Taking Care of Business

Hi all, I thought I'd tie up some loose ends before Charlie Sheen blows the lid off the 9/11 coverup today on Ellen and Jimmy Kimmel.

UPDATE: Apparently Sheen was already on Ellen, and the topic of 9/11 was not discussed. What is interesting is it looks like Charlie will also be on Extra tonight:

Here is a clip from an episode of Engineering Disasters from the History Channel that discusses the collapse of building 7:

Michael Wolsey and Robert Bowman Interview Available

From last night, April 12. Thanks to Jon for capturing it and sending it my way. Check it out on 911podcasts here:


Speaking of 911Podcast, only one week after its official launch, it has reached the following numbers:

Hits: 10,303
Average Hits Per Day: 1,336

Unique Visitors: 1,772
Average Unique Visitors Per Day: 229

Aside from a couple of dead links, there have been no reported problems, so hopefully people are finding it useful. We have also received visits from certain government and military sites which is interesting to say the least. The most popular videos by far is the Charlie Sheen CNN coverage, followed by Audio News Reports, Michael Wolseys Podcasts, September 11th Revisited, and Face the Facts.

New 9/11 Media Available at 911Busters.com

I just noticed that 911busters.com has posted a handful of new 9/11 related media here.

We also just received about 8 DVDs of 9/11 interviews, speeches, etc. from 911tv.org - we hope to get these up on 911podcasts.com in the coming weeks, and will post here as we do.

Charlie Sheen on The Ellen DeGeneres Show Tomorrow

This week on Ellen

Golden Globe winning actor, CHARLIE SHEEN stops by to chat about bringing back his role in the upcoming "Scary Movie 4" and his new venture as a children's fashion designer. Plus, PINK performs "Stupid Girls" from her upcoming CD, "I'm Not Dead."

Watch the video clip that accompanies the text, it mentions that he will talk about his 'new passion', and Ellen says 'were going to talk about it'.

I would assume he will talk at least briefly about 9/11. Also, keep in mind he will be on the Jimmy Kimmel Show tomorrow night as well.

Emerging Information From Ongoing Moussaoui Sentencing Trial

A little bit of new information is being released or commented on in the ongoing Moussaoui trial, here are a couple.

New government photos (mostly of flight 93 debris) submitted as evidence:

yahoo photos - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Rick Siegel From '9/11 Eyewitness' on 'National Intel Report' Now

911 Eyewitness on RBNLive Satellite Radio

911 Eyewitness to appear on Republic Broadcasting Network (rbnlive.com) Wednesday, April 12 from 4pm to 6pm CST (22:00 to 24:00GMT) Call-in Number: 800-313-9443

Rick Siegel, eyewitness to the tragic implosions in New York City on September 11, 2001 whose “Zapruder” type video brought one of the most prominent smoking guns to the 911 evidence will join John Stadtmiller, one of America’s radio trailblazers to discuss the film, the evidence within and the state of the union. This is Mr. Siegel’s first radio or TV appearance since that fateful day.

The Fraud of 9/11: Unfinished Business

You can leave comments regarding this article at this site. Have your say...

In the 1990’s with the collapse of the USSR, America is left as the singular superpower. It has a swaggering military redundancy with no apparent enemies to deter and a huge and tempting power vacuum to be filled.

A cabal of Washington based neoconservatives quickly seize the opportunity to correct this situation. Thus, the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) comes into being. As a blueprint for global domination it advocates serial, simultaneous and pre-emptive warfare as necessary to achieve this goal. In other terms, the ultimate objective is to achieve “Global Battlespace Dominance,” more euphemistically known as “Full Spectrum Dominance.”

Midweek Grab Bag

Screening of Steven Jones lecture in DC, presented by DC 9/11 Truth Committee:

What: Screening of lecture by Prof. Stephen Jones of Brigham Young University of evidence of controlled demolition of World Trade Center Towers and Building 7.
Where: Sangha, 7014 Westmoreland Avenue, Takoma Park, MD.
When: April 17, 8pm

Thanks to John for sending this in. Attend if you can and give us the details...

VKMag one of the biggest* dutch weblogs is now in its second week of "9/11 Month". The articles posted are very good and the discussions are too going very well. This will make many more people aware. The admins of the 'zapruder' channel are truthers themselves! Everyone is invited, but dutch is the language used.

An Interview with Barry Zwicker and Webster Tarpley


Summary: Interview with Barry Zwicker, independent documentary producer and former Director of the International Citizens Inquiry into 9/11 and Webster Tarpley author of "9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA"

Mr. Bush, We Know What You Did That Summer! September 11th, 2001


An Open Letter to: Mr. George W. Bush, Mr. Richard Cheney, Members of PNAC and your supporting cast:

Guess what? WE KNOW WHAT YOU DID THAT SUMMER - that long ago time of innocence before the events of September 11th, 2001. We know what you did, and the game is over - even though you don’t yet know it.. The work of the independent 9/11 researchers is paying off. The evidence is steamrolling through the information super highway and is now creeping into the clogged arteries of the mainstream media. We may not know every detail and we may not agree on your individual motives, but two facts are now irrefutable: the official story of what happened on September 11th is not true and you were involved.