DoJ Reply Brief With 9th Circuit Court Of Appeals For 9/11 Records Case

On November, 7 2011, the U.S. Department of Justice entered its reply to the plaintiff’s opening brief, before the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in the matter of Monaghan v. Department of Justice, dismissed earlier this year by the U.S. District Court of Nevada. This action seeks the release of numerous FBI records regarding the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, including the actual audio recording obtained from the cockpit-voice-recorder for United Airlines Flight 93, plus Pentagon and Shanksville, PA crash scene evidence collection records.

Much thanks to those who have generously donated to this effort.

(Open entry to view brief)

Flaws in the Citizens' 9/11 Commission Campaign by Erik Larson supports efforts to establish truth and justice concerning 9/11, including through fact-based research and investigation, and non-violent, sound activism, both within the system and by direct action. However, we are not supporting the Citizens 9/11 Commission Campaign (its stated goal is to use state ballot initiatives to establish a commission to investigate 9/11 and the aftermath) and we are unlikely to post submissions promoting it, in its current form. People have asked why 911Blogger has not been posting submissions concerning the Campaign; we have not been, due to various concerns that have been expressed by team members and others, which we believe are legitimate. To acknowledge 911Blogger's position on this issue, and in the interest of facilitating discussion of the Campaign, we are posting this critical essay by team member Erik Larson. Our concerns include points made by Larson, but, like all submissions posted at 911Blogger, publication of this essay should not be construed as an endorsement of it by 911Blogger.

We also wish to note that individuals involved in the Citizen's 9/11 Commission Campaign have made important contributions to society by exposing historical truths, such as Campaign founder Mike Gravel and Advisory Board member Cynthia McKinney. As a US Senator in 1971, Gravel read and entered 4100 pages of the Pentagon Papers into the Congressional Record. As a US Representative in 2002, McKinney questioned Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Joint Chiefs Chairman Richard Myers about the 9/11 war games during Congressional hearings. McKinney also chaired the 2004 “9/11 Omissions Hearings” following publication of the 9/11 Commission Report, and the 2005 follow up hearings, The 9/11 Commission Report One Year Later – A Citizens Response: Did The Commission Get It Right?, both of which documented important evidence through the testimony of credible witnesses.

The comments section below is open for thoughtful and civil discussion. Any comments made by 911blogger team members should be viewed as reflecting their own opinions, and not as the position of

-- 911Blogger Editorial Board

Former 9/11 commission director Philip Zelikow talks at lecture

Monday, November 7, 2011
By Travis Alford

As the crowd of students, professors and Houstonians brushed off the cold, Philip Zelikow stepped to the podium in The Honors College Commons on Thursday to discuss the US government’s defense against terrorism.

Zelikow, the executive director of the 9/11 Commission, an executive on the President Intelligence Advisory Board and a history professor at the University of Virginia, focused his lecture, “The Twilight of War,” on America’s resiliency and his experience with the horrific events of 9/11.

“It’s my job to make meaning of 9/11,” Zelikow said.

During the lecture, Zelikow spoke of his personal experiences on the scene during Sept. 11.

“I can still smell the sulfur, it stands out,” Zelikow said. “It was as if the terrorist opened up a special path to hell.”

“After the attack, the event entered popular culture,” Zelikow said. “9/11 opened up our eyes to zealousy.”

In the days following the attack, President Bush labeled Osama bin Laden as America’s enemy and the ringleader of 9/11.

It's Time: Occupy Building 7 - November 19 and 20, 2011 In front of the rebuilt WTC Building 7

Occupy Building 7 November 19 and 20, 2011 |
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Spread the Word

Visit to download the flier and web banner.

Occupy Building 7

November 19 and 20

  • March from Liberty Plaza to WTC 7 at noon each day.  
  • Occupy the park in front of WTC 7 until nightfall.  
  • General Assemblies will be held at 2pm each day to discuss the direction and continuation of the Occupy Building 7 occupation after 11/20.

To all those who continue to fight for the truth about 9/11 to be revealed:

It is time for us to occupy.  

The Occupy Wall Street movement is a much needed response to decades of growing inequality, financial deregulation, and zero accountability for the crimes that brought about our current economic crisis. Millions throughout the nation and across globe who feel they have no voice in our political system have come to embrace “Occupy” as an expression of their anger, frustration and hope.  

Ten years later, it is time for us to give voice to our own growing frustration by aligning firmly with the Occupy movement and making 9/11 one of the key issues the Occupy movement stands for.  

