UPDATE: Opportunity to Achieve our Goal ABORTED by CHANGE.ORG

(As of 5:17pm Central Time --11.30.2008-- "Change.org" has removed the request for a new 9/11 investigation from their website. -rep.)

Initial blog post published: 2008-11-28 17:46:16

In this week's International edition of Newsweek (Dec 1, 2008), there's an article entitled "President 2.0". In reading it, I discovered that a new site (http://www.change.org/ideas) is collecting and posting ideas for the Obama administration and the top 10 ideas, the ideas that have received the most votes, will be presented to the President on Inauguration Day.

An idea was just added to suggest that a new investigation into 9/11 be conducted.

Please click the link below and VOTE for this idea. Then forward the link to everyone you know and ask that they vote for it too. It this is for real, it is an excellent opportunity to get out collective voice heard. Loud and Clear. Finally.


Thanks in advance.

(Image updated - 12.2.2008)

change.org idea

It's hard to vote for an idea when they can't even spell 'independent' correctly in the headline. Can someone get that fixed soon?

I hope we can keep this on the front page of 911blogger

and at the top so that it gets maximum viewing for a while.

148 votes as of my posting. Spread it around!

Donna Marsh O'Connor ideas on Change.org

Thx Tony Szamboti for the heads up- you can vote for each idea once:

Appoint a scientist to head NIST immediately

We still need an investigation into 9/11; ask Keane/Hamilton.


I added one

Streamlining Government Programs... IRS... please vote


The limit submissions to 2000 characters
Together in Truth!

Yea! Rep please keep this at

Yea! Rep please keep this at the top until the deadline date!!


Til at least the inauguration, or whenever they shut down the voting. This would be a major victory for us if this stays at the top of their list. They won't be able to feign ignorance of the issue and the number of concerned citizens interested.

Since they nixed the live feed...

...lest we not forget what happened...

We Should Have 1500 Votes Before its Done

Wager Anyone?

A lot more than that

I would be willing to bet it will be 1500 votes by just tomorrow night, and it goes on until Dec. 31st and then there is a second round from Jan. 5th until Jan. 15th.

I hope there are millions of votes on this issue and it could happen in a months time.

Obama Change

The 911 Blog Moderator refused to give my Obama "Change" post a place on the front page news 11 days ago. He had to know it would blunt the distribution and awareness of what we all agree is a "viral" idea.
Link to Original Post: http://www.911blogger.com/node/18558


WEBSITE: http://gators911truth.org
YOUTUBE: http://youtube.com/gators911truth
YOUTUBE: http://youtube.com/Hsaive

I added my vote.

This idea is currently in 4th Place in Criminal Justice and needs 39 more votes to make it into the second round.

With you in the struggle,
WeAreChangeLA - http://www.wacla.org


North Texans for 911 Truth
North Texans for 911 Truth Meetup Site

CHANGE THAT...IS # 1 !!!!

North Texans for 911 Truth
North Texans for 911 Truth Meetup Site

change.org update

I clicked on the link about five minutes ago, and it didn't work. Now, it works, but with a new person listed as the sponsor, and there is only one vote on it, down from 30+ last I looked. Also, the new sponsor still doesn't have the word 'independent' spelled correctly. Ugh.

I noticed that...

The one we want is here.


Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?

Something fishy happening! They apparently hit a reset button!

You are right bb! Something fishy is happening at www.change.org.

I voted earlier today also. There were over 30 votes at that time and the issue was in 3rd place.

Now, as of 7:03 PM CDT 11/28/08, there are only 2 votes and the idea is in 40th place with 70 votes needed to make it to the next round. This is not a good reflection on our new president. I wish I would have taken a screen shot of the earlier stats. We are going backwards? I don't think so. We need to know what happened. It does not look good.

at 53 votes 6:23 mountain time

at 53 votes 6:23 mountain time

Can someone who knows how to

Can someone who knows how to do it take screenshots periodically, with time stamps? Then if the counter is being reset, we will have it documented.

Save the Webpages! (and the Whales, too)

on a PC, hit Ctrl + S, a window with options should open up- better than a "screen shot", imho- it saves the whole page as an html file, links and all

I use a Mac, don't quote me on the PC- Command/Apple key + S

works for me, takes just a sec and hardly any space on the drive- and storage is getting cheaper and bigger exponentially.


counter reset?

Here's the correct link. The confusion is there's a few links floating around.

Both times I voted I clicked on the only link on this page.

What gives? Did the link in the original article change? If so, why? We all need to be going and voting on the same link.

The problem seems to have started here.

When I first submitted this post, the idea was brand new so there were very few votes, and only one link to copy. So I know I inserted the right one here. However, after a long, long wait, (backstage verification), when the post was finally visible here, the link was wrong. The person who resubmitted the same text in Change.org has now posted a warning that everyone should vote for the original idea (posted by Debora) and his too if they want (posted by Simon). Debora's has got over 100 votes and is in second place for the Criminal Justice category and the idea is listed 8th overall in the list of Top Rated Ideas.

You can vote on each idea

It seems there are several 911 related ideas. One by Debora Blake, one by Simon Ben, and two by Donna Marsh O'Connor.

Everybody can vote on each idea one time, so if everyone scrolls through the Criminal Justice Ideas and does that each 911 idea will not water down the other. It will also put the 911 ideas front and center with more than one at the top of the list.

George Bush Sr. would agree :)

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

Excellent work!

Thanks for the posting the link. Currently, this is the #2 idea in Criminal Justice--a field ripe with contenders. The discussion is sane and factual--so far. The CIA trolls haven't made it there yet. Here is what I wrote:

In the past three years during which I have worked on this issue and debated others about it, the smoking gun that has emerged from the rubble is this: "tons of molten steel flowing like lava" beneath all three WTC buildlings--for weeks. The quote is from onground observer Skilling, one of the architects who worked on the design and construction of the building. The FEMA report suggested "further investigation" and the New York Times called the lava "perhaps the deepest mystery of all."

The existence of the molten steel is beyond dispute--captured with eyewitness tesitimony, photographs and NASA thermal photography from space.

And to date, there has been no official explanation offered of how "tons of molten steel flowed like lava" beneath those buildings.

Until there is an explanation, we are living a lie. And the Obama adminstration is governing a lie and countenancing a lie.

Don't forget your screen grabs

Thanks peakdavid. Nice work. We're just 3 votes behind the number 5 topic overall, Close Guantanamo Prison Camp. It's really important for all of us to maintain our composure and post balanced, factual and non-passionate, name-throwing information. If these messages really do get anywhere near Mr. Obama, they should contain only the best info we have. I'm working on a quick video for YouTube and will post the link as soon as it's done.

Done. Everyone else please

Done. Everyone else please do the same, we definitely got through to David Cameron this way so it can work. VOTE!

Take every opportunity

I just voted and it seemed to work. This is a small window of opportuinity giving 9/11 Truth some unfiltered mainstream access. Before it closes, lets wake up a few thousand of our fellow citizens. Vote now. Let none show more determination than ourselves.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

#141... 4th place

Pass it on.

WE are what we've been waiting for! Vote on this at change.org!

We heard your call from Belgium, and joined in so-far with these two comments. Lets give this initiative a real good push, it is right up our street !

Vote here NOW !!!! www.change.org/ideas/view/conduct_a_new_independent_investigation_into_t...

Thank you change.org for this Peoples’ Government initiative! And thank you Deborah Blake for suggesting this essential way forward towards positive change.

James Jesus Angleton impersonated the “bubble” type of detachment from reality that the CIA counter-intelligence would develop: he used to say: "Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the State". Indeed, this state of mind goes counter to all intelligence, and we the people may NEVER accept that our country be based on this type of pathological philosophy.

It is a matter of urgency that we GRADUATE: We need a transparent society, where there is a strong notion of ecology not only in preserving our natural environment, but also in our collective MENTAL state. Ecology can only be built on TRUTH. It cannot be built on deception, and lies in the so-called interest of National Security. If the US were telling the truth, and acting according to the truth, then our every Embassy in the world would not look like a high security bunker. Truth brings Peace, Prosperity and mental sanity.

Since www.AE911Truth.org new 2h DVD gives 100% verifiable proof of explosive demolition of WTC I, II and 7, we need more a “Truth and Reconciliation Comission” with the former zombies of Zelikow’s Parallel universe, than an investigation into what we already (should) know!

The 9/11 Truth Movement will not pulverize to dust. We are a great bunch of bright, happy and concerned citizens, the salt-of-the-earth people that our country needs to move forward. Join us !

Posted by Eric Beeth on 11/29/2008 @ 05:02AM PST

No bright future can ever be built on rot. If the rot is in there, it must be taken out or it will just continue to unravel. Whatever the resistances to change and the arguments that these events simply belong to the past, more than ever a real independent forensic and peer review scientific inquiry is needed.

Mr Obama, terms like ‘conspiracy theory’ are no more than a trick and a rhetorical formula, which take people away from being really critical and looking at the plain simple truth.

Mr Obama, our planet is in bad shape. 911 and the treatment of its reality by the institutions and the media is a unique case study. Revealing the truth on 911, however painful and difficult it may be for the United States, is a needed act of truism and public sanity. It is also a unique opportunity to help the citizens of the world become more critical towards major controversies that are endangering humanity. Seven years after these tragic events, you have the power and the responsibility to grasp this opportunity and give the people of the world the chance to choose for a brighter future on sane basis.

