More Photos from 9/11

Thanks to Louie for these additional photos. He may even have a little surprise for us, stay tuned!!

First, some additional plane parts that I missed the first time. (Click for full size):

Why Silverstein Needed the WTC to Be Destroyed

Karl B. Schwarz-2 Party System - Evil Vs. Evil

Mr. Schwarz will reveal some shocking information about our political system and he will disclose surprising information related to the WTC collapse. The information that will be disclosed will establish clear motive for insiders who needed the WTC to simply go away!

Listen here:

Part 1
Part 2

Thermal Images and Molten Metal Indicate that High-Explosives Brought Down the World Trade Center

When confronted with evidence that high-explosives brought down the World Trade Centers, people often come up with very creative arguments in an attempt to defend the official story.

For example, molten metal was found at ground zero, even though the government's own metal experts have stated that the fires in the Twin Towers were not hot enough to melt steel.

Some people have attempted to rebut this evidence by saying that the enormous heat necessary to create and sustain molten metal was created by the friction created by 110-story buildings collapsing in on themselves. In other words, the argument is that the gravitational energy released by the collapse of the gigantic Twin Towers created tremendous amounts of friction as parts of these huge structures crashed into other parts -- which in turn generated sufficient heat to melt the Towers' strong structural steel.

Malloy Does It Again

Thanks to Maddog who submitted this, listening now...

"The day I believe the official story on 9/11 is the day they give drinks of ice water in hell."

Dylan Avery on Greg Szymanski

Listening to it now.

Part 1
Part 2

Dylan mentioned 911blogger!!!

9/11 Evidence Ignored by Apathetic American Public

A reference to the Pentagon Insider story posted yesterday. Thanks to Road66.

For example, concerning 9/11, more than a year ago the Arctic Beacon interviewed Michael Bellone, a former honorary New York fireman working at Ground Zero who, along with fireman, Vincent DiMasi, uncovered three of the four airplane black boxes in the WTC wreckage.

Bellone insisted he found the black boxes, was told to “shut up” about it after the FBI confiscated the evidence and then after a few press clippings, nothing was every heard about it again, the 9/11 Commission and the government and the majority of Americans just ignoring the evidence.

Pentagon Written Statement Regarding Commercial Airliner?

Check out the second hour of Greg Szymanski's radio show around minute 48, a woman claims a Pentagon insider will be coming out on Friday stating that Pentagon officials were given prepared written statements saying a commercial airliner hit the Pentagon.


Yet another voice has been raised in the ongoing skepticism about the 9/11 Commission Report, but it comes from a somewhat surprising source. U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer [D-CA] - occasionally mentioned as a potential 2008 presidential candidate - has joined the ranks of those lacking confidence in the Commission's findings.

According to an analysis at, the Senator's statement that truth must be pursued "wherever it leads," reflects the "growing awareness among Americans that the 9/11 Commission Report is, as David Griffin writes, 'a 567-page lie.'" The article cites a Zogby poll result, showing that "half of New Yorkers believe that top U.S. officials conspired to commit high treason and mass murder on 9/11/01." It then summarizes Boxer's discussion of the issue, as broadcast on the Wisconsin Public Radio program "Conversations with Kathleen Dunn," with Kevin Barrett of the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth.

Michael Moore questions Pentagon strike.

Thanks to Dem Bruce Lee Styles who has been frantically emailing the Blogger and nobody has been around to respond!!!! Good find!!

Michael Moore questions Pentagon strike.mp3 (523KB)

The original article can be found here:

Update, we made the big leagues:

High-Level Officials Warn of Fake Terror

As always with posts from GW, see the original document for links to supporting material:

A variety of current and former high-level officials have recently warned that the Bush administration is attempting to instill a dictatorship in America, and will itself carry out a fake terrorist attack in order to obtain one.


Newsman Keith Olbermann listed numerous instances in which the administration had issued terror alerts based on scant intelligence in order to rally people around the flag when the administration was suffering in the polls. This shows, as an initial matter, that the administration will play fast and loose with the facts in order to instill fear for political purposes.