9/11 Truth News

The Official Video: ReThink911 September 2013

Watch the Official ReThink911 Video and Make Your Own! As part of this massive global effort, we invite our supporters to create your very own short video showing your support for ReThink911. For inspiration, check out this fantastic early promotional video which features an actual video created by Niels Harrit and the Danish 9/11 Truth Action Committee


Please post your video to YouTube by the end of Sunday, July 14. In the video description, please include a link to http://ReThink911.org/. Email your video link to ReThink911@ae911truth.org, and we will post the five most inspiring videos to the AE911Truth and ReThink911 Facebook pages on Wednesday, July 17.

Stratfor Emails: Bin Laden Brought to US Before Sea Burial

[Author's note: In many of his emails, Stratfor's Fred Burton comes across as an arrogant sociopath with a fondness for bragging. Take this for what it's worth.]


In several of the latest emails to emerge from Wikileaks' Global Intelligence Files release, Stratfor CEO George Friedman and Vice President of Intelligence Fred Burton speculate on the fate of Osama bin Laden's corpse, with Burton suggesting that a sea burial wasn't likely ["I don't see the FBI nor DOJ letting that happen"] and then later confidently stating that the body was being transferred to Dover, Delaware and then on to the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Bethesda, Maryland. [Email 1097638 | Email 1102718]

Stratfor: Imam of “Ground Zero Mosque” is an FBI Asset


One of the first juicy bits to trickle out of the Wikileaks release of 5 million Stratfor emails is the comment from Fred Burton, Stratfor's Vice President of Intelligence, that the Imam of the controversial so-called Ground Zero mosque is an "FBI operational asset." Burton, who was formerly a special agent with the US State Department’s Diplomatic Security Service and the Deputy Chief of their counterterrorism division, made the comment on an email chain regarding a New York Observer article, Untangling the Bizarre CIA Links to the Ground Zero Mosque. The controversy surrounding the "Ground Zero mosque" overwhelmingly dominated the news and discussion surrounding the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

Hate Rally at Ground Zero

9/11 Truth News Included in Facebook’s New Political Censorship


Facebook has apparently implemented a new political censorship regimen, under the rubric of fighting spam. Either that, or their spam filter is in drastic need of overhaul.

On Monday, August 15, 9/11 Truth News contributor Jon Gold received a message from facebook informing him that his ability to post content to any page other than his own had been disabled. When attempting to add supplemental information to Naomi Wolf's posting of Jason Leopold's Richard Clarke article, Gold was informed by a pop up message:

Thinking this was perhaps an error, Gold logged out and then back into facebook.

When he again tried to post a comment, he received another warning.

Matt Taibbi: “Of course we’ve been lied to about 9/11″

Over the years, Matt Taibbi has written numerous insightful articles on topics like Wall Street, health care, the housing crisis and so on. But when it comes to 9/11, Taibbi has a big blind spot coupled with a mean streak. After his latest in a long string of hit pieces on 9/11 truth, Jon Gold challenged Taibbi to a debate. Here’s what happened.


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Civil Disobedience at Downing Street for 9/11 Justice: An Interview with Gareth

Source: 9/11 Truth News
Category: ACTION

Gareth reports:

On Monday 31st January 2011, in solidarity with Jon Gold's action outside the White House, I took a ‘911 Truth’ sign to Downing Street – the British Prime Minister lives at No. 10 – and sat down outside the gates. Within seconds I was approached by a policeman carrying a machine gun who demanded I immediately move, a request with which I respectfully declined to comply with. After ten minutes I was approached by two Ministry of Defence policemen who issued the same request. We talked a little about 9/11. Moments later a police van pulled up and four police officers got out – I was also surprised to see a further four Ministry of Defence policeman approaching to see what was going on. After explaining that I was respectfully going to decline all further requests to move on I found myself being dragged from where I was sitting, put into the police van, and driven away to Charing Cross Police Station.

I was released later the next evening having been detained for 30 hours. I’m glad I took a good book!

Civil Disobedience at the White House for 9/11 Justice: An Interview with Jon Gold

Author: Cosmos
Source: 9/11 Truth News
Category: ACTION


9/11 Justice activist and researcher Jon Gold has announced his intention to chain himself to the White House fence this coming Monday, January 31. 9/11 Truth News asked Gold a few questions to find out more about the upcoming action.

9/11 Truth News: Why are you going to chain yourself to the White House?

Jon Gold: To try and bring attention to the fact that we were lied to about 9/11 and that there needs to be justice and accountability for what happened. That there are family members still seeking justice for what happened and that the people of the world deserve it. When you take into account what that day has been used for - and then think about the fact that we don't exactly know what happened that day - that is an unacceptable situation. People are dying. If that day wasn't what we were led to believe - and it wasn't - then the people of the world need to know about it.

