Dr Hawkins Tightens Mr. Ternett's Loose Screw

Check out the newspaper clipping of a Loose Change hit piece at the following link, as well as the entire response:


Lets start with your first sentence. "conspiracy theories.................from the far left and peace movement". As if to imply only people who vote for the NDP, and are against nuclear weapons could promote something crazy like a conspiracy, let alone promote such a thing as a theory. I was wondering Mr. Ternette, did you ever wonder if there was ever any conspiracy in the history of mankind?

A Talk by Barry Zwicker


Summary: Talk by Barry Zwicker, independent documentary producer and former Director of the International Citizens Inquiry Into 9/11 given April 1, 2006 at the University of Washington HUB Auditorium as part of the forum "Facing the Truth about 9/11".

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They Wouldn't Do That


The following essay deals with dark subjects. However, it is only by exposing and working through the darkness that we can break through into the light.

Psychologists tell us that many people's view of the government is a projection of their view of their parents. In other words, whatever they believe about their parents, they also believe about the government. The personal is the political in more ways than one.

Try to step into the shoes of the average American. He or she assumes that the government wants to protect its citizens, just as his or her parents tried to protect their family (or at least he or she believed they did). So for this average American, believing that the government could do something cruel would be extremely difficult.

Former German Minister Says Building 7 Used To Run 9/11 Attack

Click here to listen to Von Bülow's interview.


Former Helmut Schmidt cabinet member, 25-year German Parliamentarian and global intelligence expert Andreas Von Bülow says that the 9/11 attack was run by the highest levels of the US intelligence apparatus using WTC Building 7 as a command bunker which was later demolished in order to destroy the crime scene.

Speaking to The Alex Jones Show on the GCN Radio Network, Von Bülow said that "the official story is so wrong, it must be an inside job."

Daily Open Thread

Another day, another open thread.

Rawstory's 'Ask Congress' Series Elicits Congressional Comments on 9/11 Commission Report

Raw answers: Thirtysomethings workshop

For the third installment in our ongoing "Ask Congress" series, RAW STORY opened up questions for not one, but three United States Representatives--all three from key electoral swing states, and all three under the age of forty. Representatives Kendrick Meek (D-FL), Tim Ryan (D-OH), and Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL).

What follows are your questions and their answers.
Millions of Americans are questioning the official story of what happened on 9/11, based on a growing body of evidence that conflicts with The 9/11 Commission Report. Do you intend to respond to these questions, and would you be willing to support an independent investigation made up of impartial experts, rather than Administration insiders?

Tokyo Journal Magazine Covers '9/11 Conspiracy'

Staring at the Sun - The Unanswered Questions of 9-11 - Tokyo Journal Magazine

Following September 11, President Bush famously said "If you're not with us, you're against us." If this is the case, Yumi Kikuchi, lecturer, translator, and peace campaigner, is an interesting example of the enemies that America has to fear. Diminutive and smartly dressed, Kikuchi speaks perfect English, worked for an American bank for 4 years, loves American culture, and has dozens of American friends. She is also a relentless campaigner in the Truth and Peace Movement attacking American foreign policy and exposing the anomalies of the 9-11 attacks.

Recent Article by Austin Minister Regarding 9/11

This article got mixed into a grab bag around a month ago and may have been glossed over, so here it is again.

The New World Order Story

As we struggle to put the events of and following 9-11-2001 into the most complete perspective, we’re hampered by having to find a way through the minefields of "conspiracy theory" accusations. There are so many parts to consider, it’s almost impossible to argue from any one event. If we argue that the Bush administration was complicit in the attacks of 9-11 - that they intentionally murdered 3,000 Americans in order to further their imperialistic agenda abroad and their transformation of America into a command-and-control plutocracy here at home - a hundred others will pick holes in individual pieces of the 9-11 conspiracy theory, and derail the argument rather than clarifying or advancing it. It’s like trying to pick up Jell-O without the bowl.

San Francisco Chronicle issues a Retraction

Now its time to recommend they write a fair and balanced article instead:


It is the policy of The Chronicle to promptly correct errors of fact and to promptly clarify potentially confusing statements. The policy applies to all newsroom employees.

Errors, whether brought to our attention by readers or staff members, will be corrected quickly and in a straightforward manner.

It will be considered unprofessional conduct and a breach of duty if employees are notified of possible errors but fail to respond. Correcting errors and clarifying ambiguous information is a virtue and an admirable practice.

New Videos for your Enjoyment

DBLS was kind enough to send this in, was this beam affected by a plane impact, or a demolition charge???


Transcript of Professor Abolhassan Astanen-Asl on “How The Twin Towers Collapsed”

Professor Abolhassan Astanen-Asl : “What you see here is actually very critical, very very important; perhaps this is the most important piece I have found so far. This piece comes from err most likely Tower two, where the plane went in and exploded. This is the inside-face of back columns, so plane went in exploded right here, and the explosion hit this surface. What you see here is first of all a dent that is *inaudible explosion, but more importantly this area is a signature of explosion here. This has happened due to explosive material hitting this column and making that bulge. So this is a floor where explosion happened, and the windows are blown away, everything is burnt, even fireproofing on this floor is burnt and glazed to the steel.”