Posted by Jean-Luc Guilmot on 11/29/2008 @ 02:28AM PST

WE are what we've been waiting for, and WE are not waiting any longer! WE are millions, WE are everywhere, and WE have great power! (Janice Matthews of www.911Truth.org )

"unflinching, unswerving, fierce intellectual determination, as citizens, to define the real truth of our lives and our societies is a crucial obligation which devolves upon us all. It is in fact mandatory. If such a determination is not embodied in our political vision we have no hope of restoring what is so nearly lost to us - the dignity of man." (Harold Pinter)

digg it

this might help to promote voting for this topic:



54 last night 168 now...

we will soon be #1

NOW #1! 10 point lead.. 11:46 Central

North Texans for 911 Truth
North Texans for 911 Truth Meetup Site

I'm not holding my breath.......

From his acceptance speech in Denver through two of the (so-called) debates, Obama turned himself into
Rudy Giuliani Jr. with all his "we're going to get those who really attacked us on 9/11" crap.

He's going to be THEIR president, not OUR president.

Sure, he'll go through the motions, say all the right things, but in the end, the working slobs in this country
will lose again. As always. And that's without another false-flag operation. With one, this country is done.

And the American sheeple will be too stupid to even realize it.

No. 2 "Legalise the

No. 2 "Legalise the Medicinal and Recreational Use of Marijuana"

No.4 "Conduct a new, independent investigation into the attacks of September 11, 2001"

^ Haha! Looks like we're competing with the pot smokers again just like the Cameron thing before. We kicked their ass that time as well, although it was right at the last minute we took the Number 1 spot from them.


We're at 176 votes currently in 4th place, the top one has 228 votes - VERY CLOSE!

This is awesome.

This needs to be spread FAR AND WIDE AMONG THE TRUTH COMMUNITY. Please, everyone, do all you can to get as many people to vote for this as you can!

~In Lak'esh
(Mayan: You are another me)

I just voted and we're #1.

Please vote on the marijuana proposition also. Prior to the War on "Terror," the War on Drugs is perhaps the most audacious domestic policy in violation of our Constitution that the country has ever known - well, that and the income tax.

War on Drugs

...is a hoax. Check out L.E.A.P. (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition).

The War on Drugs has solved nothing, but it has corrupted our police forces, ruined lives and made criminals rich.

I've added my vote. Now at

I've added my vote. Now at 260

NOW----Let's keep it #1

Kudos to all who are hyping this. We need a runaway landslide here. Even (us) pot smokers need to take a back seat. Hey Rep., can you put this under "Action Items" for a while?

Lets show Obama what "change" is really all about --- WE ARE CHANGE!


As happy as I am to see the cannabis issue in the top 3, I'm glad all other (worthwhile) causes are being edged out by the absolute no. 1 issue of our time, 9/11 truth.

Out of every entry on that site...


Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?

No.1: 305 votes KICKING

No.1: 305 votes


scattered to the four winds

hope it helps. this movement kicks ass!

This is awesome.

338 and going strong. Clearly left even the no. 2 spot far behind in the rear-view mirror. And when I say "going strong," I mean that every time I hit refresh on my browser, another 1 or 2 people have voted for it.

From their FAQ page:

How are the top ideas determined?

The "Top 10 Ideas for America" will be determined through two rounds of voting. In the first round, ideas will compete against other ideas in the same issue category. The first round will end on December 31, 2008, and the top 3 rated ideas from each category will make it into the second round. The second round of voting will begin on Monday, January 5, and each qualifying idea will compete against the qualifying ideas from all other categories. Second round voting will end on Thursday, January 15.


Let's be vigilant and do everything we can to not blow this.

I hope it doesn't get cutoff in a second round

I have a feeling that the explosiveness of 911 will cause it to get hundreds of thousands of votes if not millions in the first round and far outdo any other idea in every category.

I am afraid that a second round could cause a problem if not nearly as many people vote.

The first vote appears to be just a qualifying round.

The silver lining is that everyone who signed up and voted the first time won't have to do it again so it will be easier.

The initial e-mails and this blog should occur again when the final vote from Jan. 5th to the 15th occurs.

Well then.......

"I am afraid that a second round could cause a problem if not nearly as many people vote."

.....we'll just have to stay on it till Jan 15. I don't have a problem with that -- more time to spread the word. There will be a lot of lame truthers who won't vote that we will just have to harass into voting. "Fear" is not part of our vocabulary.

Nobody's going to give up on this!

Do you really think if we make it to the second round that people will just stop there???? Au contraire!! That'll be superb motivation to live a little collective deja vu and go vote again! This time with even more excitement behind each little click. No, not to worry. We've waited tooooo long for such an important opportunity to come along. We are making this thing happen. If Obama sold us on Hope, who better than to illustrate that than us, who've been waiting and hoping for years now that our collective voice be heard so that justice may be done in the name of all of us, honest citizens of the planet. By the way, we're getting about 20 votes per hour! :-)

We Had the First Negative Comment 06:27PM PST

"You people are nuts. You remind me of "the moon landing was staged" conspiracy theorists. They have lots of video "proof" too."

Posted by Kenneth McMichael on 11/29/2008 @ 06:27PM PST

I just noticed that too.

I just noticed that too.

We should ignore these trolls, except when absolutely neccessary. Like an annoying fly which is best ignored unless it gets in your face, at which time you shoo it away, we should not dignify the Kenneth McMichaels of the thread unless they tell such a bold-faced lie that a correction is warranted, such as when Mark Roberts said "no one said the air was safe to breathe" on JREF.

Kenneth McMichael's wall has 2 good comments on i.

But yes, I agree that it's best to ignore the attack-messages.

New dangerous & totally inappropriate comment

I refuse to copy and paste his "wisdom" here. Go check it out.

Posted by Justin Wallis on 11/30/2008 @ 08:32AM PST

10:10pm EST

"A new 911 investigation" is now #1 in two categories (Criminal Justice and Peace in the Middle East) and #1 overall. Even the Guantanamo Issue is not even close.

Damn those truthers are good!


NUMBER ONE OVERALL! Who's got passion?

420 Votes as of 5:17am 11.30.08

420 Votes as of 5:17am 11.30.08

This thread should be front paged until at least the inauguration. Thanks for the heads up.

Spread the word!

All Truth groups should blanket their membership with emails on this action item. This means Architects & Engineers, Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice, Pilots, Patriots, Lawyers, etc. Pump up the grassroots energy; that is our ace-in-the-hole as evidenced by being #1.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.




THEY F*CKING DELETED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ASSHOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So much for Honesty and Fair Play

Well, Change.org has just shown us its TRUE COLORS. Unbelievable.
How can you possibly have a section called Top Rated Ideas and theeee most top rated idea isn't there? They haven't deleted it (yet). You have to seach 11 September and it'll show up with.....OH MY GOD....I just refreshed and now it's GONE.





IT'S GONE!!!!! 6:03pm

IT'S GONE!!!!! 6:03pm Sunday November 30th, 2008



Contact information

Just sent them this: Hi, I

Just sent them this:

Hi, I would like to see Obama pursue accountability and instigate a real investigation into 9/11. This “Idea” had 660 votes last time I checked, that’s more than 300 over the next "Idea" in second place below it. Suddenly it's gone so I'm wondering what happened to that and am hoping that it’s just a technical issue as perhaps it was getting too many hits? I look forward to it being put back up shortly as I suspect this must be technical and not censorship of any kind. As that would a bit contradictory for an organisation espousing Democracy such as "Change" wouldn’t it.

Got their bullshit message

Got their bullshit message and replyed with this:

That's unacceptable. You can't pretend to be Democratic and then selectively decide that "some ‘ideas’ are more equal than others", that's fraud and false advertising. So a lot of people have seen this and I suggest you rectify it and reinstate the "Idea" for a new investigation into 9/11, which is of critical ethical and legal importance by the way. Otherwise don't be surprised if "Change" gets its fledgling reputation of something encouraging that supposedly empowers democracy, completely tarnished on the internet. It's quite extreme and blatant censorship you've engaged in here.

Just got this

Just got this bullshit:

"This is a project of a private business. We have the right to set the
mission and guidelines of our project. This is not about censoring or
saying "some ideas are more equal than others". This is about the
intent and purpose of this particular project whose goal is about
pairing people who have specific policy recommendations with
nonprofits in an effort to present them to the Obama administration,
build a national lobbying campaign, and get a policy implemented.
Investigations into past events are valid and have their place, but
they are not the purpose of the Ideas for Changing America project.

As mentioned, we recommend you send your suggestion for an
investigation directly to the Obama administration at


And replied with this:

"Doesn’t really sound like "Change" though anymore does it? I suggest you check out "WeAreChange.org" for a real organisation creating real Positive Change. Perhaps you should change your name to "Status Quo Maintenance .inc" or “We-Reserve-The-Right-To-Flaunt-Democratic-Ideals-And-Then-Censor-Things-That-Upset-Our-Corporate-Bosses.org" or something like that because it’s far more accurate and less misleading."

If it's a private business

If it's a private business then why is it DOT ORG?

Cus there corporate

Cus their corporate charlatans, period.

I think they are jumping on the citizen band wagon.

Herblay FRANCE

bonjour ,

I think they are jumping on the citizen band wagon. When we see all the good and world wide known work of groups like WeAreChange.UK ,
http://wearechangeparis.wordpress.com/ , etc we think the other change (s) are the same. Effectively if Change.org is a business that makes a difference. As a business they have theirs hands tied up for financial reasons and are not free for real change. The proof they have taken down the demande for a new investigation into 911.

But they should clearly mark this out ( including the word Business somewhere in their title) so that the citizens are not hood winked into thinking that they are a genuine citizen organisation.

Below is their about us page.

Perhaps we can start up a Citizens.Change.org which will not censor certain demands ?




