Music Group 'Liars' Features Loose Change at Recent Concert

Secrets and lies.

Their "favourite film" is Loose Change, a 9/11 documentary made by debut filmmakers Dylan Avery, Jason Bermas and Korey Rowe - the latter serving in Afghanistan and Iraq during 2002-3. It's by no means perfect. KRS-One hollering about "party people" on the soundtrack over footage of the planes hitting the towers is disarmingly inappropriate. But its intelligent, point-by-point dissection makes a dry counterpoint to the dual dominance of the Fox Networks' near-hysterical patriotism and Michael Moore's hugely successful polemicism. To wit: How could jet fuel vaporise six-tonne titanium engines? How can you make a cell phone call from 32,000 ft? Says Liars' Angus, "It's not that we all three unanimously agree with the views expressed in it. But if you believe just one of the points it's interesting."

Reopen 9/11 Investigation

Anyone know who this might be?

Sen. Arlen Specter

March 1, 2006


I am a new Resident to PA. I retired from the NYPD in 2001. I was almost killed by the collapse of WTC building 7. I DEMAND, that honest attention be paid to the growing scientific evidence that explosives were used to take down that building. I am not a crazy conspiracy theorist. I am a man who was there, and heard the "explosions" that hundreds of 9/11 survivors and witnesses heard that day as those buildings fell. There are HUNDREDS of eyewitness accounts which warrant attention to this matter. One only need look on the Internet through Google, or any other search engine to find video compilations of actual news reports which show these eyewitnesses saying the same thing. Hundreds of voices can be heard referring to "secondary explosions.

9/11 Truth For A Change: MNN TV Explodes the Myths that Make for War

Webster Tarpley tells 9/11 Truth on TV today and Friday

9/11 researcher and terrorism expert Webster Tarpley will be interviewed today and tomorrow on Manhattan Neighborhood Network Channel 34 / Web TV at 9:30 a.m. EST. He claims the WTC was destroyed in a controlled demolition, not by hijackers, and tells what we can do about it.

New York City, March 2, 2006. Two interviews with Webster Tarpley will be aired on the Public Access Network in New York City on MNN (Manhattan Neighborhood Network) on Channel 34 and will be simulcast on on March 2nd and 3rd at 9:30am - 10:30am. The simulcast may be viewed anywhere there is access to Internet broadband by

Commentary on Bush's Statement of Seeing First Plane Impact

Bush Saw 1ST Plane Hit - Free-Market News Network

It was widely rumored following 9/11 that President Bush publicly claimed that he was watching TV in his limousine when he saw the first plane hit the Twin Towers. If true, this was an amazing statement, because there is no record of that event being broadcast over TV. Why should it have been? There was no reason for a TV camera to be focused on the Twin Towers before the first plane crash. How could the President see what didn't exist? I assumed that the rumors were not accurate and thought no more of it.

The Big Lie: 9/11 and the Government's Complicity in Mass Murder

Here's a well written and incredibly detailed document written by our own Rebel Patriot, spread it around:

Download File
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Covers 9/11 with emphasis on controlled demolition theories,
Establishes a pattern of using various historical examples of US government malfeasance in Depleted Uranium, human experimentation, chem-bio experiments upon civilians, Project Paperclip and U.S.-Nazi collaberation in WW2 and from 1930's, MKULTRA, Vietnam and Pearl Harbor, etc, to portray the the US govt as a psychopthic entity.

Get Over It, America: Osama bin Laden Didn't Do 9/11!;article=99124;title=APFN

Citizen of the USA Stephen M. St. John addresses the international community, all members of the US Congress, both Senate and House, and other individuals and organizations, and in this fax broadcast brings to their attention definitive proof that the World Trade Center towers 1, 2 and 7 were brought down by explosives in a controlled demolition.

To this end Citizen St. John encourages all readers to view Richard A. Siegel's professional-quality video of the events of 9/11 as seen and heard from the west bank of the Hudson River in New Jersey [].

Experts Call for Release of 9/11 Evidence


1) Print out three (3) copies of this Petition at the website then sign them, include your contact information, and please FAX them TODAY to your members of Congress (both US Senators and your House of Representatives member). You can locate their FAX info by putting in your zip code and searching for members of Congress contact info at: .

9/11 class in Denver

When & Where:

Sat, March 25: 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Sat, April 29: 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 4/29
Sat, June 24: 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 6/24

EAST DENVER: Near 1st & Quebec
Sat, May 27: 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 5/27


Member: $24
Non-Member: $29
Optional Materials (fee payable in class): $15

9/11 Do We Know the Truth?
The attacks on 9/11/01 have been the reasons for the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, the Patriot Act, and the torture scandal. Yet, according to a Zogby poll, 49.3 percent of New York City respondents believe our government was complicit in these attacks. With an emphasis on facts, we look at historical precedents, the failure of our air defense system on 9/11, the collapse of the WTC towers, the unexplained collapse of WTC #7, and the Pentagon attack.

9/11 Awakenings

Here are a couple of submissions we have received that you may find interesting, thank your for your stories. Spread the word, many people simply do not know the truth. Tell us about your own awakening in the Comments section below.

The power of suggestion played a major role in my second guessing myself.I`ve been up to my eyeballs in research or so I thought on 9-11 since that day.

Many storys/reports I`ve read were believeable but for some reason I`d second guess my findings. But dust surely opened my mind,as much as smoke closed it.The word smoke brainwashed me and when I read Pro.Jones findings I had a revelation. I felt so foolish having not seen on my own. Construction is my trade and many times I work concrete jobs, my experience in demo is extensive. The word smoke cause my brain not to be able to comprehend between what I was hearing/reading and seeing.Fear never over came me not even to this day,and my doubt of news and official reports sparked my search.But that was in the begining now something else fuels the fire in me. 3000 deaths,death is not the word I use most often. Because this wasn`t deaths this was murders,56 minutes of terror then killed.So with the firemen rushing in the risk of discovery became higher they could wait no longer.Those killed in the WTC`s suffered mentally before they died,death was their only relief. For the sake of arguement I`m going to say "if" what I believe is true then justice must be served. Timothy McVeigh was not above the law and paid the maximum price for his crime. (Edit, regarding this, please check out the last 10 minutes or so of In Plane Site: Director's Cut)

Midweek Open Thread

I got sidetracked tonight and didn't get to a handful of links sent in today. If you have something new to post have at it and I will try to catch up tomorrow.

What's the word?