9/11 Meetup


entry into this blog space was acquired by promising a story about flight 93, which is complete and ready to install.
Something came up however that needs to be passed on, especially now, in light of the accelerated collapse of this nations freedoms.

A 9-11 meet-up was scheduled for the Gainesville City Commission (worthless organization) where your humble narrator was allowed three minutes to speak. Exactly how it went will have to be a matter for others to decide but what was gained personally is truly worth passing on.

I felt high on something (the best of those recollections). An exhilaration not felt in many years. The feeling of relief and accomplishment. All that can be said is that more of that feeling will be necessary, and worthwhile.

Please....if you haven't experienced the euphoria of getting down and dirty, unburdening your soul with truth that so many still will not acknowledge....you know not what you are missing.

In the words of Jerry Lewis...."try it, you'll like it" AND it will be good for your country.

The TRUTH even in a minority of one, is still the Truth.- Ghandi


San Jose/South Bay California is Organizing! Join us!

The San Jose/South Bay Area has a new meetup.com group and a healthy bunch of activists waiting for you!

This covers areas including, San Jose, Palo Alto, Santa Clara, Campbell, Cupertino, Mountainview, Los Gatos, and all surrounding cities for anyone interested.

We are currently taking action on the 11th of every month and other dates as well. Some of you may recognize us from http://www.truthaction.org and http://www.theblackpacket.com.