New York Magazine Covers 9/11 Truth Movement

The Ground Zero Grassy Knoll - New York Magazine

Quite a lengthy report - which reaches 1.8 million plus viewers no less. I pulled out a few clips which I found interesting, feel free to post yours in the comments.

'People are always coming up with stuff about holograms and planes shooting pods. That's what happens when the truth is systematically suppressed,' says Monica Gabrielle, whose husband, Richard, was killed in the attacks.
Asked if she ever expected to get a 'legacy of truth,' Monica, who manifests an endearingly New Yorkish manner, laughs. 'I must be an idiot because, yeah, I did. I was brought up to believe in things like the U.S. government. But we got screwed. The commission was whitewash, a stonewall. Maybe 3,000 people dead wasn't enough to do the right thing. Did they need 5,000, or 10,000?

'Conspiracy theories,' says Lorie Van Auken with a sigh. She's one of the 'Jersey girls' who pushed the Bush administration to convene the 9/11 Commission. Her husband, a Cantor Fitzgerald employee, was killed in the North Tower. She says, 'That's why we demanded the commission, so there wouldn't be any conspiracy theories.

Beginning of the Week Open Thread

Things are picking up, is it quick enough?

Thanks to all of those who donated so generously for our upcoming major ad, keep 'em coming!

Open thread, have at it!

Round Up of Recent 9/11 Media Coverage

9/11 Truth in the Media -

In the past few weeks, 9/11 truth has been squeaking out, to various degrees, through various media sources, suggesting a broader awareness of the need for 9/11 truth and justice is finally reaching mainstream America -- a little. Following is a sampling of these.

Check the link for the listing of recent 9/11 media coverage.

Private Plane Intercepted by Four F-16s

Private plane strays hundreds of miles before crash

The pilots of F-16s based in Wisconsin intercepted the plane near Madison, Wis., and tracked it to Michigan, where it was picked up by pilots of two F-16s based near Detroit.

The military pilots fired flares to attract the pilot's attention, but were not able to make contact. They tracked it until the moment of the crash, officials said.

"Our aircraft had the civilian aircraft in sight when it abruptly began to descend," said Staff Sgt. Dan Heaton of Michigan's 127th Air National Guard unit.

Armitage may come under scrutiny in CIA leak trial

(Gold9472: Does everyone remember who was sent in place of Condoleeza Rice to the 9/11 Commission Hearings? You guessed it. Richard Armitage. He starts at 2:17.)

A former top State Department official suspected of being the first person to discuss the identity of a CIA official with reporters is expected to testify in the perjury trial of ex-vice presidential aide Lewis "Scooter" Libby, a court motion says.

Pakistan bribed 9/11 commission

Thanks to Erik for sending this in:,0035.htm

Pakistan gave tens of thousands of dollars through its lobbyists in the United States to members of the 9/11 inquiry commission to convince them to drop anti-Pakistan findings from the report, according to Islamabad daily The Friday Times (TFT). The news report said this was disclosed by Foreign Office officials to the Public Accounts Committee at a secret meeting held last Tuesday.

The final 9/11 commission report only mentioned that “The country’s vast unpoliced regions make Pakistan attractive to extremists seeking refuge … Almost all the 9/11 attackers travelled the north-south nexus of Kandahar–Quetta–Karachi.” It recommended that the US should help President Pervez Musharraf with a comprehensive aid effort for Pakistan.

The demolition of the Landmark Tower

Apparently these people took the much more expensive and labor intensive method of bringing down steel framed buildings by using explosives, rather than simply lighting a few fires here and there. Thanks to Monte for sending these in:

March 18, 911 Truth Movement Contingent

Thanks to Jon for finding this:

No. California 911 Truth Alliance and supporters were out spreading the word at the March 18 Anti-War Rally in San Francisco. Holding Signs saying "Neo-Con Jobs: Iraq and 9/11" and passing out information cards, the truth movement hopes to dispell the 911 lie that got the "war on terror" started. By providing well-researched pap

Weekend Grab Bag

George Washington trying to breakthough to the brainwashed masses who are victims of the most successful government propaganda tool we ever encountered. You know the one I mean, Conspiracy Theory:

And while it may be complex and elaborate, and involved well-known people, the theory that 9-11 was carried out by elements of our own government is borne out by the evidence and is backed by some very smart people.

Are you going to be like the ignorant judge? Or are you going to think -- and look at the evidence -- for yourself?

Whats The Truth?

Here's something Dem Bruce Lee Styles has been working on, about 12 MB, check it out: