New Quotes From Recently Released FDNY Tapes

Another 9/11 Smoking Gun?

Emergency personnel tapes released in August contain the following statements concerning "flashes" in the world trade centers prior to their collapse:

The captain of emergency medical services said "somewhere around the middle of the world trade center there was this orange and red flash coming out ... initially it was just one flash then this flash just kept popping all the way around the building and that building had started to explode ... and with each popping sound it was initially an orange and then red flash came out of the building and then it would just go all around the building on both sides ... as far as could see these popping sounds and the explosions were getting bigger going both up and down and then all around the building" (page 15 -- pdf file; Google's web version is here)

Orwell and the 9/11 “Intelligence Triumph” - Kevin Barrett

Orwell and the 9/11 “Intelligence Triumph” -

The preface of veteran Middle East CIA agent Robert Baer's 2002 book See No Evil ends on an astonishing note: "The other day a reporter friend told me that one of the highest-ranking CIA officials had said to him, off the record, that when the dust finally clears, Americans will see that September 11 was a triumph for the intelligence community, not a failure."

9/11 an intelligence triumph? If the horrific, nationally televised mass murder of almost 3,000 Americans, the destruction of our most prominent architectural monument, the successful attack on our nation's top military command center, the controlled demolition of our Constitution, and the initiation of a series of military quagmires that are destroying our economy and hence our world primacy was an “intelligence triumph,” maybe we need more intelligence failures. Patrick Fitzgerald, will you please give Baer's journalist friend the Judith Miller treatment so we can learn the identity of this top-ranking CIA official who considers 9/11 an intelligence triumph? Perhaps he could be persuaded to kindly explain to your grand jury exactly what he meant.

Has the Iraq War Made Us Safer?

Check it out, from the horses mouth itself. PNAC is pulling out the Pearl Harbor comparisons again, and making yet another pathetic attempt of linking Iraq to 9/11. Jon Gold made the following clever statement that may one day be spoken at a future 9/11 trial:

"...And on the 4th Anniversary of that dreadful day, your so called, "Think Tank" dared to legitimize your actions by comparing them to the very event that inspired you in the first place. As a way to legitimize your crime. How dare you... "

Are we as a nation safer for having invaded Iraq? Was the decision to remove Saddam from power after 9-11 a step forward in the war on terror, or not? The answer is yes.

Is the answer absolutely, yes? Of course not. Wars don't work that way. Did the decision by the country to wage war on both Japan and Germany in the wake of Pearl Harbor make the U.S. safer at first? No. Even after critical successes at Midway, in North Africa and Italy, thousands of Americans still lost their lives. The war had to be won, and the cost was high precisely because our enemies knew it was going to be a fight to the death. And Americans understood that security could not be had in a piecemeal fashion given the nature of the enemies we faced.


The disastrous 9/11 attack took place a long time ago, yet its essential elements are still being debated on the Internet. While the disputes themselves and the supporting evidence make for disturbing reading, their existence continues to illustrate the gulf between a sizeable minority of American citizenry and the government of the country in which it must put its trust if civil society is to prosper. What is just as disturbing - or even moreso - is the quantity and quality of the evidence that continues to turn up. Much of it would seem to indicate that indeed there are puzzling discrepancies between what is commonly understood to be the case about 9/11 and what actually occurred.

9/11 produced by vast conspiracy


My argument is as straightforward as it is secure and convincing: Our government was behind the terror attacks of 9-11.

To be believed, the argument requires that one think adult thoughts, have a more than casually informed view of history, and be willing to distinguish a fact from a sweet, soothing fiction.

We are told that on 9-11, 2001, we were attacked by a band of terrorist prodigies. 19 fanatical Arab wunderkinds of terror. They eluded our vast intelligence network and somehow managed to take out the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.

9-11: NIST shill outs himself on mainstream physics board

I guess its not that people are afraid to talk, its that they are afraid of losing their jobs.

I work at the American society of civil engineer, an office which contributed massively at the NIST report. I work at the public relation department, so if I seem angry when I post, its because my *** is on the line; they want to shut down our department because of people like you who oppose the official version. Politicians don't want another scandal.

American debacle

More war related then 9/11 related, however, you couldn't have had war without first having 9/11.

Some 60 years ago Arnold Toynbee concluded, in his monumental "Study of History," that the ultimate cause of imperial collapse was "suicidal statecraft." Sadly for George W. Bush's place in history and — much more important — ominously for America's future, that adroit phrase increasingly seems applicable to the policies pursued by the United States since the cataclysm of 9/11.

Simple Logic Part II

Reports from FEMA and NIST which attempt to explain how airplane impacts and the subsequent fires brought down the towers on 9/11 suffer from two major flaws. First of all, investigations by government agencies can hardly be considered independent; secondly, both documents attempt to explain the collapses based on the foregone conclusion that the airplanes impacted the towers creating a set of circumstances eventually resulting in their collapse. These reports concede that the collapses were not brought down by the impacts themselves nor the burning jet fuel, but rather by the resultant infernos which were responsible for weakening the structure of the towers causing their demise. Considering the fact that a third tower collapsed that day without suffering any airplane impact or jet fuel fire, the official story DEMANDS that plain old office fires caused the collapses, because if they didn't, the official story falls apart.

Denial Stops Here: From 9/11 To Peak Oil And Beyond

New DVD from Ruppert, coming soon: