October 2008

(For a historical archive of our old site visit http://911blogger.com/archive)

Actions of September 11

My apologies for not posting this here sooner but there were so many actions around the world on the eleventh of September and the reports never stopped coming in. There were more actions for 9/11 truth in more locations on one day than ever before. There are 188 pics in the slideshow below and I'm still adding to it. Check out the blog at truthaction.org for the full report including a fairly massive collection of videos and a lot of great text reports.

And please - if you care about 9/11 truth and you are physically able - join us in action on October 11. It's a Saturday, it's international Freedom Not Fear 2008 day and if you haven't joined us before or it's a been awhile since you have - there's no time like the present and we need you now more than ever before! The next few months are crucial to the sustenance of our movement for truth. And don't forget to document your actions and send us a few snapshots, a video or even just a few words about your action... the more action that people see, the more they want to join us in action.


The Eleventh Day of Every Month

The VIOLENT American Revolution of 2008

please forward this if you agree...

Don't succumb to the invitations by Glen Beck and others, including agent provaceteurs in the truth and freedom movements to get violent in our actions.
people will wake up.
it might take them losing their 401K's or whatever but eventually when they have nothing left to protect or somewhere between now and that point they will wake up.
perhaps our greatest contribution will be seen by historians as that we led the way in a peaceful fashion.
consider this...
the people that have not woken up by this point are less enlightened individuals.
when they do wake up, these same people will have not only their ire against the counter efforts and the sources of these counter efforts towards their survival but also the guilt of not having acted sooner.
these same people will also be woken up rather abruptly and you know that is not good for maintaining an even temper.

so the more that we expand in influence the more responsibility that we have to set a good example in a Ghandi-like, MLK-like fashion.

Press TV 9/11 Discussion

more airtime for truth :) Wendy Grossman and Nick Pope feebly attempt to hold up the OCT against Annie Machon and Ian Henshall

Fundraiser reminder (1 of 2)

This is the first of two reminders, the second reminder will be posted oct. 20th:

Original fundraiser post: http://911blogger.com/node/17995

911Truth.org's Grassroots Conference Call Tonight At 9PM EST

The last one was REALLY good. - Jon

Dear Colleagues,

Please forgive me for this very late notice... I have apparently lost another week! I guess class warfare unmasked, threats of martial law, and new appropriations bills have kept us all occupied... Seems to me the theory that time is literally speeding up seems to be proving true!

Response to Media Lens Alert Intellectual Cleansing Part 1

Response to Media Lens Alert Intellectual Cleansing Part 1


By: Jonathan Cook

Sent to Media Lens October 5, 2008

Lesson 1: It’s all about money

In many ways, my introduction to journalism was far from typical. In the mid-1980s, after university, I was casting around for a career and decided to “try” journalism. I called the local free newspaper in the city in which I had graduated, Southampton, and offered my services.

Free newspapers were a new and rapidly growing form of print media. Cheap production had been made possible by the new technologies about to revolutionise the working practices of all papers, including those in Fleet Street. I was using a small Macintosh computer, writing stories and designing the pages, at a time when the nationals were still laboriously typesetting. At the Southampton Advertiser, we produced a weekly newspaper with just four editorial staff: an editor, two reporters and a photographer. The advertising staff was more than twice that size.

Philip Zelikow Had 9/11 Report Rewritten To Be More Favorable Of Condi

This is a new entry at historycommons.org. Condoleezza Rice didn't deserve "more favorable" treatment. She belongs in prison.

May-June 2004: Zelikow Has Portions of 9/11 Commission Report Rewritten to Be More Favorable to National Security Adviser Rice