
Implications of September 11 Flight Transponder Activity - Aidan Managhan

(from Kevin Ryan, editor J911S)

A new article has been published at the Journal of 9/11 Studies. It's by Aidan Managhan and is called Implications of September 11 Flight Transponder Activity.

Aidan Monaghan is an engineer and an open records researcher of the 9/11 attacks. He is the author of the book Declassifying 9/11: A Between the Lines and Behind the Scenes Look at the September 11 Attacks.

Here's the abstract:
It has been the consensus of informed observers that the loss or alteration of Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) information for the four September 11 flights was caused by accused hijackers allegedly seizing control of the aircraft flight decks and manually turning off or adjusting each plane’s Mode S (Mode Select) transponder. This was presumably for the purpose of evading detection and interception by U.S. air defense systems. However, this view appears to be based only on circumstantial information - the simple loss or change of SSR flight data to Air Traffic Control (ATC) – and seems unsupported by conclusive facts. Following these transponder operation changes, ATC was still able to tag and track the primary radar returns of three flights and estimate their locations, directions, ground speeds, and even altitude changes.


Stand for the Truth: A Government Researcher Speaks Out

A&E drops new video from former NIST employee. I find the production, the pacing, the length to be really spot on. Will be bookmarking this to send out to people now and when the next Anniversary (Patriots Day) comes around.

"In August of 2016, a former employee of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) began looking into the reports his agency had released years earlier on the collapse of the World Trade Center. What he found shook him to the core.

In this poignant half-hour interview, Peter Michael Ketcham tells his story of discovering that the organization where he had worked for 14 years had deliberately suppressed the truth about the most pivotal event of the 21st century".


Moussaoui : “I am willing to fully testify on the 9/11 case ”

Via Miami Herald


    “I am willing to fully testify on the 9/11 case,” Zacarias Moussaoui wrote in broken English in January, “even if I was charge on the death penalty case as it incriminate me.” It is handwritten and signed “Slave of Allah.”

    The first docketed letter arrived at war-court judiciary headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia, on Nov. 12, 2015 in an envelope from the U.S. penitentiary. In that one he offers to testify about “the real 9/11 mastermind,” then names Saudi Prince Turki, Princess Haifa, and a man named Omar. A lightly redacted Jan. 29, 2016 letter mentions a possible interview with an attorney for KSM — the U.S. intelligence nickname for Khalid Sheik Mohammed, accused here as the Sept. 11 plot mastermind and awaiting a death-penalty tribunal.

    Moussaoui, whose recent letter offered to testify in that case, wrote Pohl last year that he wants to “expose the Saudi Royal double game with UBL,” from Usama bin Laden, another U.S. intelligence acronym.

Why Did the Secret Service Leave the President and a School Full of Children in Danger in the Middle of the 9/11 Attacks?

President Bush at the Booker Elementary School

President George W. Bush was allowed to continue with a routine visit to a school when the terrorist attacks occurred on September 11, 2001. Remarkably, members of the Secret Service and other personnel responsible for protecting the president failed to evacuate him from the Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida, after they learned that a second plane had crashed into the World Trade Center and it became clear that America was under attack.

As the nation's leader, Bush should have been considered a likely target for terrorists. Furthermore, his schedule had been publicized in advance and so terrorists could have found out where he would be on September 11.

Sibel Edmonds tells her full story - Uncovers "The Untouchables"

Newsbud - http://www.newsbud.com/
Published on Feb 17, 2017
Newsbud presents major new revelations by former FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds. Edmonds, known as the most classified and gagged person in US history, takes on the US Congress and the culprit media in one of the most significant and longest ongoing political/criminal cover-ups involving the FBI, a notorious political mob in Chicago, a well-known elected official and her convicted criminal spouse.
Further, she renews her public call for joint testimony under oath before the US Congress.

Do not miss this in-depth exposé shedding light on just how notoriously corrupt criminals are given immunity and untouchable status, not only by the US government, but also by the Deep-State collaborators- the US media.


Sibel Edmonds’ State Secrets Privilege Gallery

With Regards To Philip Zelikow, What Qualifies As Suspicious Behavior?

Jon Gold

If you don’t know who he is, Philip Zelikow was the Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission. Paul Sperry wrote, “though he has no vote, (Zelikow) arguably has more sway than any member, including the chairman. Zelikow picks the areas of investigation, the briefing materials, the topics for hearings, the witnesses, and the lines of questioning for witnesses… In effect, he sets the agenda and runs the investigation.”

Terrorism and Terror Propaganda in 2016


There were only three terrorist events in the United States in 2016 and only one resulted in deaths. That is not reason to celebrate, however, as it is clear that many Americans have not learned much about terrorism since 9/11. Moreover, the U.S. will see a new president that desperately needs to improve his public image and it should be considered how that was accomplished for George W. Bush. A review of U.S. terrorist events since last December is therefore worthwhile as is a look at one of the leading propagandists behind the nation’s terrorism narrative.


The one fatal terrorist incident in 2016 was the June shooting in an Orlando nightclub that ended in the deaths of 50 people. It was the deadliest act of terrorism in the United States since 9/11. The two other attacks were non-fatal but features of the attacks and the official accounts given reflected a familiar pattern in U.S terrorist events.


Regarding 9/11, What Qualifies As Suspicious Behavior?

This is still needed today.

Related Video - Publicly, Separately, Under Oath, Accountable For Lies

Bush, Cheney meet with 9/11 panel

Cheney ‘cannot recall’ almost anything about Plame outing

9/11 Family Steering Committee Press Release

Remembering Frank Legge

Scientist and scholar Frank Legge passed away on October 20th 2016.

Frank was a leader of the international 9/11 Truth Movement. He had been a co-editor of the Journal of 9/11 Studies and a founding member of both Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice and Scientists for 9/11 Truth. His contributions to research into 9/11 will be remembered as among the most important in history.


New 9/11 Timeline Entries: Training Exercises in New York, Fighter Jets' Response on 9/11, Suspicious Man Arrested, and More

From the History Commons Groups blog:

Many entries have been added to the Complete 9/11 Timeline at History Commons, covering various events relating to the 9/11 attacks, including a number of anti-terrorism training exercises held in the years leading up to 9/11 and various incidents from the day of September 11, 2001, itself.

Numerous Exercises Prepared for a Terrorist Attack in New York

Many new timeline entries describe training exercises that were held in New York before 9/11. These include Operation ICE, the city's largest ever terrorism response exercise, which was held in November 1997 and included a simulated chemical attack near the World Trade Center. Another exercise, which tested the response to a biological attack, was held in June 1999 at the city's new emergency command center in World Trade Center Building 7.