RICHARD GAGE-- Live, 6PM eastern, Sunday NOV 6th

Richard Gage, AIA, founder of Architects and Engineers For 911 Truth, will be joining us in The 911 Truth Movement Paltalk Room at 6pm eastern on Sunday November 6th

UPDATE: Erik Lawyer, founder of Firefighters For 9/11 Truth and Chris Sarns will be joining the discussion this evening
What is Paltalk?

This is a live, two hour Question and Answer session--Your opportunity to ask Richard Gage questions and hear him bring everyone up to date on what AE911TRUTH has accomplished recently.

Richard joins us on the first Sunday of each month.

Paltalk is a cool way to interact with other 911 activists through voice and text chat. You can also split off from the main room and engage in private chat sessions, as well as share files and video.

The 911 Truth Movement Room has over 200 important videos in its library.


PC users---

Mac Users---

Feds Drop Plan to Lie in Public-Record Act Requests

By David Kravets, from Wired, November 3, 2011

Bowing to political pressure, the Justice Department abruptly dropped proposed revisions to Freedom of Information Act rules Thursday that would have authorized the government to inform the public that requested records do not exist even if they do.

The proposal would have granted the government a new option to state that documents relevant to a FOIA request did not exist. According to the Justice Department’s proposal, if the government believes records should be withheld, the government agency to which the request was made “will respond to the request as if the excluded records did not exist.”

Under normal practice, which seems Orwellian enough, the government may assert that it can neither confirm nor deny that relevant records exist if the matter involves national security.

Civil rights groups, and a host of lawmakers from both sides of the spectrum, had blasted the Justice Department’s original proposal.

A New Pressure Point for Getting at 9/11 Truth

A petition has been set up on the White House's website calling for a new investigation of the events of 9/11 by an independent prosecutor. (The petition can be found at . Complete text of the petition is below.) Petitioning the White House directly is a new tool to empower more direct input to the government. While internet-based petitions are certainly not new, it is new for the White House and it has a benefit that no other online petition can claim. If enough signatures are collected (25,000), the website rules state that there will be an official response from the appropriate agency emailed to every signer. That is something no other internet petition can even come close to doing.

On the down side completing the petitioning process is not easy. First, in order to sign a petition, people must complete the account set up process at the White House website ( Setting up an account requires a name, zip code, and email address. And the email address must be verified (by successfully receiving and responding to an email from the website) before the account set up is complete. Petition signers are not directly identified on the website, however, each signer's first name, date signing, and city are shown in the signer list.

9/11 Theories: Expert vs. Expert

9/11 Theories: Expert vs. Expert

Why can't the experts get their stories straight?

Uploaded by physicsandreason on Nov 1, 2011

The 9/11 Commission claims that “we found no evidence”

Posted on by ultruth

When Underwriters Laboratories fired me for challenging the World Trade Center (WTC) report that it helped create with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), it said “there is no evidence” that any firm performed the required fire resistance testing of the materials used to build the Twin Towers. Of course, that was a lie.

With this experience in mind, I checked to see how many times the 9/11 Commission Report used the phrase “no evidence,” and noted in particular the times the Commission claimed to have “found no evidence” or that “no evidence was uncovered.”  I discovered that the phrase “no evidence” appears an amazing 63 times.  An example is the dubious statement — “There is no evidence to indicate that the FAA recognized Flight 77 as a hijacking until it crashed into the Pentagon (p 455).”

Of these 63 instances, some variation of “we found no evidence” appears three dozen times.  This seems to be an unusually high number of disclaimers begging ignorance, given that the Commission claims to have done “exacting research” in the production of a report that was the “fullest possible accounting of the events of September 11, 2001.”

Recently Deceased Crown Prince Sultan and his son Bandar “Bush” Epitomize Highly Questionable Saudi 9/11 Connections

Nor Cal Truth

News of the Saudi Crown Prince passing in the U.S. and his new successor to the post warrant a refresher on the attempts to name them in 9/11 lawsuits years ago.


Sultan bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, the Crown Prince to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, died just a weeks ago in a New York hospital due to ill health. The world’s largest oil-exporting nation has quickly found an heir to the Crown Prince, a position directly under the most powerful of the King. The new Crown Prince has been named as Nayef bin Abdul Aziz, brother of the deceased Crown Prince Sultan. Both were half-brothers to the current King of Saudi Arabia, King Abdullah, and both are a part of the powerful Sudairi Seven.