9/11 Whistleblower Shaffer: I’m Not a Truther

Author: Jon Gold
Source: 9/11 Truth News
Category: BLOG

On January 20th, Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer came to Wayne PA to speak at the Anthony Wayne Movie Theater. Shaffer is a 9/11 whistleblower. Within the last year, he released a book entitled, Operation Dark Heart. The Pentagon heavily redacted the book. They purchased the first 10,000 copies that weren't redacted, and burned them. As Peter Lance points out:

"Shaffer’s book rips the lid off several stories the bureaucrats wanted to suppress: the role of a program named Able Danger in yielding information that could have uncovered the 9/11 plot; Operation Dark Heart, which could have nabbed Al Qaeda’s number two leader; and early indications that Pakistan’s spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence, or ISI, actively supported the Taliban. These are the incendiary bombs the censors tried to defuse. And this is the real story of Tony Shaffer’s book."

The Pakistani ISI was alleged to have a role in the 9/11 attacks. The United States Government has gone to great lengths to cover up their alleged involvement. I wanted to ask Anthony if he thought this was part of the reason the Pentagon wanted the ISI's relationship to the Taliban/terrorists redacted from the book. I got my chance.

Anthony will tell you that he's not a "truther." However, he acknowledges that there needs to be a common ground between us if we are to be successful. With that, I agree.

The following videos are from Anthony's talk:

Rosie O’Donnell Talks 9/11 Truth

Source: 9/11 Truth News
Category: SUPPORT

Last week Rosie O'Donnell hosted 9/11 family member Bob McIlvaine and engineer Tony Szamboti on her Sirius XM radio show to discuss the buildingwhat.org campaign. A full description of the discussion can be found here and the show can be heard here.

Thanks to Jon Gold for providing the audio.


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Gawker Trashes "Truthers"

Author: Cosmos
Source: 9/11 Truth News
Category: BLOG

Reporting on Jon Stewart's executive producer Rory Albanese being arrested after punching a We Are Change activist in the face, trendy celebrity gossip site Gawker refers to the punched activist as a "typical Truther asshole". The rest of the entry is the usual insipid hate-inspiring trash you might expect from such an uninformed source, with commenters joining in with the likes of "I think it should be completely legal to punch or otherwise assault a 9/11 Truther. And I'm not joking."

Gawker exhibits a hint of a clue when it points out that the incident has been completely unreported in the media: "Pretty amazing, especially given the easy joke to be made by juxtaposing Albanese's arrest with Jon Stewart's huge rally calling on everyone to be nice to each other." Indeed. It should be noted that WAC's ham-fisted confrontation of Stewart and company was met with heavy criticism from many in the 9/11 truth movement. Has sanity been restored yet?


Journalist and Filmmaker John Pilger on 9/11


Source: 9/11 Truth News
Category: SUPPORT

At the 2010 Anarchist Bookfair in London there was a discussion with independent journalist and filmmaker John Pilger (which was recorded - listen below) and one of the questions from the audience was about the attacks on 9/11. The following is a transcript of the question and his reply:

Audience Question: "I would like to ask your views or theory that the US government was complicit in or even perpetrated the attacks on 9/11 to gain support for criminal [inaudible] Afghanistan and Iraq?"

John Pilger: "I think there is a lot of evidence that certain elements in the Bush administration, whether by intent or by or by their own arrogant incompetence, I don't know, let things happen. I think there is enough evidence to...

We know the senior FBI people who gave warnings right throughout 2001. We know about the extraordinary inactivity by the NORAD aircraft on the day of September 11th. We know that Cheney was in charge of the White House on that day.

Roseanne Barr For 9/11 Truth Part 2


Roseanne Barr continued her public exploration of the 9/11 issue on her radio show today in a discussion with former FBI agent Coleen Rowley and researcher and activist Jon Gold. You can listen to the full interview here.

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Roseanne Barr For 9/11 Truth


Source: 9/11 Truth News
Category: SUPPORT

Actress and comedian Roseanne Barr has published Jon Gold’s encyclopedic 9/11 research article The Facts Speak For Themselves on the front page of her Roseanne World blog. Under the headline “brilliant analysis, Jon Gold“, Roseanne urged her fans: PLEASE READ THIS!

Two days ago, Barr posted a blog entitled “people are saying that 9-11 was an inside bush job“, which led to a lively discussion and Barr inviting Gold onto her radio show as a guest. Roseanne Barr is best known for her hugely successful network television show, Roseanne, which ran from 1988 to 1997.

PRESS RELEASE: 9/11 Truth News: A Website Focused on Responsible News and Information


Wednesday, September 9th, 2010

9th Anniversary of September 11th Attacks Welcomes 9/11 Truth News: A Website Focused on Responsible News and Information

Not sure what to think about 9/11? Perhaps you're curious, but you want to avoid the circus of conspiracy theories, lies and disinformation? Starting now, you can go to 9/11 Truth News www.911truthnews.com for updates on under-reported news, effective activism being done by the international 9/11 Truth Movement, and highlights of the best research and scientific information.