams from the World Trade Center show they generally met or were stronger than design requirements, ruling them out as a contributing cause of the collapse of the towers, federal investigators said Wednesday.

Engineers with the National Institute of Standards and Technology have conducted preliminary tests on some of the 236 pieces of steel from the wreckage, said Frank Gayle, who is leading NIST's review of the steel.

Flight 77 Passenger's Perfectly Intact ID Card Found at Pentagon Meltdown

I thought the "corpse still strapped in a seat" was an urban myth???


One day after 9/11 the perfectly unscathed passport of Satam Al Suqami, one of the alleged 19 hijackers, was found several blocks from Ground Zero, even though its next to impossible such a flimsy item escaped the towering inferno unblemished.

Now comes another piece of mysterious evidence, like the Al Suqami passport, never before revealed to the public and overlooked by authorities and the media, showing again the FBI probably was busy planting evidence at all 9/11 locations, including the Pentagon.

Paul Isaac, 911 First Responder on Rense Tonight

Short notice on this one. For those that don't know, Paul Iaac is the firefighter that made the statement that half of the NY firefighters knew 9/11 was an Inside Job. Thanks to letsroll911.org for this information:

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