Ed Asner Questions 9/11 on CBS Sunday Morning- Sept 30, 2012


"But in addition to acting, Asner has another passion: Politics. He feel his activism ended up getting 'Lou Grant' canceled.

He became President of the Screen Actors Guild, but created controversy with his liberal stances.

Even today, Asner is taking on hot-button causes, arguing against Israeli settlements in the West Bank, and narrating a video that questions official accounts of what happened on 9/11.

"No one wants to hear destruction of the American myth that some elements of government were involved in 9/11," Asner said, asking, "Why did it take an hour for the strongest nation in the world to get planes in the air - for an hour?"

"You underestimate incompetence?" Braver asked.

"I guess it was all around that day," he replied.

Truthout Recognizes Colorado Public Television's Success in Airing of "Experts Speak Out"

Truthout.org posted an article yesterday (Sat., 29Sept12) describing the success of Colorado Public TV 12's airing of the "Experts Speak Out" documentary. The article also made the headlines on the Buzzflash.com website (a subsidiary of Truthout). Here is a link to the article: http://truth-out.org/news/item/11851-colorado-pbs-runs-9-11-film-sponsored-by-9-11-families-experts-reject-official-story-... . The writer points out that supporters of the film are asking public TV viewers everywhere to ask their local PBS station to air the documentary.

Breaking: Israel Lobbyist - We Need a False Flag to Start War with Iran

Breaking!! Israel Lobbyist - We Need a False Flag to Start War with Iran!



"NeoCon At Globalist Think-Tank Says Use False Flag to Start War With Iran"
Occupy Corporatism
Susanne Posel
September 26, 2012

Patrick Clawson, member of the globalist-controlled think-tank and neo-con influenced Washington Institute for Near East Studies (WINES); recently spoke about the use of false flags as a necessary way for instigating a war with Iran. Clawson remarked that Obama has had a difficult time “getting the US into a war with Iran” and advocating the use of conventional means (i.e. using a false flag to provoke a military strike).

Breaking the Set: Anthrax Attacks Inside Job

On the second half of this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin looks back at the anthrax attacks in the United States 11 years later, destroys the government narrative about the attacks and takes a closer analysis of the subject with an interview with Media Roots Journalist, Robbie Martin.

LIKE Breaking The Set @ http://fb.me/BreakingTheSet
FOLLOW Abby Martin @ http://twitter.com/AbbyMartin

9/11/2001 11 Yrs Later - Explosive Eyewitness Evidence. Published on Sep 22, 2012 by 911THEFILES 2 hours 13 minutes

9/11/2001 11 Yrs Later - Explosive Eyewitness Evidence. Published on Sep 22, 2012 by 911THEFILES 2 hours 13 minute


Published on Sep 22, 2012 by 911THEFILES

A compilation of Eyewitness statements and media reports from 11th September 2001 New York, USA...
Thank you to all the 9/11 Researchers who have contributed clips to this compilation.
Especially - 911Investigationvids,MKmonarch,Xenomorph911,wearechangenj.and the much missed irancontrascumdid911.

Thank you all, for the dedication,you are truly inspiring.

After seeing Professor Graeme McQueen at last years Toronto Hearings into 911, i decided to assemble all the eyewitness statenents and media reports of explosions into one compilation,this compilation is far from complete but does serve to illustrate Professor McQueen`s observations that reports of explosions were commonplace on the day of 9/11 ,but slowly disappeared from the mainstream over the coming few days.

9/11 official story doubts becoming more mainstream September 23, 2012 By: Gregory Patin


9/11 official story doubts becoming more mainstream
September 23, 2012
By: Gregory Patin

More and more people from all walks of life and all professions seem to be questioning the “official” narrative of what happened on 9/11. Those who are questioning the events of 9/11 may be moving under the radar of the corporate media from being labeled “conspiracy theorists” to legitimate investigators with legitimate questions and concerns.

A good example is Jesse Ventura’s recent appearance on CNN’s Piers Morgan. Ventura, an ex-navy SEAL and former governor of Minnesota who hosts a program on TruTV called “Conspiracy Theory,” appeared on Morgan’s show last week. After discussing 9/11, Morgan tried to dismiss Ventura and said he has “crackpot” ideas. Ventura then asked the audience, “How many people think I make crackpot points?” Only one audience member acknowledged. He then asked, “How many people think I make sensible points?” Almost the entire audience applauded him. See video here. That segment can be found at 32:10.

