

On 2/26/2011, 10 Downing Street at 12PM, Gareth is going to commit an act of civil disobedience for 9/11 Justice. If you are in the area, please go support him. Thanks.

Civil Disobedience at Downing Street for 9/11 Justice: An Interview with Gareth

Source: 9/11 Truth News
Category: ACTION

Gareth reports:

On Monday 31st January 2011, in solidarity with Jon Gold's action outside the White House, I took a ‘911 Truth’ sign to Downing Street – the British Prime Minister lives at No. 10 – and sat down outside the gates. Within seconds I was approached by a policeman carrying a machine gun who demanded I immediately move, a request with which I respectfully declined to comply with. After ten minutes I was approached by two Ministry of Defence policemen who issued the same request. We talked a little about 9/11. Moments later a police van pulled up and four police officers got out – I was also surprised to see a further four Ministry of Defence policeman approaching to see what was going on. After explaining that I was respectfully going to decline all further requests to move on I found myself being dragged from where I was sitting, put into the police van, and driven away to Charing Cross Police Station.

I was released later the next evening having been detained for 30 hours. I’m glad I took a good book!