mouv4x8's blog

"Occupy la Défense" French equivalent to Occupy Wall Street, this 4th nov 2011

Bonsoir, for the moment "Occupy la Défense" the business center of Paris ( French equivalent of "Occupy WallStreet" ) is forbidden this 4th of november 2011 as you can see in the last vidéo below.

Les indignés à la défense
 By mabdylon from France

Taken from at 06h37 French time. The "hours ago" are relative to this time. Vidéo taken by mabdylon from France

911 peace and truth movement Paris the 11th sept 2011

Herblay FRANCE
bonsoir, despite the bad weather, the courageous were there ! If there wasn't the quantity we can say there was the quality !
Vivre la France vivre la vérité !

10 september 2011 mobile expo next to the Pompidou center Paris

Herblay FRANCE
. Here is a flash sent to me by put on htp:\\ at
Translated by me ( not enough time to do a good job as I have to work tomorrow !!!)

Expo of the 10th anniversary next to the Pompidou Center
With the French vidéo "Demolition of the 11 September" the public could not leave this subjet :
(but that does not surprise any among us)

Jean-Michel always makes packed room (one does not even see it on the  photograph):

Many people all the afternoon;  the weather is very nice:

911 Mobile expo Paris France 5 sept 2011 . Again a great succes before the 11th sept 2011 despite rain

John MITCHELL, Herblay FRANCE Sunday 4th September 2011
 FLASH NEWS from Yves Ducourneau PARIS FRANCE
                 despite the changing decisions this morning do the gathering, to cancel it, to do it,, cancel it .... because of the threat of heavy rain, the mobile expo finally took place, though with a lot less 911 truthers. I had a mitigated memory of Sundays but reality contradicted me today: hardly had we started to put up the photos and just  to the moment taking them down, we were surrounded, I could have said bombarded, by an open minded and very interested public. The photos speak by themselves

At last the French 911 truth movement is "massively" taking to the street.

Herblay FRANCE

At last the French 911 truth movement are leaving their computers to go onto the street and spread the truth. See below for Paris annexe °1 or

If you are in Paris comme and meet us at one of our street actions, etc See below annexe °2 As Yves says there will be more information on the web site
°1 _ _ _ _

Here is outside the French television stations TF1 and CANAL+ informing the jourlalists of an alternative interpretation of the horrible murder crime of 911.

Sans titre

Projection "The black box of September 11 2011" in Paris Friday 27/05/11

"The black box of September 11 " (The 9/11 black box)  

May 27 2011

This film gave me the same effect of an  energy drink; it achives (in my opinion) the rare combination of erazing the mountain of silly things and dishonest vindications poured on Theiry Meyssan since the beginning of his revelations embarrassing over  11-September!  It is, do not hide it, an ode on Thierry Meyssan, which is so pleasant for whoever supports this journalist with his exceptional  courage, known in the whole world for his work over  11-September.

The 911 truth movement in France, Paris 29 mai 2011


Herblay FRANCE


                  sorry for the black out since nealy 6 months but I will catch up with you on the 911 truth movement in France.

Since the successful General Assembly of the French association ReOpen911 ( ) the 7th of Mai 2011, the French truth movement is starting to move more strongly towards the public to inform them what's at stake with the 911 crime and why it is important that we must have the truth.

A look back at the mobile exposition  of  20-10-2010 see annex °1.

This mai 2011 we have a new mobile exposition see annex °2

Bin Laden dead in 2001 or 2011 ?

Herblay FRANCE

Bonsoir, good evening,
indeed I am a bit lost with the information on the death of Bin Laden because with the information that I had up to the end of April 2011, Bin Laden was dead in December 2001 related to his renal illness ( see °1) . The French media told us that in his bunker in Tora Bora he had a special hospital to treat his illness.

The national journal Figaro said he had been dialysed just before the mass murder of 911.

The other Bin Ladens in the vidéos and audio which followed his death being more invented by the techniques seen in the film "Wag the Dog".,or.r_gc.r_p...

Trying to summarise the ten years of the Truth movement

Herblay FRANCE

I am looking for materiel to put on my blue panel which will summarise the 911 truth movement since the last ten years :

Perhaps someone on 911blogger has already done this work or has started it ?

My first approach is in annexe °1.

There is a lot more information to add, to complete and to correct.

Please post on this entry YOUR SUGGESTIONS !