Change.org http://www.change.org/info/about
1 sur 3 01/12/2008 09:13

Have a problem?
Email us at help@change.org
Want to write about us?
Email us at press@change.org

Our Vision
Today as citizens of the world, we face a daunting array of social and environmental problems ranging from
health care and education to global warming and economic inequality. For each of these issues, whether local
or global in scope, there are millions of people who care passionately about working for change but lack the
information and opportunities necessary to translate their interest into effective action.
Change.org aims to address this need by serving as the central platform informing and empowering
movements for social change around the most important issues of our time.
Change.org is a social entrepreneurship venture based in San Francisco, CA. The company was founded by
Ben Rattray in the summer of 2005, and with the support of a friend from Stanford, Mark Dimas, and a
founding team of Darren Haas, Rajiv Gupta, and Adam Cheyer, Change.org launched the first version of its
site in 2007.
Change.org http://www.change.org/info/about
2 sur 3 01/12/2008 09:13
Ben Rattray
Founder and CEO
Mark Dimas
Joshua Levy
Managing Editor
Danny Moldovan
VP Strategy and Communications
Heather Mansfield
Nonprofit Community Manager
Darren Haas
Tech Guru
Shannon Moriarty
Editor, homelessness.change.org
Michael Jones
Editor, gayrights.change.org
Michelle F.
Editor, genocide.change.org
Michael Bear Kleinman
Editor, humanitarianrelief.change.org
Dave Bennion
Editor, immigration.change.org
Zarah Patriana
Editor, fairtrade.change.org
Matt Kelley
Editor, criminaljustice.change.org
Nathaniel Whittemore
Editor, socialentrepreneurship.change.org
Charles Lenchner
Editor, middleeast.change.org
Jen N.
Editor, womensrights.change.org
Emily Gertz
Editor, globalwarming.change.org
Stephanie Ernst
Editor, animalrights.change.org
Change.org http://www.change.org/info/about
3 sur 3 01/12/2008 09:13
About Us
© 2008, Change.org. All Rights Reserved.

Just recieved this email

from: Change.org

We support calls for truth and transparency in our government on every subject and welcome you to directly petition the new administration about this matter, which you can do at http://change.gov/page/s/ofthepeople. However, this is unfortunately outside the scope of the Ideas for Change in America project, which aims to offer specific policy solutions rather than investigations into past government action. As such, it is not eligible to enter the second round of the competition.

We understand that good people may disagree with our vision. But this is a private effort not connected to the Obama campaign or transition team, and we reserve the right to keep the competition and its content aligned with the stated mission and overall spirit of the project.

Thank you for your understanding. As mentioned above, we welcome you to directly petition the Obama administration about your proposal at http://change.gov/page/s/ofthepeople. And we hope you continue your work to advance change.


- The Ideas for Change in America Team

Got the same thing. What a

Got the same thing. What a disgrace!

What. A. Coward.

That is the most lame-ass excuse I've ever heard.

Send them ANGRY, but not HATEFUL, e-mails.

I'm so pissed off right now I can't think of anything intelligible to say.

Obama's "Change" send me a Letter of Rejection

Hello Harold,

We wanted to send you a note about an idea you submitted to the Ideas for Change in America competition titled "Obama Wants to Hear the Truth About 9/11"

We support calls for truth and transparency in our government on every subject and welcome you to directly petition the new administration about this matter, which you can do at http://change.gov/page/s/ofthepeople. However, it is unfortunately outside the scope of the Ideas for Change in America project, which aims to offer specific policy solutions rather than investigations into prior policies or past government action. As such, we regret to inform you that is not eligible to enter the second round of the competition.

We understand that good people may disagree with our vision. But this is a private effort not connected to the Obama campaign or transition team, and we reserve the right to keep the competition and its content aligned with the stated mission and overall spirit of the project.

Thank you for your understanding. As mentioned above, we welcome you to directly petition the Obama administration about your proposal at http://change.gov/page/s/ofthepeople. And we hope you continue your work to advance change.


- The Ideas for Change in America Team

WEBSITE: http://gators911truth.org
YOUTUBE: http://youtube.com/gators911truth
YOUTUBE: http://youtube.com/Hsaive

Same here.

I got the same letter.
My response.

Dear "The Ideas for Change in America Team"
This is not necessarily about investigating past government actions. The truth is, we don't know who is responsible for the crimes of 9/11. That is why we need a new investigation. To suggest the past government was guilty would be speculative and presumptive. The fact that there are unanswered questions and there has been no justice for those who were murdered, should be enough reason to demand a proper investigation.
I'm sorry you feel something else is more important but I also encouraged that the movement to press for the truth will never go away despite the apathy and complacency of groups like yours.
We shall never surrender.
Thank You.
Hans Hyma

Fakeass scumbags!

Fakeass scumbags!

Mission Statement

WE MUST RESUBMIT an IDEA that meets their criteria. Carefully worded forward looking (barf)

"The mission of Ideas for Change in America is to identify and advance concrete solutions to the major challenges confronting the country, and we welcome any ideas consistent with this vision.

Ideas that conflict with the spirit of this mission, that look backward instead of forward, that express values without offering solutions,

that are intended to attack others, or are otherwise offensive are not eligible for the second round. We reserve the right to remove any ideas that violate these stated principles. "

FORWARD LOOKING: REVEAL THE 911 FALSE-FLAG PSY-OP to reverse the damage done to the USA and the World.

OK, start writing

I am so pissed I don't know where to begin. We should definitely write to Newsweek and expose Change.org as a scam. Rewriting a re-worded submission is a good idea. Last count, I think we had over 650 votes. I'm sure if we had only 10 votes and we were in 19th place, they would have left the question alone. WE MUST RESPOND! I say each of the 650 people who voted submit an idea or two and let them reject 1300 ideas -- who gives a fuck at this point.

I'll keep watching this thread to see what y'all come up with.

Spinning It.

We can also spin it to gain more attention for our cause by publicizing the "Censorship" issue. "Change.org Censors Inquiries into 9/11 Investigations" Etc.

Whatever we do we've got to keep moving. Great to be a part of this with all y'all and putting the pressure on these fools one battle after another.


Maybe we should let Project Censored know. They gave us some good play not too long ago.

Hell yeah!

I'll try to relay the info to Peter Philips/Mickey Huff this Wednesday @ their speaking event.

~In Lak'esh
(Mayan: You are another me)

So much for "change..."

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?

Amazing . . . Don't let it

Amazing . . .

Don't let it stop you or anger you into attacking them. What can be proposed that they cannot erase?

Take another proposal and just replace the central issue with "9/11 attacks" and see if it remains. And vote for the stuff that seems to be staying.

It's pathetic, revolting . . . you name it, but respond as constructively as you can. They are not the types who will respond positively to names and attacks. They will only start name-calling back.

Thanks to everyone keeping on top of it here. Keep up the great work and this needs an essay . . .

Amazing show of cowardice and lameness. These guys are ZZ

The comments that were posted on the site were of high quality, and they have also been deleted.
I'll need to let my initial anger boil off before I write them. Next time we better have a better idea about the trust-worthiness of the people behind this type of initiative. Does any-one know anybody at (Lame)Change.org who could obtain the hundreds of well thought-through comments so that these could be posted on a trusted site for the record? [ Edit : WOW, Joe caught a screen-shot at www.reopen911.info/tmp/Change-911.png We can get to work with this!]
We should not just roll over and pretend this is not significant: Let every journalist and politician know that we cannot accept this kind of cowardice and lack of vision within our institutions. Débora Blake's proposal struck a resounding chord among the people, and some clueless ZZ (Zelikow Zombie) within the current "establishment" censored it.
I had sent out a mailing that went like this: (English version)

Dear all,

Every day, every action that you take will bring consequences. Once in a while, a window of opportunity comes by, when your action can have a more decisive effect:
At THIS MOMENT you can participate in this citizen's initiative to bring forth the ideas that you feel are important to the up-coming US administration.

You know how forcefully I have been calling for more media and political attention to the scientific facts that contradict the current official "Ministry of Truth" version of the events of September 11th 2001. I have been unavailable to the health needs of my patients every 11th of the month in order to drum-up media attention on this issue.

In order to help me get back to business as usual, and to help answer the many questions that the victims of the 9/11 terror are still battling with, I would like to ask you especially to vote for Debora Blake's proposition: www.change.org/ideas/view/conduct_a_new_independent_investigation_into_t... She posted her idea only 2 days ago, and already her idea is number ONE thanks partly to the many 9/11 truthers active on the web: see for example: www.truthaction.org

Jean-Luc Guilmot and I signed the petition adding our own commentary: WE are what we've been waiting for! Vote on this at change.org! www.911blogger.com/node/18654#comment-201397

Please pass this letter on to all your friends urging them to join in on the action, and especially to vote for the proposition www.change.org/ideas/view/conduct_a_new_independent_investigation_into_t...

Read about our November action with Architect Richard Gage in Brussels on this link: www.ae911truth.org/events/eurotour You will find a diary of Richard's European tour, including Brussels and Louvain-la-Neuve ! (www.vigli.org/news.htm You can also order www.AE911Truth.org 's new 2h DVD here, or ask me for it! It is a very good starting point towards informing yourself and others.) Débora Blake was one of the key persons who arranged Richard Gage's Paris event that was quickly sold out.

You might be interested to read some recent comments I put up on www.911Blogger.com :

Thank-you Janice Matthews of www.911Truth.org : www.911blogger.com/node/18648#comment-201368

The Mumbai terror comes in a certain context: "Cui bono" ? www.911blogger.com/node/18641#comment-201315

(Other blog comments: www.911blogger.com/user/3070/track )

Most of all, Please DO VOTE NOW to push for a new independent investigation into the attacks of September 11 2001 : www.change.org/ideas/view/conduct_a_new_independent_investigation_into_t... and please do send this letter or link on to your friends so that together we make this happen!

