Further Dirt Dishing in Response to Giuliani's Recent Court Appearance

Rudy Giuliani slavering witness for Moussaoui prosecution - OnlineJournal.com

You’ve come a long way Rudy to World Hero. Or have you? Remember that slip of the tongue from Tom Kenney of FEMA’s National Urban Search and Rescue Team, telling Dan Rather of CBS News that FEMA had arrived in New York on the night of September 10, 2001 (what a coincidence). And you, Rudy, were supposed to use this as your command post on 9/11/2001, after you were to evacuate WTC 7.

So this means what, that you knew that night before that the WTC was going to collapse and didn’t say anything? And you knew about the five major terror hijacking drills that were going to be run on 9/11 that would fill the screen with some 22 plans and render NORAD, in a word, impotent. Yup, read all about them on the link above from Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.

Military Intelligence Pushing Zarqawi Propaganda?

Some military intelligence officials question propagandistic use of Zarqawi in Iraq and U.S. - RawStory

According to a story set for the front page of Monday's Washington Post some intelligence officials question the military's use of Qaeda in Iraq leader al-Zarqawi for propagandistic purposes, RAW STORY has learned.

Also, the article shows the military's propaganda campaign in Iraq has "spilled over into the U.S. media," by revealing that a New York Times journalist published an article based on a "selective leak" which may have been part of "a psychological operations campaign."

The Horror Continues

Sadly, I find myself having to write about the continued problems first responders from 9/11 are facing. The unanswered questions. The continued political usage of 9/11. The obvious complicity on the part of the U.S. Government. All of those things anger me to no end, but the suffering these people are going through... Let's just say anger isn't a strong enough word.

A while back, I wrote an article entitled, A Fallen Hero, which talked about the White House's complicity in the coverup of the 9/11 environmental disaster, the White House's involvement in the coverup of the Katrina disaster, and so on. The death of James Zadroga inspired that piece.

Charlie Sheen on Jimmy Kimmel Live

Spread it around and set your VCRs. Jimmy Kimmel is about to get the biggest ratings he's every seen:


Friday, Apr 14: Actor Charlie Sheen


Real Men Stand Up to Fascists

Spread it far and wide. REAL MEN STAND UP TO FASCISTS (or "Real Men Stand Up to Dictators" -- take your pick). Put it on bumper stickers, posters, freeway blogs, etc.

It is a powerful meme because it redirects the common idea that -- to be a real American man -- you have to rally around the "strong leader", you have to talk tough about the "war on terror", you have to derive pleasure out of watching "our team" (the sole superpower) beat the stuffing out of a bunch of ragtag third-rate armies.

Pak Embassy official’s claim triggers US media interest

Thanks to Jon Gold for this:


WASHINGTON: Investigative reporters, including a couple from a major American TV network, are trying to dig up details of a claim made by a senior Foreign Office official in Islamabad that Pakistan spent thousands of dollars through its lobbyists on member of the 9/11 Commission to drop some of the report’s negative findings about Pakistan.

Loose Change Phoenix Area Schedule

Our own SS is hard at work promoting this thing, if you are in Arizona and interesting in spreading the word, here is the press release:
And here is the list of events:
If you want to coordinate your efforts, let me know, and I'll get you in touch with SS.

Update, from SS:I have been working on two posters all morning. I will attach them for others to use if you want to post them... I have had the posters printed in color at kinkos the 11x17 is $1.87 each. The legal sized prints have lots of white space on the prints and are a little small but about 1.00 less than the mini poster sizes.

Weekend Grab Bag

Things sure have quieted down, the calm before the storm? While we're waiting for the next big thing, here's a little light reading for you:

Can't Have Your Cake and Eat It Too

Bottom line: There could not have been both beginning-of-collapse dust clouds (indicating huge, violently-competing forces) AND collapses at virtually free-fall speeds (indicating only small, minor competition of forces and little resistance).

Weekly Sedition: "Loose Change 9/11"

Forensic Economist from Cambridge University Issues Open Letter to Insurance Committee

9/11 - Bank Buys Broker for CONCEALED DEMOLITION
- 911eyewitness.com

David Hawkins,
Forensic Economist, Foundation Scholar, Cambridge University
British Columbia, Canada Tel: 604-542-0891

An open e-mail letter to:

David Hough, Executive Director
London Market Insurance Brokers' Committee
Re: 9/11 - Bank Buys Broker for Concealed Demolition

In my e-mail to you titled, "Citigroup-AMEC 9/11 insurance fraud on Lloyd's of London?", I suggested that "Lloyd's convert its civil action in respect of alleged negligence by Citigroup-AMEC [in an alleged diesel-fueled fire leading to the destruction of WTC#7] into a RICO* suit in respect of apparent racketeering [including solicitation to murder], extortion, arson and insurance frauds .."

Moussaoui judge grants 9/11 families access to documents

Judge blasts government secrecy - CNN

ALEXANDRIA, Virginia (CNN) -- The judge in the Zacarias Moussaoui trial ruled Friday that families of September 11 attack victims are entitled to the same unclassified aviation security documents the government turned over to the al Qaeda conspirator's defense team.

"I've always been troubled to the extent which our government keeps things secret from the American people," U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema said, granting the families' request after a hearing.

"It is amazing what some agencies think is secret," Brinkema added. "As a culture, we need to be careful not to be so wrapped up in secrecy that we lose track of our core values and laws."

Loose Change Viewing at the University of Buffalo

Well, tonight I had the pleasure of attending a screening of Loose Change 2nd Edition at the University of Buffalo, and I gotta tell you it was an incredibly uplifting experience. To be in a room with other concerned citizens and University Professors, discussing this topic intelligently, was a refreshing change.

Of course, the vocal minority was also present, shooting their mouths off with asinine statements that such a conspiracy couldn't be possible, as if that statement and that statement alone trumps the mountains of evidence that had just been presented.