Malicious nonsense posing as proof

You know what is hilarious about this article, the author makes this statement:

He gives the impression of impeccable logic, painstaking scrutiny of photos and footage and of inescapable conclusions. But he asks no experts for explanation of the many "anomalies" he presents...

But then he dismisses the entire documentary without discussing any of the topics at all, or asking any experts for their opinions, he dismisses it based solely on the timeslot that it was aired!!! Hows that for journalism?

Thanks to Edward for submitting this:

Silverstein's 'Pull It' Comments - Whatever Excuse Works

Silverstein Answers WTC Building 7 Charges -
(be sure to check out this whole article for a great summary)

The State Department, as part of its pathetic efforts to debunk 9/11 research, has posted the response from Silverstein's spokesperson Dara McQuillan on its website. It reads as follows.

Australian Commercial TV Channel airs "In Plane Site"

911: In Plane Site (Special Presentation) PG
The official story of that day was told on live TV by reporters, policemen, firefighters, and other on-the-scene eyewitnesses, however, that footage was shown only once and then… it was never repeated.
(Adult Themes)

Fabulous news in my book, seems to have been well received by the Aussies too, you can check out some of their comments here:

Apocalypse of Coercion: Why We Listen to What “They” Say About 9/11

Thanks to The Professional for submitting this:

“Apocalypse of Coercion” uses Douglas Rushkoff’s landmark book Coercion as a touchstone for understanding 9/11 as a psychological warfare operation. Rushkoff’s well-researched insights into the mind-control techniques of car salesmen, spin doctors, cult leaders, and CIA psych-war specialists explain how 9/11 was designed as a war-triggering “New Pearl Harbor.”

These insights also explain why so many people can continue to believe the official myth of 9/11 in the teeth of the overwhelming evidence against it. Perhaps most importantly, Rushkoff predicts that new communications technologies promise to put an explosive end to the era of pervasive coercion. His prophecy of the coming apocalyptic end of coercion explains why the coercers were desperate enough to try to re-infantalize the public through 9/11 in order to maintain the old coercive structures of social control.

Impeach Bush and Cheney Now!

Thanks to Jon for submitting this:

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Citing a litany of alleged high crimes and misdemeanors, abuses of power, and violations of the U.S. Constitution, Green Party leaders urged Congress to initiate impeachment proceedings against President George W. Bush and Vice President Cheney as soon as possible.

"The evidence that President Bush has abused his office and betrayed the trust of the American people is now so overwhelming that failure to undertake impeachment would make Congress even more complicit in this administration's lawlessness," said Nan Garrett, Georgia Green Party co-chair and spokesperson for the National Women's Caucus. "Three more years of Bush and Cheney will do lasting damage to the rule of law and result in even more death and destruction under Bush's reckless policies."

Bush Pushes for Patriot Act Renewal

Anytime any politician works this hard on anything (voice rising in apparent irritation???), the whole country better stand up and take notice:

Many key provisions of the law were to expire Dec. 31. Amid a debate over whether the act sufficiently protects civil liberties, most Senate Democrats and a few Republicans united against legislation that would have renewed several provisions permanently while extending others for four years.

25 Reasons Why "White Collar Terrorists" Are To Blame for 9-11

1) The "terrorist" attacks were completely predictable and, in fact, predicted. Forewarnings were issued by many patriotic and heroic individuals to government and military officials well in advance of Sept. 11, 2001.
2) On Friday, September 7, Florida Governor, Jeb Bush, brother to the President, issued an Executive Order in which members of the Florida National Guard were activated, "for the purpose of training to support law-enforcement personnel and emergency-management personnel in the event of civil disturbances or natural disaster." Perhaps the president and his brother received Dr. Nicolson's warnings or were the source of the warnings?

Sometimes, It's "Hard Work" Finding Good Evidence

Please see the original for links to supporting material:

By Jon Gold

"It's hard work. It's incredibly hard... It's hard work... And it's hard work... The plan says we'll train Iraqi soldiers so they can do the hard work... You know, it's hard work to try to love her as best as I can, knowing full well that the decision I made caused her loved one to be in harm's way... It's hard work. Everybody knows it's hard work, because there's a determined enemy that's trying to defeat us."

'One of the most explosive US political corruption scandals in decades' - Not Quite

The big story of the night is Jack Abramoff's guilty plea which is consistently being referred to as the largest political scandal of our generation by the mainstream media.

Now the question is, how deep will this investigation really be? And does his corruption even compare to the corruption surrounding this administration and 9/11? Are they in any way tied?

Just a few quick searches of 9/11, Abramoff, and heroin will yield a few nights worth of research, is there any chance these things might come out?

Accomplishments of 2005 and Goals for 2006 - A Year in Review

Well, it is the end of 2005 and as good a time as any to list out our accomplishments for 2005, and our plans for 2006.

In general, the first year (or 9 months really) of has been quite a success. We have come a long way from the initial idea and are still holding true to the initial goals of the site. Throughout the year we were able to run 19 blogads, some for specifically and a handful for the DC Truth Convergence. I was lucky enough to receive just over a thousand dollars in donations which helped tremendously with the nearly three thousand dollars spent this year. Aside from money however, one of the largest gains for the site (and my mental health) was picking up SBG as a team member, and building a strong base of users who help the site through submitting news, videos, music, suggestions, and more. In general this site would be nothing without the help from everyone who has donated, emailed, commented, and spread the word of this site, thanks everyone!