Thank-you for joining in on this !!!!


Dr Eric Beeth
Av de l'Armee 127 (= Legerlaan)
1040 Bruxelles / Brussel

Metro: "Thieffry" (ligne 1A dir. Hermann de Broux)
e-mail: eric.beeth @ gmail.com

"unflinching, unswerving, fierce intellectual determination, as citizens, to define the real truth of our lives and our societies is a crucial obligation which devolves upon us all. It is in fact mandatory. If such a determination is not embodied in our political vision we have no hope of restoring what is so nearly lost to us - the dignity of man." (Harold Pinter)

Publishers Weekly Web Pick of the Week: www.publishersweekly.com/article/CA6617001.html?industryid=47159 Week of 11/24/2008

Watch the 3 minute trailer of Richard Gage's new 2 hour DVD: www.ae911truth.org/flashmov12.htm of www.AE911Truth.org
More than 500 architects and engineers have proven, beyond reasonable doubt, that the twin towers in New-York and WTC7 were taken down in three controlled demolitions using among other things sophisticated sol-gel-thermite. The victims of the terror in New-York, including the first-responders who are now sick with respiratory diseases, and millions of Americans ( www.truthaction.org ) are demanding the media and politicians to look at the hard legal facts that point to an inside job. Check the FACTS: there is NO LEGAL evidence of ONE Muslim involved in the attacks on New-York, and it is high time our media realizes this, since the perpetrators of 9/11 are still on the loose, and selling their lies via Reuters and the main stream media.


This letter is out doing its rounds on the web, but every-one who clicks on the proposition will simply hit on a castrated (Lame)Change.org site...
In the old days, before the second illegal Iraq war, I used to write to the White House until I found out that all critical mails were simply trashed by the Bush administration, since they preferred to live outside of reality.
There is a slim chance that this has changed just a little with the new administration, especially in this preparatory phase: if we do obtain those comments that were posted at Change.org, [Found! www.reopen911.info/tmp/Change-911.png ] I suggest that we send them one by one over to : http://change.gov/page/s/ofthepeople
and that we make a thread where all of these contributions, and those being added concerning a Truth and Reconciliation Commission on 9/11, can be read as a source of information and inspiration for the larger public. We must push on, and step up our actions. We have had one set-back here, but it certainly was encouraging to see how responsive the larger public is to our concern. Lets build on that !

Love from Brussels,

PS: I'm all for rewording this as a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission on 9/11", which actually makes more sense, but at the moment I need more assurances that I can trust the people over at Change.org , that we understand each other !

In the mean time, please note that you can still vote on Debora Blake's proposition via her quickly put up e-mail: Contact@TopRatedButCensored911Idea.com The results will be reported on www.topratedbutcensored911idea.com & www.ReOpen911.info to begin with, while we search how to best channel and consolidate our demand.

I just sent them this:


I am pissed off and appauled at the cowardice with which Change.org has pulled the 9/11 "idea" from the top of the list. When you pulled it, it had 660 votes, almost TWICE as many votes as the no. 2 "idea."

The excuse you guys give is lame. "Past govt action" and "reforming specific policy" are not mutually exclusive. The future depends on the past. For example, if our "specific policy" we want to change is the indefinite perpetuation of aggression by the USA onto other world nations, a good start would be to uncover what's rotten, in the foundation. This is where 9/11 truth comes in to play.

You guys might be a private group not officially connected with the Obama team, but by deleting the 9/11 proposition, you have showed yourselves to be mirroring Obama's "we can't dwell on the past, we need to move forward" mindset. Perhaps the Nazis shouldn't have been prosecuted at Nuremberg, in the spirit of forgetting the past and moving on.

At the very least, you could keep the 9/11 proposition posted, albeit even if it is "disqualified," so the public can SEE what THE PEOPLE want when it comes to CHANGE. CHANGE involves CONFRONTING THE PAST. YOU CAN'T KNOW WHERE YOU'RE GOING IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE YOU'VE BEEN!!!!

With 660 votes at the time of deletion, do you realize how much respect you guys have lost?


THEY have already deleted mine


Reveal the Whole Truth about 9/11

Revealing the facts about 9/11 will help undo the massive damage done to the US and the World. To reveal the 9/11 attacks to have been a False-flag Psychological Operation would also show the so-called "War on Terror" to be a fraud. All of the Legislation stemming from the fraud could then be repealed. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan would end swiftly.

Mr President Obama, We implore you to reveal to the world the TRUTH about 9/11. Do not maintain the charade. It looks ugly on you.
- Joe Stokes (Teacher) Nov 30 @ 04:00PM PST

A Truth & Reconcilitation Commission is forward looking

David Ray Griffin believes a Truth & Reconciliation Commission is probably the only way we will ever get the full truth told.

He also believes Obama would get behind that kind of idea.

I suggest we put an idea on Change.org requesting a Truth & Reconciliation Commission on 911 be implemented by the Obama administration.

We need one central plan of action...one action to rally behind.

We need one central plan of decisive action (which has broad support). If we do not have one action which Truthers will rally behind, we will find ourselves dispersed and divided in strength.

I second this.

I can't fucking believe they censored this issue. We DEFINITELY NEED to reword it to fit their criteria.

~In Lak'esh
(Mayan: You are another me)

This website may not be worth putting effort into.

I am unfamiliar with profits and marketing on websites, such as "change.org". I suspect that they were counting upon developing huge exposure, then offering ads or other revenue generating mechanisms.

I am guessing that they feel that they would not generate as much revenue by being positioned with "The 9/11 Truth Movement". They have an agenda...and it is not truth or an open voice of ideas.

Screencast of the entire page just before it has been deleted (c

Screencast of the entire page just before it has been deleted (censored) This include all the comments up to the 656 votes point.

Now they're going into hard

Now they're going into hard core censorship mode, deleting every single 9/11 submission. This is truly the stomping boot of repression.

Didn't Stalin's Russia have elections, just so people could feel like they were freely participating?

Truth & Reconciliation Idea Not Removed

We all know that these days any admission that we don't know the truth about 9/11 is considered inflammatory rhetoric. So, while it may be as true as the day is long, we need to anticipate the realities available to us by this state of affairs. Yes, it is good for the public to hear us calling for a new investigation. If they hear it enough times, they might actually stop to consider it. But when such 'inflammatory' statements get in the way of us achieving our objective, maybe in those instances we can massage our wording.

While I'd like to see all the criminals of all government crimes go to jail in chains, I also realize that is not likely to happen. That would be justice, but it seems unattainable. The next best thing would be for the public to learn the truth about these crimes and cover-ups in the hopes they could not be so easily fooled in the future. (Hmmm.) Anyway, if truth is what we want, how about supporting a call on the Change.org website for a TRUTH & RECONCILIATION COMMISSION? Just such a proposal has been put forward, and it has not been removed. Perhaps if it gets more votes, it will get removed. Perhaps not.

Shall we give it a try? Here is the idea posted on Change.org:

Truth and Reconciliation with the Bush Administration

I know that a trial of George Bush and many members of his administration is exactly what he deserves. But it is not what this country needs. America needs to know what happened. The world needs to see us searching for the truth. We need to al...
- Ryan Kauffman (blogger and community organizer), Portland, OR Nov 24 @ 09:57PM PST

I just submitted a "truth

I just submitted a "truth and reconciliation" committee also.

EDIT: Just got deleted, less than five min later.

I feel like the change.org staff are working exclusively on censoring us.

Call in the Crisis Mgmt Team

Just take a look at the message they sent to everyone. I'm sure they'd have taken it down sooner, but they were probably still finetuning the rejection letter.

So true, I bet they were

So true, I bet they were sweating their little Corporate assess right off at how to deal with a real issue like 911truth coming to their doorstep.

left this comment on the new 9/11 investigation page

Donna Marsh O'Connor's 9/11 one was deleted, NIST is still up, vote it up:

someone had another 9/11 investigation link going, not worded as well- never mind, looks like it's been deleted already.

see this thread on 911blogger.com

- the previous petition for a new independent investigation into 9/11 was deleted, even though it had at least 660 votes, more than twice the nearest competitor.

Change.org is a "gatekeeper", not a "social platform"

What utter, bogus hypocrisy


disappointed but not surprised..they lose in the long run

Hello Richard D.,

We wanted to send you a note about an idea you recently voted on in the Ideas for Change in America competition titled "Conduct a new, independent investigation into the attacks of September 11, 2001"

We support calls for truth and transparency in our government on every subject and welcome you to directly petition the new administration about this matter, which you can do at http://change.gov/page/s/ofthepeople. However, this is unfortunately outside the scope of the Ideas for Change in America project, which aims to offer specific policy solutions rather than investigations into past government action. As such, it is not eligible to enter the second round of the competition.

We understand that good people may disagree with our vision. But this is a private effort not connected to the Obama campaign or transition team, and we reserve the right to keep the competition and its content aligned with the stated mission and overall spirit of the project.

Thank you for your understanding. As mentioned above, we welcome you to directly petition the Obama administration about your proposal at http://change.gov/page/s/ofthepeople. And we hope you continue your work to advance change.


- The Ideas for Change in America Team

Stayin alive

Currently there is a suggestion in the Peace in the Middle East section to outlaw false flag terrorism subbmited by a retired Marine major. Its text starts with an international commission to investigate 911 and other false flag events. It is only two points behind the #1 pick. We should at least vote it up until or if we come up with another plan.

I hope everyone who submits new ideas lets all of us know by providing a link here.

God bless 911Blogger for keeping up with this. At some point this is going to need a revised thread. I'll let you guys figure that one out.

