Former New York Governor Mario Cuomo admits regarding 9/11 that "maybe I should give it more thought"

We Are Change RI and Former NY Governor Mario Cuomo

Rough Transcript:

Nate from We Are Change RI: "Governor, do you support a new investigation into 9/11?"

Governor Cuomo: "You know it would be nice to have one because there are a lot of open questions, but I think before you do that, we have so many other things to devote our attention to. I wouldn't do it at this point. We don't need any new issues"

Nate: "You don't think so, because 70 percent of the victims' families questions were never answered by the Commission Report. (..yeah..) And Building 7 I'm sure you know about it.. (..yeah..) There were three buildings that fell that day. Building 7 is not even mentioned in the Commission..."

G.C.: "Yeah."

Nate: "How can we justify that?"

G.C.: "We can't."

9/11 Bailout: They hate us for our freedoms! by Allen Heart

9/11 Bailout: They hate us for our freedoms!

October 12, 2008

by Allen Heart

Shocked by 9-11, Americans wondered who could perpetrate such a horrible crime against people. Over two thousand Americans jumped to their death, were burned, crushed, or murdered in a spectacular collapse of the Twin Towers. In a joint session of Congress a few days later, President George W. Bush gave us the first clue who "they" were. "They" hated us for our freedoms.

Call for Reviews and Ratings at

Call for Reviews and Ratings at

For the last couple of days there has been a flurry of negative (one-star) reviews, ratings and comments at the Amazon page for The New Pearl Harbor Revisited by David Ray Griffin, driving its overall rating down from 5 to 4 stars and piling up negative votes on favorable reviews of the book. James B of Screw Loose Change seems to be the leader of the operation to drag down the ratings. The common feature of all the negative commentary is that none of its authors seem to have actually read the book. Some have admitted as much, but Amazon has permitted their reviews to remain. Here at 911Blogger many people have in fact read the book. It would be very helpful to the future readership, and to the 9/11 truth movement, if everyone who has read it would go to Amazon and review it and rate the other reviews. To do so, go to

Homeland Security, Al-Qaeda – Additions to the 9/11 Timeline as of October 12, 2008

This week's new entries are a fairly disparate bunch, ranging from the 1997 appointment of a new CIA station chief in Germany, David Edger, to Laura Bush's decrying the Taliban's oppression of women, and her husband's perceptive insight that poor people do not always become terrorists.

Peter Dale Scott - Deep Events and the CIA's Global Drug Connection


"...But by October 1963 we see signs that CIA cables on Oswald were also being manipulated, in order to enable him to become a designated suspect in the November 22 assassination of President Kennedy... This withholding helped ensure that Oswald would not be subjected to surveillance by the FBI after the alleged encounter, surveillance which presumably could have limited his ability to become a designated suspect by his presence at a particularly sensitive corner in Kennedy's Dallas parade route. I have argued that similar CIA withholding from the FBI of information about two alleged 9/11 hijackers, Nawaz al-Hamzi and Khalid al-Mihdar, likewise made it possible for them to play the role of designated suspects by preventing FBI surveillance, as well."

Deep Events and the CIA's Global Drug Connection

by Peter Dale Scott

Recently I published two articles pointing to suggestive similarities between the recurring deep events in recent American history -- those events which, because of their intelligence aspects, are ignored, misrepresented, or covered up in the American media. The first article pointed to overall similarities in many deep events since World War II. The second pointed to surprising points of comparison in the two deep events which were followed shortly by major U.S. wars: the John F. Kennedy assassination and 9/11. In the background of all these events, I suggested, was recurring evidence of the milieu "combining intelligence officials with elements from the drug-trafficking underworld."

Tribunal misgivings drive Gitmo prosecutor to quit By Josh Meyer |Tribune Newspapers October 12, 2008,0,2724254.story?track=rss

"Last month, Vandeveld resigned from active duty, becoming at least the fourth prosecutor to quit under protest."

Tribunal misgivings drive Gitmo prosecutor to quit

By Josh Meyer |Tribune Newspapers
2:18 AM CDT, October 12, 2008

WASHINGTON — Darrel Vandeveld was in despair. The hard-nosed lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserve had lost faith in the Guantanamo Bay war crimes tribunals in which he was one of the prosecutors.

His work was top secret, making it impossible to talk to family or friends. So the devout Catholic — working away from home—contacted a priest via the Internet.