Thank you


°1 _ _ _ _

- 10 years of lies
- major lies being found out ( air clean in New York by EPA, the government never imagined such an attack,
flight path pentagon too difficult for an amateur pilot
- there is no proof that Bin Laden was the mastermind behind 9/11
- Sadam Hussein was not a complice with the 9/11 attacks. He arrested Bin Laden's men in Iraq.
- Sadam Hussein was not behind the September 2001 anthrax attacks
- Bin Laden did not have a bunker under Tora Bora

France Paris, the French discover their Bilderberg group and are getting angry !

Herblay FRANCE
two nights ago the French discover their Bilderberg group at the "diner de Siecle" and they are getting angry !!!

32e Onze Bouge à Paris (32nd Every 11th of the month) at Paris this 11th November 2010

Herblay FRANCE

Here in France as you have probably seen on your televisions lately, we have been strongly fighting for our retirement rights, so hardly won by our parents ( as we say "par la lutte" !) . Of course, no one is talking about the robots, computers and system experts which are slowly, stealing our jobs but not giving us a buying power to buy their robot fabricated products ! Not paying retirement payments for us !

Except us in France ( I am in the Robot since 1989 and you cannot see me like the hundred of thousands of people who have taken my robot in photo at different manifestations in France and Europe )

Despite our problems caused by our French president Nicolas Sarkozy, we try to put some time on the 911 truth.

31e Onze Bouge in Paris 911 truth for world peace and justice. (Every 11th of the month 911 truth action)

Our 31e Onze Bouge in Paris at Gare Saint-Lazare for the truth on the 9/11 attacks 2001 for world peace and justice.

We were at least nine at Gare Saint-Lazare between 15h00 and till late As usual Yves Ducourneau had well organised the gathering with his photos and personnel books and documents which he put on exposition.
Some people were shocked to hear that some of us have been

The truth is getting out but if only we could get the journalists to take up the matter the truth would get out quicker.
In the meantime, we need more 911 thruthers to leave their computers for a half day and go down on the street and be seen at least each 11 th of the month.
Below is Yves's report is below in English and French see annex °1 et °2

2010/09/11 "911 Onze Bouge à Paris France" "Every 11th of the Month" in Paris France

Herblay FRANCE
21st September 2010

sorry to you all for not having the time to do a good job on this entry ( after my hard day of work, I have no time to read all the faults left in my text) and as I have said before, we can dream of the day that the citizen lambda will have another life than "Metro, boulot, dodo" and in English "Subway, work, sleep" because when we are taken with our jobs and family life we do not have time to participate in making sure that the checks and balances for the democracy are respected. Hoping that the four day working week in the world will soon come and give us the means to participate, as needed, to conserve our democracy.
In France at this moment the French workers are fighting for the safeguard of their retirement and you can understand that they are less on the 911 truth battle.
However this 11th September 2010, the French WERE present ( 71 at one moment and about 100 from the beginning to the end) thanks to someone who lanced a meeting on Facebook at the TROCADERO PALACE in Paris 15h00 :

9/11 euro truth leader Dr. E.Beeth arrested in Brussels with 18 others

Herblay FRANCE

bonsoir ,
here is a copy of information that sends me on the arrestation of Dr Eric Beeth

Yours John

°1 _ _ _ _

Monday, September 13, 2010
Arrested Euro Truth Leader Dr. Eric Beeth, Critic of US Empire William Blum on KB Show
Tuesday, September 7th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours after broadcast...

First half-hour: European 9/11 truth leader Dr. Eric Beeth of Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth. Dr. Beeth is an Assistant Professor, General Practice Medicine, Vrije Universiteit, Brussels. He and eighteen other 9/11 truth activists were arrested and jailed on September 11th 2010 in Brussels, Belgium for chalking information about 9/11 on public sidewalks. Below is my abridged translation of his report about the arrests.

Muslims why do you not demand an international independant investigation into the 9/11 attacks ?

Herblay FRANCE

tonight, here in France we see on our television news programs, the campaign against the Islam.

Bin Laden was not the master mind behind 911 say a growing millions of citoyens.

So the muslims should stop feeling quilty for this horrible crime and ask as they have a right, to a new international investigation into who really was behind the 911 attacks.

Muslims, please for you and for us all in the world seize this moment to demand that the truth on 911 be searched !

As some say here on 911blogger and elsewhere
"the 9/11 truth can bring us peace in Afghanistan, Irak and the world"