Yep, voted for it. Here's


While I was taking a shower, it went to #1 in that category with only 28 votes. I'm going out to get some groceries and I expect it to be near 100 votes by the time I get back.

How hard is it to get a live counter at the beginning of this thread (or a new thread) for this and Donna Marsh O'Conner's suggestion? We have instantaneously regrouped and everything needs to reflect that.

This one was just deleted as well.

had over 57 votes last I checked I think. We are having an influence in need to continually find creative ways of using our force.

During times of extreme frustration like this,

when we want to smash in our computer screen...

...It doesn't hurt to drink some red bull and revitalize, and feel better: ;-)

Thought they weren't

Thought they weren't interested in "looking at the past", funny how this is on their front page, total balled faced hypocrisy:

Nazi Persecution of Gays in the Holocaust


"bold faced" . . . but I

"bold faced" . . . but I like your version better . . . : )

Well seen. Good observation. Thanks.

Well seen. Good observation. Thanks.

As a consolation I went to Obama's Change site and sent this

"Distrust of government in the United States is currently at an all time high. This is mostly due to the fact that a large percentage of the population is aware that certain elements of the Bush administration have at a minimum covered up, and very likely orchestrated, what actually occurred on Sept. 11, 2001, to gain popular support for disguised wars for oil. While criminal prosecutions of these matters may be very taxing on the new administration, a Truth and Reconciliation Commission should be possible, and would allow President elect Obama to govern more effectively by restoring trust in government. In listening to him, one can tell that restoring faith in government is certainly something he wants to do. I am just trying to suggest a way for it to occur with the least disruption in the short term while providing great benefits long term. President elect Obama is already on track to move away from these atrocious policies by moving towards Alternative Energies in a real way, and ending these wars as soon as possible. Taking the extra step of at least exposing the frauds used to perpetuate, what he feels we should move away from, will only strengthen the support he needs to move the much more humane and rational policies, that he advocates, forward."

The website is http://www.change.gov and while it doesn't list issues to vote on, it does allow you to submit your idea.

They finally kicked me out. To hell with them.

"It is you who are the torch-bearers with respect to that truth.... ...Steel your spines. Inspire your children. Then when the moment is right, rise again...." W PEPPER


this guy, Matt Kelley, is the editor of the 'Criminal Justice' section of Change.org. might be best to take it directly to him...


last time I checked there has been NO JUSTICE for 9/11.

I also received a robo-letter from Change.org. I basically told them to move to China, and that I would be doing my best to help expose them for the censoring frauds they are.

Oh yeah, Matt Kelley?

It seems Mr. Kelley is also a contributor of suggestions in the Criminal Justice section, and his entry, "Provide Alternatives to Incarceration," is on the heels of Donna Marsh O'Conner's entry. http://www.change.org/ideas/view/provide_alternatives_to_incarceration So not only do we have censorship going on, but it seems a little insider trading, as well. The title suggests that he might be afraid of what kind of time he will do if he gets caught.

Just received this email...

"We wanted to send you a note about an idea you recently voted on in the Ideas for Change in America competition titled "Conduct a new, independent investigation into the attacks of September 11, 2001"

We support calls for truth and transparency in our government on every subject and welcome you to directly petition the new administration about this matter, which you can do at http://change.gov/page/s/ofthepeople. However, this is unfortunately outside the scope of the Ideas for Change in America project, which aims to offer specific policy solutions rather than investigations into past government action. As such, it is not eligible to enter the second round of the competition.

We understand that good people may disagree with our vision. But this is a private effort not connected to the Obama campaign or transition team, and we reserve the right to keep the competition and its content aligned with the stated mission and overall spirit of the project.

Thank you for your understanding. As mentioned above, we welcome you to directly petition the Obama administration about your proposal at http://change.gov/page/s/ofthepeople. And we hope you continue your work to advance change.


- The Ideas for Change in America Team "

Wonder if they can say the same about other topics. Would they send the same email if people were behind, say....hemp or energy independence?

I saw them erase my vote

the vote was 52....I voted... went to read some of the comments.... went from 53 back to 52 when I went back to the top of the page.... could not vote again
Together in Truth!

New life-support system in live...

Let's see if we can make good use of this.


that's really good,

and fast! nice consolidation of the saga. if the website is yours my only suggestion would be to fix the spelling of Iraq (it is spelled 'Irak' in the introduction). thanks! and keep the faith people, this even happening just shows our power as a collective. 9/11 Truth will never be stopped.

That's awesome.

I love it. This rising voice of the people will never be buried.

How long will this one last?

Just 3 votes.

An independent 're-investigation' into who really murdered 10 of our Aussies in the United States on

On 9/11 about 10 Australians were murdered in the United States and it is clear to the most simple minded, on competent analysis that the '9/11 Commision' covered up the manner of carrying out those murders and who was responsible.
The great courage of Simon Wiesenthall in tracking down war criminals over scores of years is a marvelous role model and should be followed to detect and bring to justice those who really were responsible for the murder of our ten Aussies.
Until that is carried out the world will not trust any US administration to be the bearer of 'justice and the American way' and there will be nothing for anyone, out of the US, to be "jealous of" for, unless you have justice, your 'freedoms and way of life' are illusionary and just hypocritical politic spin.
I commend the above idea in order that international trust in the US can be re-instated.
- Brae Antcliffe (Barristerr/lawyer, 38 years experience), Sydney, AK Nov 30 @ 08:04PM PST

Tony Szamboti

Real class. Well said.

I am not even allowed to sign in to change.org

They didn't send me the letter the rest of you received. I have apparently been banned from the site. I must be on their shit list for telling the truth.

I wrote a comment, which they solicited. I told the truth. It was well received. I even got a compliment from someone I don't even know.

They banned me.

What does this say about the Obama administration?

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Well. Fucking. Said.

Well. Fucking. Said.



Make your own "change"... don't count on the gatekeepers

Make your own "change"... don't count on the gatekeepers.
A 9/11/2008 Resolution: Start Your Own 9/11 Blog

My retraction

I was wrong to recommend that all 660 who voted for Debora Blake's suggestion submit their own suggestion. I was wrong in declaring "WE MUST RESPOND" when her suggestion was removed. I now wish you guys had voted those comments down. My comments were a knee-jerk reaction and I should have kept silent and thought things through.

For a few hours today we were all unified around a single purpose and tactic and it was exhilarating and inspiring. Now we have been thrown a curve ball and everyone wants to hit the walk-off home run (sorry for the sports metaphor). It ain't gonna happen that way.

I've read some of the comments posted with the new suggestions on Change.org and the venom being spewed is embarrassing. With good intentions, truthers are and will be suggesting their own new version and our votes will be scattered to the four corners of the world.

We could easily rally around the suggestions by Jon Fox, Maj.USM on false flag terror http://www.change.org/ideas/view/outlaw_false_flag_terror_globally and/or Donna Marsh O'Conner's suggestion to appoint a scientist to head NIST http://www.change.org/ideas/view/appoint_a_scientist_to_head_nist_immedi... -- which more than adequately get our message across in that forum, but we didn't.. Now it's all very complex and our anarchical tendencies have taken over and if we don't accumulate as many or more votes on any one suggestion, as we did previously, we will only have ourselves to blame.

Oh well. There's always tomorrow. (oh shit, it's already tomorrow)

Their agenda...to promote a corp of government workers...

"Build a Public Service Academy" & "National Service Corps" & "National Democracy Corp" <--Yikes!!!

And that "Build a Public

And that "Build a Public Service Academy" idea has been featured in that blue window for about 24 hours now.

New idea at Change.not

Just posted this:

Bring our Troops Home

There is no justification for the war in Afghanistan or Iraq.
The FBI has NOT charged Osama Bin Laden with the attacks on 9/11 because there is NO HARD EVIDENCE connecting him to 9/11.
Osama Bin Laden is wanted in connection with the August 7, 1998, bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya.
The "confession video" is a fraud. If it were real, it would be enough for an indictment.
The Taliban asked us for evidence that OBL was involved. Bush said no because there was no evidence and took us to war anyway.
Obama, please bring our troops home from these unnecessary, unjust, endless wars.

There's more than one way . . . . .

Do they have the chutzpah to delete this one?


Yep, deleted already

"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act." - George Orwell


WTF? <;-)

People keep putting up 9/11 ideas and they keep getting votes until they are removed.

I've been banned so . . . . carry on.

We can keep it on the first page until they ban us all.

Another One to Try...

Stop making us put up with the effects of false flag terrorism.. this is just one instance.


A friend wrote this:

"Um, sir?"
"What is it?"
"The Change.org idea is backfiring!"
"Backfiring? How?"
"We thought they would ask about easy issues, but the people are crazy! They want to abolish the Federal Reserve system and repeal the Patriot Act!"
"Good lord!"
"And that's not the worst of it! The most popular topic is a call for an independent 9/11 investigation! ... It has double the votes of the 2nd most popular topic!"
"No! Delete it! DELETE IT!"
"Deleting, sir...whew. That was a close one!"
"How could it have come to this?"
"It looks like people want the Truth, sir..."
"We will tell them what the truth is around here! Delete any topics pertaining to 9/11, every hour, on the hour!"
"Sir, yes, sir!"

~In Lak'esh
(Mayan: You are another me)

Send it to the new site!

You should suggest your friend send this text to contact@topratedbutcensored911idea.com


I suggest we all put comments on all of their other ideas talking about them having taken off ours


write to change .org

you can put comments on the guy who is running change.orgs page


new one

just to keep them busy, we put in a new one, with all of the previous comments


That's how I got banned

Mo betta be devious.

Something like "Bring Home the Troops". Just don't mention 9/11 specifically. That can happen in the comments.


