Donald Rumsfeld and the Demolition of WTC 7

When former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was asked about World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC 7), he claimed that he had never heard of it. This was despite the unprecedented destruction of that 47-story building and its relationship to the events of 9/11 that shaped Rumsfeld’s career. Although not hit by a plane, WTC 7 experienced free fall into its own footprint on the afternoon of 9/11—through the path of what should have been the most resistance. The government agency charged with investigating the building’s destruction ultimately admitted that it had been in free fall during a portion of its descent. That fact makes explosive demolition the only logical explanation. Considering how WTC 7 might have been demolished leads to some interesting facts about Rumsfeld and his associates.

The one major tenant of WTC 7 was Salomon Smith Barney (SSB), the company that occupied 37 of the 47 floors in WTC 7. A little discussed fact is that Rumsfeld was the chairman of the SSB advisory board and Dick Cheney was a board member as well. Rumsfeld had served as chairman of the SSB advisory board since its inception in 1999. According to the financial disclosures he made in his nomination process, during the same period Rumsfeld had also been a paid consultant to the Director of Central Intelligence, George Tenet. Rumsfeld and Cheney had to resign from their CIA and SSB positions in 2001 when they were confirmed as members of George W. Bush’s cabinet.

Several of Rumsfeld and Cheney’s colleagues had access to, or personal knowledge of, WTC 7. Secret Service agent Carl Truscott, who was in charge of the Presidential Protection Division on 9/11, knew the building well because he had worked at the Secret Service’s New York field office located there. Furthermore, Tenet’s CIA secretly operated a “false front of another federal organization” from within WTC 7.  That false front might have been related to the Secret Service, the Internal Revenue Service, Rumsfeld’s Department of Defense, or the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), all of which were listed as tenants of WTC 7. The SEC lost many important documents when the building was destroyed, including much of what was needed to effectively prosecute Enron and WorldCom.

Political Conspiracies

The attack on 9/11 was a horrific act, but it is the story—the words, if you will—that surround the act that have given it meaning. The meaning conveyed by "You are either with us, or against us." or "We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud." are perhaps some of the more blatant examples of how the events of 9/11 have been framed to be the foundation of the Great Fear society. But, more insidious, is the use of the phrase "conspiracy theorist" to defend the official view from critics. The frequency and effectiveness of its use in this way has been so powerful that it is now part of the lexicon used to discredit anyone with a contrarian view of the world.

Why Has CSPAN Been Talking About WTC7 & 9/11 So Often?

Why all of a sudden is CSPAN's Washington Journal program, as well as their viewers, talking about WTC7 and 9/11?

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Watch more CSPAN calls here:

Just in case you forgot, the Washington Journal (CSPAN) phone numbers are:
Republican line: 1-202-585-3881
Democrat line: 1-202-585-3880

PNAC 2.0: DC Think Tanks Create New Cold War Tipping Point

On March 3rd, 2014 Abby Martin decided to speak her mind and express her disappointment regarding the Crimea media coverage from all sides of the spectrum live on her television show, Breaking The Set. The story went viral on the mainstream media, only because her show airs on Russian backed RT, and Russia had just stepped into the conflict following the coup in Ukraine. Immediately following this action, a cadre of younger thirty-something neoconservatives in the heart of Washington DC tried to smear Abby after discovering her political views. In addition to the distorted take-down attempts against her, they tried to hijack her stand and manipulate it into anti-Russian / pro-US propaganda.

The “Strategy of Tension” in the Cold War Period

At the Journal of 9/11 Studies, we have a new article that is a revision of an important chapter from 9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out. Dr. Daniele Ganser revised his chapter for use as an article at the Journal. Here’s an excerpt.

“Having examined much of the data related to the 9/11 events, I am convinced a new and thorough investigation is needed. But when I have questioned the official narrative of 9/11 in my native Switzerland I have encountered vigorous objections from people. Why would any government in the world, they have asked, attack its own population or, only slightly less criminal, deliberately allow a foreign group to carry out such an attack? While brutal dictatorships, such as the regime of Pol Pot in Cambodia, are known to have had little respect for the life and dignity of their citizens, surely a Western democracy, the thinking goes, would not engage in such an abuse of power. And if criminal elements within a Western democracy, in North America or in Europe, had engaged in such a crime, would not elected officials or the media find out and report on it? Is it imaginable that criminal persons within a government could commit terrorist operations against innocent citizens, who support the very same government with the taxes they pay every year? Would nobody notice? These are difficult questions, even for academics who specialize in the history of secret warfare. But in fact, there are historical examples of such operations being implemented by Western democracies.”

For the Safety of All New Yorkers - High-Rise Safety Initiative


For the Safety of All New Yorkers
High-Rise Safety Initiative High-Rise Safety Initiative·

Published on May 4, 2014

Official video of the High-Rise Safety Initiative, featuring NYC architect and engineer Don Butterfield. Visit

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We Must Reach $185,000 by June 1st

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From $135,000 to $185,000 by June 1st

Our petition drive kicked off on May 1st thanks to the generosity of more than 1,000 supporters who together contributed over $135,000. Through Sunday we've gathered over 1,000 signatures.

$135,000 will fund our petition teams through the first week of June, but to complete the first round of petitioning and submit 70,000+ signatures on July 3rd we must reach $185,000 by June 1st.

Dr. Frank Legge Interview : What Really Hit the Pentagon on 9/11? A Scientific Assessment

Dr. Frank Legge Interview

Interview conducted March 1st, 2014

MP3 and Link to Show Notes:

What was it that blew a hole in the Pentagon on 9/11? Was it really American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757? Or was it a much smaller aircraft? A missile, perhaps? Or just pre-planted explosives?

Joining us to discuss these questions is Dr. Frank Legge, PhD chemist and long-standing researcher into 9/11, who shares with us from his research the many reasons why he believes it is now established beyond reasonable doubt that AA Flight 77 did in fact hit the Pentagon that day.

Insisting nevertheless that the overall evidence of 9/11 unambiguously speaks of an "inside job", Dr. Legge warns of the dangers of dogmatism within the 9/11 Truth Movement, and explains why he sees 9/11 as a transnational elitist crime aimed ultimately at authoritarian One-World Government.

Change is Happening!

The efforts of the 9/11 truth community to get the attention of "official" media are having the desired effect. I know this because recently our local paper, the St. Louis Post Dispatch, published a series of letters to the editor (with associated comments in their on-line forums) that gave real voice to the questions frequently raised here.

They have published letters to the editor about 9/11 issues a time or two before, but this time they published a series of three related letters over the course of about a week where—in my opinion—the arguments for questioning 9/11 spoke much louder than the opposing view. This kind of quiet attention from a local editorial staff seems to clearly signal an awakening to the core 9/11 questions, particularly since the last word went to a fellow questioner of the official story of 9/11. Further, the on-line comments were overwhelmingly from people who were largely well informed about the holes in the government's theories of what happened on that day.

Following are links to the article that started the exchange and to the letters that followed:

April 2nd - Original Editorial that inspired 9/11 letter

April 5th – First Letter-to-the-Editor Raising What-Happened-on-9/11 as a Issue

April 8th - Letter Defending 9/11 Commission Report

April 14th – Letter Critiquing Defense of 9/11 Commission Findings

To read the on-line comments follow the link at the bottom of each web page.

The years of efforts by the activists who write and/or are reported on here are bringing the question of what really happened on 9/11 to the public's attention. Thank you! It's working. Keep it up!


The Scientists For 911 Truth have posted a new article on the complaint served by Dr. William Pepper on Todd Zinser, Inspector General of the Department of Commerce.