Controversial 9/11 film soars to #1 on PBS, breaks local records

By Elliott Freeman
Sep 22, 2012

A daring new documentary that uses scientific analysis to challenge the official 9/11 story became the most popular film on PBS during the week of the 9/11 anniversary, which followed its record-breaking broadcast on Colorado Public Television (CPT12).

9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out made its broadcast TV premiere on CPT12 (formerly KBDI) last month as part of a fundraising drive, according to a recent Digital Journal report. The premiere broadcast, which is available to view for free online, became the #1 "most watched" and "most shared" video on PBS online on September 11, and held the top spot for over a week. (The documentary, produced by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, currently ranks as the #4 “most watched” video and the #1 “most shared” video.)

CPT12 has also seen an impressive response at its website, CPT12.org. "The webpage for the broadcast has received more hits than any program page in the history of CPT12.org," said Shari Bernson, Director of Development at CPT12, in an email to the Digital Journal. Web traffic statistics from Alexa.com also show CPT12.org receiving a huge boost in traffic, which began during the August 18 premiere of Experts Speak Out and ran through the 9/11 anniversary. In addition, it marked the first time that a video produced by CPT12 gained recognition as one of the most watched films on PBS nationwide.

Sidewalk chalking provokes police - Napa Woman Cites Free Speech

Amy Larson was arrested Sept. 11 for chalking the sidewalk on the First Street bridge near Main Street. 

Submitted photo
Amy Larson readily admits writing “9/11 Truth” and “9/11 Truth Now” in chalk on the First Street sidewalk over Napa Creek.“I just want people to think for themselves,” said Larson, 29. “I believe we’ve lost a lot of civil liberties since the 9/11 attacks. I’m really concerned about that. “This is political free speech,” added Larson, who says the investigation into the terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C. should be reopened. Her chalk writing — which occurred Sept. 11, the 11th anniversary of the terrorist attacks — got Larson arrested on suspicion of vandalism.

PhD Physicist Grabbe: Peer-reviewed paper in Journal of Engineering Mechanics

My tenacious colleague Dr. Grabbe has succeeded in getting a paper successfully through peer-review with editors of the Journal of Engineering Mechanics. His paper confronts Bazant who previously published a paper supportive of the "official 9/11 narrative" in the same journal.

Sincere congratulations to Crockett for another significant peer-reviewed paper; it was accepted for publication in October 2012 in the Journal of Engineering Mechanics.

Dr. Crockett Grabbe is a physicist who received his PhD from CalTech in 1978. He received a Bachelors of Science with Highest Honors from the University of Texas in 1972.

Dr. Grabbe has also published a notable book providing his scientific analyses of the destruction of the WTC Towers and WTC7. Loaded with photographs, this is his fourth book written for the general public.

"National Swindle on the World Trade Center" challenges the official story of 9/11 with scientific data and analysis. Initial pages are available free here:


9/11 Doubts Seep into the Mainstream as Evidence Accumulates

Ian Henshall for Salem-News.com
Sept 19, 2012

The most significant expert may turn out to be Judge Ferdinando Imposimato, the widely respected honorary president of the Italian Supreme Court and legendary mafia hunter who lost his brother in a revenge attack.

(LONDON) - As the annual 9/11 remembrance draws to a close, the world is as split as ever. Not only on whether the Afghan and Iraq invasions were justified, but between those who accept Washington's official 9/11 story and those who do not.

Under the mainstream media radar, the number of those who do not is steadily increasing, forming substantial majorities in places like Pakistan and Egypt and significant minorities even in NATO's heartland countries, France, the UK and the US itself. The issue is not whether, despite his denials, Osama Bin Laden might have wanted to organise the 9/11 attacks but whether Al Qaeda actually had the capability to infiltrate 19 terrorists into the US, including some very well known to the CIA, and the four highly skilled pilots necessary to pull off the spectacular coup. Up to then Al Qaeda's biggest success was setting off two truck bombs in East Africa. (1)

The stereotype promoted by the corporate media of a 9/11 sceptic, a badly educated redneck watching Fox News in a trailer park, could hardly be further from the truth. The website Patriot's Question 9/11 lists hundreds of University Professors, over a thousand architects and engineers and hundreds of aviation professionals who have spoken out against the official 9/11 story. (8)