With all due respect, I am only surprised that many thought this effort might succeed.

The major media is an "establishment" propaganda mechanism.

For survivals sake, the "establishement" will never genuinely acknowledge the 9/11 controversy.

And the Obama candidacy is a psy-op upon the U.S. public and the world, created in my view to cause the public to once again love its master and prevent a real revolution.

We must continue to go around the establishment and straight to the public with our information, be our own propagandists. It has been a very successful approach to date.


I fear that the pearls of wisdom I sent Change.gov went into the vortex never to be seen again.

No worries, everyone who stopped by Change.not in the last couple days knows it's a snow job and they have heard about 9/11 being an inside job. Seeing the blatant censorship will get a few minds thinking.

Aidan, you are right. We have to join those in the street. The net is good for exchanging info but we must get people to wake up one at a time, in person.

Yeap... You said it:

"And the Obama candidacy is a psy-op upon the U.S. public and the world, created in my view to cause the public to once again love its master and prevent a real revolution."

"We must continue to go around the establishment and straight to the public with our information, be our own propagandists. It has been a very successful approach to date."

I'm Burning Another 600 DVDs

"We must continue to go around the establishment and straight to the public with our information, be our own propagandists. It has been a very successful approach to date."

Yep! DVD & flyer time!!

Dvds and flyers and personal contact and signs and visibility on the streets and through personal contact !

Great Work!

This type of work is very important. Many minds can be opened over time this way.

It is urgent that as many people as possible are made immediately aware of "establishment" manipulation of "problem, reaction, solution" type events.

The next "helpful" catastrphe may not be as effective in the face of an informed public.


But while it was up and gaining the 660 votes we got, it sure must have gained a lot of attention by the people behind the site and the progressive visitors and other voters. This is a win regardless of the particular outcome. And we need to push the other ones that lead up to the realization of 9/11 being an inside job. Donna Marsh O'Connor submitted one about the NIST, I put one up about the ridiculousness of shoes off at airports. We can surround them with other ideas and push the envelope.

The criminals for the 9/11 september 2001 be put on public trial

Herblay FRANCE

bonjour ,

suggestion for a change : The criminals for the 9/11 september 2001 be put on public trial ! Since seven years there are no persons tried for being behind the 9/11 attacks. Neither for the Anthrax attacks. We need change !

Change.org can not be against that ! Though they will not make money out of that or would they ?

We all want the criminals, be it Al-Queda or Dick Cheney and his cronies, put on trial with all the evidence made public. Not a mock trial but a true, just trial where all the facts can come out and complementary investigations be made.



Update °1 : It would be interesting to make a list of all the propositions deleted and another list of the propositions accepted.

my two (depreciating) cents

Here is my reply to "change".org...

My friends (of the establishment), I want to believe your intentions are just but perhaps your loyalty naively placed in a false hope. Others (such as Jeremy Scahill) have done their part to expose the Obama wink and nod to the status quo.

There are two types of criminals behind 911 that have yet to be held accountable; those directly responsible and those that have taken advantage and profiteered from this atmosphere of lies . You and your organization, from my perspective, belong to a class of citizen either deceived or simply ignorant of just what sort of corrupt system you are trying to change.-- Or perhaps a member of yet a third, more vile ilk, a sort of wolf in sheep's clothing-- QUESTION: You are not interested in investigations of past actions? What in hell's name does it take to get through to you? Just what sorts of crimes committed by the elite ARE worth your attention? --a rhetorical question... Clearly you are simply another element of society that by omission or commission is part of the problem.

Two cents well spent!

Well said.

Hey, this is fun. We're

Hey, this is fun. We're playing Whack-A-Mole with the gatekeepers. How absurdly funny. But seriously, let's rally around the "Appoint a scientist to head NIST" idea. Its a good effort and a reasonable exit strategy from this hugely successful MSM debacle.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Here's another good one

Fair Investigations of Bush Administration - 102 votes so far


ETA: Launch an investigation of corruption and unconstitutionality of the Bush Adminstration - 112 votes

Plenty of material for comments, choose one:

ETA: Prosecute the Bush Crime Family - 42 votes


Currently #1 in "recently added"

Revise the URL for change.org to change.not

This site is removing any ideas for REAL change, such as investgating the crime of 9/11. They are shills for the O'bummer camp who want a reprise of Bush, let's call it Bush II.
- Sheila Casey (angry change.not voter) Dec 01 @ 07:39AM PST



thanks for making me smile ;-)

my account has been deleted

along with my various idea submissions

Mine too

North Texans for 911 Truth
North Texans for 911 Truth Meetup Site

Vote for this!!

Vote to put scientist at head of NIST now! 99 votes and counting!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Donna Marsh O'Connor's

They delete this then their also denying a victim’s family member, it needs 27 more votes:

Let's do this one up BIG!

The MO of "Change.not" is pretty obvious by now. They removed Marine Major Jon Fox's false flag terror suggestion once it reached #1. They are obviously only paying attention to the top voted suggestions. So let's give them plenty to think about and send Donna's support numbers through the roof. But please, let's not get sucked into their attack by posting nasty comments. I'd suggest leaving no comment at all, except maybe comments giving overwhelming support for Donna, the mother of a 9/11 victim. We've got a lot to be proud of here. We can play their game and bring 9/11 to the top in 24 hrs or less. They are digging their own grave, so start contacting alternative media, especially those outlets that are not afraid to discuss 9/11 and let them know about the scam called Change.org.

p.s. It's so encouraging to see two votes were added in the time it took me to write this paragraph. Damn!

Oops 911Peacenik, I couldn't hold myself from leaving a comment

I went and gave a vote to Donna Marsh O'Connor's very down to earth suggestion to appoint a scientist as director of the NIST: http://www.change.org/ideas/view/appoint_a_scientist_to_head_nist_immedi... (119 votes with mine just now)

Here is my comment: (The big American flag shielding the windows of the NIST building is true, I practically fell over when I saw it!)

Thank-you for posting this idea Donna Marsh O'Connor !

It is a bit worrisome that the NIST has a politically appointed President, and that they hang a big enormous American flag shielding the windows so the government paper-pushers in the NIST building have not much clue what is going on in the world outside, while they produce cyber-science with steel framed buildings falling strait down at free-fall acceleration, supposedly due to office fires.

What will future generations make of this farce? How will we explain this to ten year olds in Physics classes? It is also unacceptable that the NIST did NOT test for explosive residues, even though this is legally required if the owner is to collect insurance on a building that mysteriously disappears 25 minutes after the BBC gives intricate details, trying to explain why the building had totally collapsed, which by-the way, it only does 25 minutes later...

It is also a bit suspicious that the NIST people were helping government researchers test sol-gel-nano-thermite 3 years prior to the pulverization act of the three skyscrapers in New-York that left pools of molten metal behind hot like lava for several months, and the director of NIST maintained before a room full of witnesses that this molten metal was never seen.

Inflicting political control on science is something we might expect of Nicolae Ceaucescu or Joseph Stalin, not on the leader of the United States of America.

Love from Brussels,

"unflinching, unswerving, fierce intellectual determination, as citizens, to define the real truth of our lives and our societies is a crucial obligation which devolves upon us all. It is in fact mandatory. If such a determination is not embodied in our political vision we have no hope of restoring what is so nearly lost to us - the dignity of man." (Harold Pinter)

Only some investigations are removed . . .

Their cover for removing the 9/11 investigation posts is --

"this is unfortunately outside the scope of the Ideas for Change in America project, which aims to offer specific policy solutions rather than investigations into past government action."

So then why do they leave this one up? Now it has a lot of votes. Why is it still up?

Launch an investigation of corruption and unconstitutionality of the Bush Adminstration

The Obama Administration should waste no time in investigating the nefarious actions of the Bush and Chaney government, and risk evidence being destroyed. Unsubstantiated evidence for war. Violation of Geneva Convention. Violation of Habeus Corpus. Torture. Closed-door energy policy negotiations. The Executive Branch overstepping its constitutionally defined boundaries. FIMA's incompetency after hurricane Katrina. Cronyism. The list goes on.
- Joseph Schollmeyer (architect), Portland, OR Nov 06 @ 07:24AM PST

Why don't they remove that one?

Someone should ask them.

Thou shalt not investigate

All three investigate Bush ideas have been deleted.

Appoint a scientist to head NIST immediately #15 with 125 votes

Declassify main information about 9/11 attacks has 20 votes

3 new 9/11Investigation ideas as of 2:47 PST
Real 911 Investigation - 1 vote - deleted
Conduct a new, independent investigation into the attacks of 9/11 - 3 votes - deleted
New Independent Investigation into the Events of 9/11 - 9 votes - deleted

Declassify main information about 9/11 attacks - 26 votes
Freedom of speech in America - 3 votes

Vote This One

My thread is still up with 46 votes so far.


Stop Criminal Covert Activity

Covert intelligence operatives and private mercenaries contracted to the US government have been implicated in crimes ranging from international drug smuggling to terrorism. This unaccountable system must be exposed and stopped. See investigative reporter Daniel Hopsicker for details related to CIA connected planes caught full of cocaine. Make Obama respond to these charges of criminal complicity in the CIA, DEA and FBI.

Apply the law to covert sponsors of terrorism, including prosecuting the former regime for their cooperation with terrorists such as Jundullah and M.E.K. (Seymour Hersh, The New Yorker).

Expose the "foreign governments" (US Senate, October 28, 2003) who assisted the "9/11 hijackers", whose acts were made "classified" by the Bush white house. This is arguably high treason, and is indicative of a wide cover-up of the 9/11 attacks. Disclose the roles of CIA and FBI supervisors who shut down investigations prior to the attacks and hold all parties accountable for their law breaking.

