
big "UNITED FOR TRUTH" action day in Brussels Belgium next Friday the 11th of September 2009

Herblay FRANCE

bonjour ,
there is going to be a big "UNITED FOR TRUTH" action day in Brussels Belgium next Friday the 11th of September 2009 see annex °1 or follow the link below



°1 _ _ _ _ _

Bruxelles UNITED FOR TRUTH sur le 11/9

"UNITED FOR TRUTH" le vendredi 11 septembre 2009 à Bruxelles

UFT’09 est la troisième édition annuelle et consécutive des manifestations demandant l’ouverture d’une enquête internationale sur les attaques du 11 septembre 2001 aux USA ainsi que la fin des politiques guerrières et sécuritaires en recrudescence alarmante depuis cette fameuse date.

Fondée en 2007, la plate-forme UFT rassemblait plus de deux cents personnes à Bruxelles. En 2008 nous étions près de 500 à rallier (sous la pluie !) l’ambassade des USA depuis le conseil de l’Europe. Diverses organisations (CADTM, ATTAC,etc.) et personnalités (G.Chiesa, P.Galand, D.R.Griffin, etc.) apportèrent leur soutien.
Cette année, nous organisons deux rassemblements :
le vendredi 11 septembre à midi, avenue des arts, face à l’ambassade des USA.

Brussels 15th April 2009 : David Ray Griffin : '9/11: Time for A Second Look'

On Wednesday 15th April, Dr Griffin will give the lecture '9/11 Time for A Second Look' in Brussels as part of a European Truth Tour in 11 cities accross Europe.

Venue in Brussels to be determined.

Dr Griffin discribes the lecture as follows:

“I will be pointing out that many people---including politicians and journalists---formed their ideas about 9/11 and the 9/11 truth movement early on, when their seemed little reason to doubt the Bush administration's honesty and when the 9/11 truth movement could be caricatured, without too much exaggeration, as a bunch of kids on the Internet.

Report on Richard Gage's talk in Belgium (16th November 2008)

Richard Gage Speaks Out: 9/11 Blueprint for Truth - the Architecture of Destruction
Richard Gage, founding member of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, explained to an audience of about 165 people in Louvain-La-Neuve (Belgium) that the official story is scientifically impossible.