In Your Face and Hidden in Plain Sight - Submission from Michael Wolsey

Michael Wolsey emailed out this article he wrote a few weeks back. It is not posted on any other sites currently, so here is the article in its entirety.

In Your Face and Hidden in Plain Sight
December 7, 2005
by Michael Wolsey
Colorado 911 Visibility

A recent story from November 10th 2005 by Doug Thompson of Capitol Hill Blue highlights yet another example of a long string of writings, memo’s and very real plans which advocate or suggest that terrorist attacks could be used to further a political agenda. The article reports on a "confidential memo" which "suggests that a new attack by terrorists on U.S. soil could reverse the sagging fortunes of President George W. Bush as well as the GOP and "restore his image as a leader of the American people." The article goes on to quote one Bush aide as saying "The President's popularity was at an all-time high following the 9/11 attacks," admits one aide. "Americans band together at a time of crisis.".

Open Thread

It's been a long few weeks for me, from being car-less, to having relatives visit, to going out of town and more, but it is time to get back to work.

First off, new events have been posted by, including an event with John Judge.

Next, I've added a couple more links to the links panel on the right, including Question 9/11 blog, and who has been running a ton of blogads on a variety of different blogs.

Finally, has Loose Change Second Edition up for sale including deception dollars with every order.

The New Pearl Harbor - On-line

I assume this is published with David Ray Griffin's permission. If anyone knows otherwise, please let me know:

--- Link Removed ---

Hi all, I've removed the link since there is some question as to whether or not its legal. Buy the book instead!!!

The Associated Press Promotes 9/11 Perjury Witness As Presidential Candidate

Condoleezza Rice’s star rising, secretary of state most popular member of Bush administration

The FAA warned in 1998 that Al-Qaeda could "seek to hijack a commercial jet and slam it into a U.S. landmark."

Two years before 9/11, a federal report was released by the Federal Research Division entitled, "Sociology and Psychology of Terrorism: Who Becomes a Terrorist and Why?" In that document, it stated, "Suicide bomber(s) belonging to al-Qaida’s Martyrdom Battalion could crash-land an aircraft packed with high explosives (C-4 and semtex) into the Pentagon, the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), or the White House."

Holiday Grab Bag

Happy Holidays everyone!! Remember to give out flyers, CDs, and DVDs this year. Lets make sure that Bush/Cheney are spending next Christmas in a jail cell.

So How Were Those 911 Cell Calls Made?
Even though commercial availability of cell phone use in flight is approximately 24 months away, American Airlines knows that our customers want to stay connected and this proof-of-concept event is an important step in bringing in-cabin wireless services to our customers."

The Three Reasons For 911
911 took place for three reasons that were spelled out in a War Plan designed under the Clinton Administration and implemented by Bush. That statement should not surprise you since there has been nothing original come from Bush in his entire life.

A Request

Please follow the link for much more contact information and email addresses:

In the coming weeks, hopefully, hearings are going to take place in regards to Able Danger. I don't know if this will be the only opportunity for more truths to be exposed, or if those responsible, will finally be held accountable. I don't know if Curt Weldon is going to expose the entire cover-up, or just small portions of it.

I do know this. If this is our only opportunity for legal proceedings regarding 9/11, then we have to make the most of it.

What Bush Thinks of the Constitution:

Here's a new 9/11 blogger to check out, looks pretty good...

While we're on the subject of President Bush's lack of regard for the U.S. Constitution, here's you chance to vote for impeachment:

Letters to the Editor

A great way to spread the word, get writing, we can all send a letter or two to local papers:

If I had to pick the best things I've ever read in the Tucson Weekly, the piece by Randy Serraglio on Sept. 11 conspiracy theories would make my short list. While other papers, if we're lucky, might suggest that lies were used to justify the war in Iraq, those "lies" are usually about nuclear weapons or links between Iraq and al-Qaida. Rarely does any paper dare to suggest that the official account of the Sept. 11 attacks was also a collection of lies.

9/11 pilot trainer lashes out

I guess this pilot, much like the supposed hijackers, were pretty surprised to hear they were involved in the worst terrorist attack on American soil in history. Oh well, no sense investigating the attacks, its not like the war on terrorism would benefit from knowing who was actually piloting those planes that day. Thanks to Jon Gold for this. A discussion forum is available at the following link, let em have it:,,2-10-1462_1854770,00.html

An Algerian pilot once accused of training the September 11 hijackers filed a complaint against Scotland Yard's anti-terrorist branch on Thursday, his lawyer said.

Senate Passes 6-Month Patriot Act Extension

Look for the next False Flag attack to occur within the next 6 months to ensure Bush gets his wish of making the Patriot Act laws permanent.

Check out the statement near the end of the article regarding Michael Chertoff lying awake at night worrying about the next attack. Were these guys lying awake at night worrying about the next terror attack when they were actively blocking/ignoring/covering up the pre-9/11 intelligence that an attack was imminent?