Sheen and Harrelson to star in 9/11 'truther' film

Film calls for independent investigation into the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in 2001

By Ben Arnold | Yahoo UK Movies News

Martin Sheen and Woody Harrelson are to star in a new film which questions the official story behind the 9/11 attacks.

'September Morn' supports some of the theories of the 'truther' movement, which has questioned the established version of the events of September 11, hinting at a government conspiracy.

The publicity note which the film is using, rather than give the usual idea of plot, reads: “We the people demand that the government revisits and initiates a thorough and independent investigation to the tragic events of 9/11. In the vein of 'Twelve Angry Men' this dramatic piece is set with a stellar and award winning cast.”

Also signed up are Judd Nelson, Ed Asner and Esai Morales.

Abu Zubaydah Poses a Real Threat to al Qaeda

Abu Zubaydah, a man once called al-Qaeda’s “chief of operations” appears to be at the center of an unraveling of the official myth behind al Qaeda.  After his capture in early 2002, Zubaydah was the first “detainee” known to be tortured.  The information allegedly obtained from his torture played a large part in the creation of the official account of 9/11 and in the justification for the continued use of such torture techniques.  Yet in September, 2009, the U.S. government admitted that Zubaydah was never a member or associate of al Qaeda at all.  These facts raise an alarming number of questions about the veracity of our knowledge about al Qaeda, and the true identity of the people who are said to be behind the 9/11 attacks.

Unlike other alleged al Qaeda leaders, including Khlaid Sheik Mohammed and Rasmi bin Alshibh, Zubaydah has never been charged with a crime.  As these other leading suspects await their continually-postponed military trial, Zubaydah is instead being airbrushed out of history.  Why would the U.S. government want us to forget Zubaydah, the first and most important al Qaeda operative captured after 9/11?

Video: Century of Manipulation

A history of false flags, war opportunism, Al-Qaeda and other deceptions.

9/11 Families Invited To Watch September 11th Hearings

From the Huffington Posts terribly titled "Touched By Terror"
"9/11 A decade after

9/11 Families Invited To Watch September 11th Guantanimo!

NEW YORK — The families of people killed in the Sept. 11 attacks have been invited to military installations in four states to watch pretrial hearings in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, for five men charged with planning or assisting the terrorist strike.

The hearings, which begin Monday, are closed to the public, but relatives who register in advance can watch on closed-circuit television at forts in New Jersey, Massachusetts, Maryland and New York City.

The suspects on trial before the military commission include Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the self-professed mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks.

An earlier round of hearings in May was also transmitted to viewing locations for relatives of the victims, survivors of the attacks, and emergency personnel who responded to the disaster.

Those proceedings were an exercise in frustration for some viewers, as the suspects refused to cooperate with the court, or interrupted proceedings to kneel in prayer.

Jim Riches, whose firefighter son, Jimmy, died at the World Trade Center, said he planned to view Monday's hearing at Fort Hamilton, in Brooklyn.

"It's difficult for the families. But it is 10 years later, and we have no justice," Riches said. "I just wish it was being broadcast throughout the whole world so everyone could see it, and could see what these guys are like."

Mr. Magic Bullet - Arlen Specter Dies

From NYT

"Hard-edged and tenacious yet ever the centrist, Mr. Specter was a part of American public life for more than four decades. As an ambitious young lawyer for the Warren Commission, he took credit for originating the theory that a single bullet, fired by a lone gunman, struck both President John F. Kennedy and Gov. John B. Connally of Texas. Seconds later, Kennedy was struck by a fatal shot to the head from the same gunman, the commission found."

The Wars in the Middle East and North Africa Are NOT Just About Oil … They’re Also About GAS

Are the Wars in the Middle East and North Africa Really About Oil?

The Iraq war was really about oil, according to Alan Greenspan, John McCain, George W. Bush, Sarah Palin, a high-level National Security Council officer and others.

Dick Cheney made Iraqi’s oil fields a national security priority before 9/11.

The Sunday Herald reported:

Five months before September 11, the US advocated using force against Iraq … to secure control of its oil.

The Afghanistan war was planned before 9/11 (see this and this).   According to French intelligence officers, the U.S. wanted to run an oil pipeline through Afghanistan to transport Central Asian oil more easily and cheaply. And so the U.S. told the Taliban shortly before 9/11 that they would either get “a carpet of gold or a carpet of bombs”, the former if they greenlighted the pipeline, the second if they didn’t. See this, this and this.

The USS Cole: Twelve years later, no justice or understanding

Corbett Report Radio 231 – More Lies in the Never-ending War on Terror 10/4/12

4 Oct 2012
Corbett Report Radio 231 – More Lies in the Never-ending War on Terror

There are lies, lies and lies galore in the “War on Terror” which, contrary to reports of its demise, is still very much alive and kicking. Tonight we break down some of the latest news on the terror front and expose the lies that back up the whole geopolitical paradigm.

An open letter to finds itself in a very powerful position. It is a leading resource for teachers and academics across the country when guidance is sought regarding the complex and emotive subject of September 11th 2001. Thousands of educators have and will continue to use the site as a basis to present the current official narrative of what happened that day. The facts put forward must stand the test of rigorous evidence-based enquiry. I put it to you that some do not.

We have, I hope, common ground; I seek to establish the truth for our own and future generations. To quote your parent website:

"The 9/11 Education Programme is designed to encourage students to discuss and debate the events and issues surrounding 9/11"

In the spirit of the above statement, please give credit and time to this well-meaning and genuine communication. Please consider the information I present seriously. I urge you to inspect the growing body of evidence endorsed by over 1700 building and technical professionals that supports an alternative hypothesis.

The strongest evidence can be summarised into five key points:

More Mass Media Breakthroughs

CBS Sunday Morning features Ed Asner questioning 9/11 and showing WTC 7’s free fall on national television
Fox News’ Allan Colmes also covers Asner’s views on 9/11

Help us push this media wave even higher!

Dear AE911Truth Supporter,

Over the past several days you have helped us regain the slipped ground at on PBS’s website since we achieved #1 Most Watched and Most Shared rankings with Colorado Public Television (CPT12)’s showing of “9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out.Thank you so much! As of this writing, your efforts have pushed us back up to the #2 Most Watched spot, after dropping for a time to #8.

We have always retained the "1 “Most Shared” spot, suggesting that people who see the explosive evidence are much more motivated to share it with others than are those who watch other PBS online previews and programs. That certainly does not surprise us … and it’s another point we can all make to help encourage the media to give us more and better coverage.