This treason is so damaging that the republic is now in danger of collapse into a fascist police state whose wealth has been plundered by the terrorists in charge. That is not an exaggeration.

- John Doraemi (http://crimesofthestate.blogspot.com/), New Earth, DC Nov 29 @ 09:32AM PST

70 Disturbing Facts About 9/11

John Doraemi publishes Crimes of the State Blog

johndoraemi --at-- yahoo.com.


Hey. I just thought of something

Post "We need a new investigation into the events of 9/11" in as many different different languages as we can. At least that'll make them have to do some work to delete them.

New 911 suggestion posted....

..with video. Vote now, it may not be there in an hour


Stronger Protections for Government Whistleblowers

President Obama should instruct the Justice Department to provide stronger protections and grant immunity from prosecution to FBI, ATF, CIA, NIST, FEMA, SEC and all government agency employees willing to go public with information regarding the planning and/or execution of the September 11, 2001 attacks or any other past and future events likewise suspected of being the result of a terrorist conspiracy, including to those government employees who, to date, have either been gagged, silenced or threatened. This will begin to help alleviate the growing fears and suspicions in America and around the world of clandestine government operatives involved in or covering up illegal activities which threaten the safety and security people living in America or anywhere else in the world.


All good entries. We are starting to get the hang of it. Some of these are going to get deleted, but some will sneak through, at least for a while. Sadly, the ones with "9/11" in the title will probably get picked off first. That's OK, it will keep them occupied. Given the multitude of problems with the 911 Investigation, we'll have no loss of ways to express our concerns. I just hope we can channel some of this energy into creative ways to get the word out and get more people to stay in-touch with the daily changes and keep voting, and voting, and voting....... This is going to be up and down all the way to December 31, so we need to be sure we can rack up hundreds of votes at a moments notice. If you have been banned from the website, direct your energy toward spreading the word on this and getting people to actually vote -- this is actually the most important task we face and they can't ban you from a 911 truth meet-up site.

Let's get 'em.

Next Stop the Daily Show

I just posted a suggestion for a story idea.
"Change.org Censors Top Rated Idea in Change for America Contest"
Go and post comments there. Let's try to get in touch with Jon Stewart.
Spread the link around. Thanks.

This blatant censorship will be a rude awakening to his people..

Clearly there are young and idealistic people working in the Obama organization. How will the higher-ups in the Obama camp reconcile this blatant act of censorship to them? I have a feeling this censorship will awaken some of his followers. This was not done in a vacuum and it was not done cleanly or fairly. Asking for a new investigation into the events of 911 is a rather benign request, unless you feel that conducting that investigation will actually incriminate individuals in our government or individuals whose involvement has not yet been revealed. If they were confident that the truth was already found, they would not be so adamant about squelching this request.

I am disgusted at this censorship

though not at all surpised.

The Obamaniacs are completely duped.

Obama's people are guilty of complicity after the fact.
The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

Declassify and Release 9/11 Commission Records in 2009

I wonder if 2009 is "forward looking" enuf for Change.NOT- vote it up for truth and justice, and send your own message to Obama here:

Declassify and Release 9/11 Commission Records in 2009

Mr. President-Elect Obama, The 9/11 Commission records “general restriction from public access”, according to federal law, lasts until 2009. Please order all involved Federal Agencies, including but not limited to the Pentagon, FAA, FBI and CIA, to finish the work of declassifying 9/11 Commission records for public release, immediately. Researcher and writer Professor Peter Dale Scott, summarizes the current situation:

“The FBI has been declassifying documents cooperatively with respect to this commitment, and recently the CIA has begun to cooperate as well. [79] But some federal agencies, notably the FAA and Pentagon, are not collaborating with the 9/11 Commission's commitment at all...Both the FAA and the Pentagon declined to release important records to the 9/11 Commission, despite its statutory powers, until required to do so by judicial subpoena.”

9/11, Deep State Violence and the Hope of Internet Politics http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=9289

"In accordance with the Federal Records Act, the Commission has established a general restriction from public access on these records until 2009.” http://www.archives.gov/research/9-11-commission/



Your suggestion was deleted. Welcome to the elite fraternity. We should have our own contest on who can get deleted the fastest. Mine was up for six hours and I mentioned 9/11 only once and never even called for a new investigation.

They have declared war on us for agreeing to participate in their program. Sounds like Bush's response to the Taliban when they agreed to hand over OBL.

Thanks for providing the Change.gov link. It would be great if we all could agree on one message we could all send to that website. Any ideas out there?

EDIT. flooding change.gov with requests to investigate 9/11

may be more productive than pestering this pissant gatekeeper.

posted my own write up on this on my blog- they banned me, i re-registered under a new email, posted the following, it was gone w/in minutes.

Change.NOT: Left Gatekeeper Blocks Support for 9/11 Commission Records Release

Contact the Obama Transition Team:

Change.org - Declassify and Release 9/11 Commission Records in 2009


Mr. President-Elect Obama, The 9/11 Commission records “general restriction from public access”, according to federal law, lasts until 2009. Please order all involved Federal Agencies, including but not limited to the Pentagon, FAA, FBI and CIA, to finish the work of declassifying 9/11 Commission records for public release, immediately. Researcher and writer Professor Peter Dale Scott, summarizes the current situation:

“The FBI has been declassifying documents cooperatively with respect to this commitment, and recently the CIA has begun to cooperate as well. [79] But some federal agencies, notably the FAA and Pentagon, are not collaborating with the 9/11 Commission’s commitment at all…Both the FAA and the Pentagon declined to release important records to the 9/11 Commission, despite its statutory powers, until required to do so by judicial subpoena.”

9/11, Deep State Violence and the Hope of Internet Politics http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=9289

“In accordance with the Federal Records Act, the Commission has established a general restriction from public access on these records until 2009.” http://www.archives.gov/research/9-11-commission/



Persistence furthers

This is now #10 which puts it on the first page of "Top Rated Ideas".
If you haven't voted for it already, please do so. Tell a friend.
Appoint a scientist to head NIST immediately - 195 votes

And the hits just keep on commin'
reopen 911 - deleted

Ask friends to keep posting this. We can keep it on the first page of new ideas from now until Dec 31. "Whack A Mole", a game for the whole family.

Stronger Protections for Government Whistle Blowers - deleted

Declassify and Release 9/11 Commission Records in 2009 - deleted
Is anybody getting screen captures of all these deleted ideas?

Keep the pressure on! Vote for these ideas.

End Censorship of War on Terror - 10 votes

Investigate Sibel Edmonds situation - 33 votes

End the Phony War on Terror - 17 votes

911 First Responders - 16 votes

Leave Afghanistan ! - 21 votes

Support milongal:
"I just posted a suggestion for a story idea.
'Change.org Censors Top Rated Idea in Change for America Contest'
Go and post comments there. Let's try to get in touch with Jon Stewart.
Spread the link around. Thanks."


I sent this to one of the authors of "President 2.0."

Dear Daniel,

I was recently made aware of an article published in Newsweek International, President 2.0, which you authored with Daniel Stone and in which you referenced the website “Change.org,” founded by Ben Ratray of San Francisco. I want to thank you for your contribution to the ongoing discussion of the changing dynamics the information boom vis-à-vis the internet is having on politics and political discourse. Because of your article, in good faith I attempted to participate in the forum and contest at Change.org.

Due mostly to the abuses in government I have witnessed in the last decade, I am one of millions of Americans who have become politically active, taking full advantage of one of the last vestiges of freedom and liberty – the internet -- to exercise my desires to bring about change in American politics. What I and many disenfranchised Americans was drawn to in your article was the comment, “Connectedness, Miller says, means allowing people outside government to have a bigger role in crafting policy (or at least feel like they have a bigger role…... One example that already exists is a privately run "social action" Web site called Change.org. An idea board on the site allows users to make suggestions, then other users give an up or down vote on what has been put forward,”

It seems, however, that the “connectedness” to which Ellen Miller refers and to which you associate with the intent behind Change.org is not an accurate example, or at least a conditional one. Within six hours of posting my suggestion there, it was deleted. Likewise, I and many people (motivated by your story) voted for a suggestion that accumulated the most votes for any suggestion on that website (660) to date, only to watch it get deleted, Most of these entries were deleted not because they contained vulgarity, obscenity, or malice, but because the content of the suggestions did not fit in with the ambiguous agenda of the site’s founders and its gatekeepers.

Websites like Change.org are certainly free to promote and advance whatever ideas they wish, but to do so under the guise of the freedom and openness associated with the “internet age” is, at the very least, a mischaracterization. Since your article was penned well in advance of any significant application of their mission, you would have been unaware of how Change.org might fulfill its mission. In no way is this letter meant to hold you or Daniel Stone accountable for your characterization of Change.org, but rather, to point out what has “changed’ (or hasn’t changed) since the article’s publication.

Most notably among the conditions for submitting an entry there, which is germane to the import of your article is:

(Suggestions) that offer solutions which won't receive serious consideration by either the Obama administration or the 111th Congress (will be removed)

I don’t see how this can be interpreted as anything less than censorship and self-appointed gatekeeping. It stands in direct opposition to the freedom (disingenuinely) offered in their voting process. I guess they are saying you can suggest whatever you wish as long as we agree with it.

I’d like to suggest a follow-up to “President 2.0” on how organizations like Change.org are taking advantage and in many instances perverting the sincere desire of so many Americans to have their voices be heard, not censored, and applied to the policies that govern us.

Thanks for all your efforts to keep us informed and make us think.

Puppies trump Appoint scientist to head NIST

This would be funny if it wasn't so tragic. Appoint a scientist to head NIST immediately has been pushed off the first page of Top Rated Ideas.