"I am beginning to have grave misgivings about what I am doing, and what we are doing as a country," Vandeveld wrote in an August e-mail. "I no longer want to participate in the system, but I lack the courage to quit. I am married, with children, and not only will they suffer, I'll lose a lot of friends."

He even reached out for advice from his opposing counsel, a military defense lawyer.

9/11 is topic of a famous german audio series

Offenbarung 23 is one of the most popular audio plays in the german territories. It tells the fictious story of a young hacker who is slowly realizing several big conspiracy aspects of the world, like the murder of JFK, Lady Diana or the german politician Uwe Barschel.

The series started with the death of the famous german hacker "Tron" and the mystery about "2Pac" - and was able to reach quite a large audience by these mainstream topics. At the moment, the volumes 26 and 27 are in the top 10 of the Amazon Audioplay Charts. Now, volume 29 will finally deal with 911. While the storys are still produced to be entertaining and enjoyable, the team takes great care to encourge every listener to do their own research. Let's hope, they encourage listeners very intensively this time, as well - or even mention some websites during the play.

The latest episode already teasered 911 to play a central issue in the whole story. My guess is, they will soon discuss about the new world order as well. I just don't know how much the fictitious claim of the story damages the credibility of the movement, at the end (or if any wrong or dangerous conclusions are drawn - like energy beams or pentagon issues). Let's hope they used good resources. Some aspects have been covered only very superficial. But it's a start. Release date is November 2008.


NORTH TEXANS FOR 9/11 TRUTH have piloted a broadsheet flyer project. For about the cost of a Kinko’s black-n-white copy on 8 ½ X 11, our group has printed a graphic COLOR flyer on a newspaper sheet sized, clean, semigloss white paper. This pilot project print run is extraordinary in that the cost of a single flyer is under 7 cents. That includes taxes, freight, set-up fees and boxes for every 1,000 flyers. We have 30,000 copies.

Under 7 cents delivered!! COLOR, high quality photos!!! Newspaper size!! Clean, semigloss paper!

The purpose of the broadsheet-flyer is to attract credible attention towards 9/11 Truth and to prompt people to further investigate 9/11. The purpose of the flyer is NOT to try to convince the public that 9/11 was an inside job, because a flyer alone can not effectively relay all the important information.


There are many of 9/11 Truth. While all can not be in the spotlight, here is a brief story of a Truther who made things go right.

An Interview with Joan Mellen - Oct. 4th, 2008

(Last weekend, I traveled to the Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA, to attend the Making Sense of 60s conference. On Saturday, I had a chance to speak with author Joan Mellen about Jim Garrison, and the pioneering work he did revealing Oswald's links to the CIA. Mellen has authored two books on Jim Garrison. The first, A Farewell to Justice (2005), won the critical acclaim of such JFK researchers as Gaeton Fonzi and Gary Aguilar, and director Oliver Stone. It focused on Garrison's JFK investigation and the Trial of Clay Shaw. Mellen has now followed up with a prequel bio of Garrison, Jim Garrison: His Life and Times - The Early Years. Throughout this short interview, 9/11 researchers should be able to see parallels between what they are doing, and what has been experienced by JFK researchers.)

Joan, why did you feel that there was a need for a Garrison bio?

The reason I had the prequel published is that many people didn't understand Jim Garrison's motivation. Why would he investigate the Kennedy assassination? Why would he risk his political career? Why would he give up his entire political career just for this? What did he get out of it?

It must be that he's covering up for the mafia... it must be that he's getting paid... it must be something. So, the book is a biography of Jim Garrison's life apart from the assassinations investigation, and is meant to answer that question.

Many people were introduced to Jim Garrison by Oliver Stone's JFK. Did it seem like the real Jim Garrison to you, up on the screen?

It didn't. However, Oliver Stone created a marvelous film, I think. He did an extraordinary thing, and he too took a tremendous risk, he risked his entire career as a film director, and suffered for years as a result of it. Stone's film is about the investigation, much more than it is about Jim Garrison the man, so it didn't really matter. I asked Stone the question, is this really Jim Garrison? Because I know things about Garrison's life that are not in this film... and Stone said, 'Well, I could have added 15 minutes about his life...' but it didn't make any difference, what counts is the dynamic of the investigation in that film, and also how it all played out in the city of New Orleans.

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