Pass the Puppy Uniform Protection Statute to Help Stop Puppy Mills - 312 votes
[and growing fast - 7 votes while I was writing this]

Appoint a scientist to head NIST immediately - 238 votes
Please vote.

Jon would have a field day with this!

Some nasty comments in the Daily Show Forum...wasn't expecting that from Jon's fans.
We need Jon Stewart to show the lunacy of Change.org's attitude. Deleting people's rational, fact-based comments, deleting people's *accounts* for posting rational, fact-based comments, and of course deleting the *THE top rated idea*: ours. Sure the rules say no "backward looking ideas", but 9/11 is present every day in people's minds and is still being used by the government to justify future policy. Since, given the enormous amount of data showing numerous contradictions, technical anomalies, and, yes, outright lies, it would appear that something other than what we were told happened on 9/11. We need to know what. Basing future policy on something so obviously "not clear" is a very dangerous mistake.

And just in case you haven't seen, according to CNN, on Dec 2, the "terrorists" are planning a biological terror attack...""The consequences of a biological attack are almost beyond comprehension. It would be 9/11 times 10 or a hundred in terms of the number of people who would be killed," former Sen. Bob Graham said." Here's the article: http://edition.cnn.com/2008/US/12/02/terror.report/?iref=mpstoryview

So how dare Change.org continue to stifle a call to conduct a real investigation which quite clearly the people want!

Here's the link to post comment in the Daily Show Forum.



--Sure the rules say no "backward looking ideas"---

This is bullshit policy. EVERY idea looks back at what has happened in the past. How else can someone come up with an idea for the future without looking at what's been done in the past? Not only that, if you browse the posted ideas, there are a few calling for investigations for previous crimes or situations and those aren't getting deleted. We are just being singled out.

This is censorship and control, pure and simple. They just don't want to have to present an idea publicly about 9/11 "conspiracies." Unfortunately, this thread has lost it's edge, Donna's suggestion can't keep up with the others in that category and most truthers have moved on or just don't care. I have emailed more than 200 people more than once, and I'd be surprised if I got 20 to take the ONE MINUTE required to register and vote. Pretty sad, actually. I am impressed, though, with the 3 or 4 people who keep posting here who saw the potential in this and a few others I have personally been in contact with about this. Thanks for trying.

restore change.org credibility

restore change.org credibility

Conduct a new, independent investigation
into the attacks of September 11, 2001.

Given the hundreds of inconsistencies and contradictions that abound in the formal explanations provided to the world by the Bush Administration, it behooves the Obama administration to conduct a true, unbiased, independent investigation into what transpired on 9/11/01, which has since served as a pretext to start wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and roll back civil liberties via the Patriot Act.

If You want to destroy your credibility and increase resistance to the "official story" of 911 keep doing what you're doing. Censorship is nothing, we the people are looking for.


How about this.......

I just went onto Change.org to check out what was going on and lo and behold there was a suggestion in the Peace in the Middle East section entitled "End the Phony War on Terror" referencing Sept 11, submitted by Daniel Axton of Houston. With 59 votes, it was in second place and only 5 votes away from being #1 in that category, hence making it to the second round. Naturally I voted for it and then posted a comment in support of it and also sent Daniel a message vis-a-vis that website to tell him I would love to help spread the word to get people to vote for his suggestion. Then I immediately went back to browse again in the Peace in the Middle East category, only to discover Daniel's suggestion wasn't there anymore. I haven't smoked a joint in weeks so I wasn't stoned. "They fucking deleted it, those bastards," I said. So then I clicked back in my browser until I found the page with his suggestion, only to discover that they didn't delete it, they moved it to the "Other" category, where it is now in 12th place and some 600 votes away from #1 position. All this happened in the 5 minutes I was doing my thing on the website.

They are fucking with us BIG TIME. Personally, I don't put up with that shit. Maybe it's because I live in "the hood" and have learned how to deal with people who want to fuck with me, I don't know, but I'm really pissed now.

We need to do something new -- a new strategy. Maybe an ASAP website we can put up for a month to monitor this and rally everyone else who is concerned and wants to do something. Anyone who wants to get something else started to fight or at least expose these bastards can contact me here -- I AM excepting emails.


Let's try the back door, shall we?

I just posted this idea which will be difficult to justify deleting:
No mention of 9/11, no suggestion of comspiracy. Just a call for safety.


NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, must be impelled to immediately launch a high-profile national campaign informing the public and the nation’s architects of the danger of spontaneous high-rise collapse. After an intensive 6-year investigation, NIST has concluded that small office fires in World Trade Center Building #7 caused a “previously unknown phenomenon”, leading to the failure of a single column and resulting in the total collapse of this 47-story steel-framed structure in 6 to 8 seconds. This previously unknown phenomenon must become the subject of intensive study by the finest architectural and scientific minds this nation can assemble. The safety of each and every American is at stake.

Please help vote this idea up here:


There's more than one way to skin a cat.


OMG these bastards are amazing
looks like its been deleted within minutes

i requested the following:

Hi Ben,
Thanks for your warm welcome to this community.
But it seems i'm already encountering a problem

I recently posted my first idea for change and now it is nowhere to be found.
the link was:


would you please look into this matter and let me know when the problem has been fixed. I am most concerned about the safety of our high rises in light of this disturbing development.
Thanks, Sonny

the link ironically takes me to a home page that says:

President-Elect Obama says he wants to hear ideas from all Americans, so we're taking him up on his offer. Submit your ideas for how to change America, discuss with others, and vote for your favorites.

...from ALL Americans?

lets crush these bastards.

Know your enemy

They know that we know what they are up to. They also know we will make some noise and cry "foul." We already have. So they will just move the less obvious suggestions to the "Other" category where the front runner has already accumulated over 600 votes and where they believe it won't stand a chance of winning. Only if it creeps near the top will they delete it. I think that's what they did with Donna's suggestion and why it's still there. That, and they got nervous about deleting the suggestion from a 911 victim family member.

One suggestion to expose them might be to keep re-posting "Investigate 911" suggestions and do a screen save IMMEDIATELY, so that we have tangible proof of their continued exploits as we build our case against them. The question here is what are we going to do to expose them in a big way.

Also be aware that the editor of the Criminal Justice section, Matt Kelley, has his own suggestion (which for most people is unethical) and is watching that section like a hawk. Go ahead, take your chances there.

Right now I believe it is wise not to leave comments on our suggestions because they can so easily spin it back on us to justify their actions. But this thing is changing daily, so maybe I'm wrong about that.

We also need to be documenting somewhere all of the suggestions that were deleted and also the ones that were moved. I've got a bunch more ideas but I am afraid to post them here because at this point I need to assume that this thread is being monitored -- by THEM.

Not directly 9/11 related

Not directly 9/11 related but I suspect many of us here would vote for this (if it's not already deleted):

Open the Federal Reserve Meetings

31 votes so far.


Let's try the back door shall we?

I think this idea will be difficult to justify deletion.
No mention of 9/11, no suggestion of conspiracy. Just a call to safety

NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, must be impelled to immediately launch a high-profile national campaign informing the public and the nation’s architects of the danger of spontaneous high-rise collapse. After an intensive 6-year investigation, NIST has concluded that small office fires in World Trade Center Building #7 caused a “previously unknown phenomenon”, leading to the failure of a single column and resulting in the total collapse of this 47-story steel-framed structure in 6 to 8 seconds. This previously unknown phenomenon must become the subject of intensive study by the finest architectural and scientific minds this nation can assemble. The safety of each and every American is at stake.

Help vote it up here:


There's more than one way to skin a cat.

Please let me introduce you to...

...our new best buddy, Ben Rattray!

Here he is, folks, all proud of his new idea: Help political organizations and non-profits better use social networks to manipulate people and further their agendas. Watch the video and listen between the lines.

This is a 16:38 video from Nov 14, 2007. He was a guest at a conference organized by "New Politics Institute".



Can someone get a screen shot of this before it goes away?

Richard Gage video.



I just voted for this idea and took a screen capture if anyone needs a copy.

Thank You


Please send to AE911Truth:


People keep putting up Investigate 911 ideas. Would you check out the Most Recent Ideas as often as you can and capture as many of them as you can?

Guest Suggestions at The Daily Show Forum

I suggested that Jon have David Ray Griffin as a guest and talk about
The New Pearl Harbor Revisited

Would someone post a response please.



There were two story suggestions about change.org at the end of last week.
Now it looks like they have both been deleted.
I hope yours will make it.
I will vote for it.

But realistically, Jon Stewart is not going anywhere near 9/11...you can count on it.

End censorship on new 9/11 investigation

End censorship on new 9/11 investigation

Enforce first amendment to stop the unlawful and unpatriotic censorship regarding the necessity of a second investigation on the terrorist acts on 9/11/2001.
Publish a permanent list of newspapers, television networks and websites that support censorship.



as usual, with the same mail.

My answer to the website:

"You seem to answer a question I didn't pose: my proposal is to end censorship, not to support a new investigation.
As such I will present it again, let's hope you are not on the side of censorship while posting a banner that calls for direct action and direct democracy."

and my new proposal:

End censorship on "new 9/11 investigation" debate

Enforce first amendment to stop the unlawful and unpatriotic censorship regarding the debate on the necessity of a second investigation on the terrorist acts on 9/11/2001.
Publish a permanent list of newspapers, television networks and websites that support censorship on the issue.


New tactic - burry it

Your idea is still there . . . . . . . on page 35.

Come on team, don't give up.
Winners never quit, quitters never win.

This is # 8
Appoint a special prosecutor for the crimes of the Bush administration

Let's keep it on the front page.