U.S. 9th Circuit Affirms District Court Ruling On 9/11 Records Case By 2-1 Vote On Technical Grounds

On January 28, 2013 the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld an earlier U.S. District Court of Nevada ruling in favor of the U.S. Department of Justice, in the case of Monaghan v. DoJ, which sought the release of numerous FBI 9/11 records. (Many thanks to those who generously donated to this effort. Future efforts are pending)

Majority opinion (PDF):


Dissenting opinion (PDF):


Historic Case to Challenge BBC’s 9/11 Coverage

Historic Case to Challenge BBC’s 9/11 Coverage

By Peter Drew
Originally at http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article33984.htm

February 17, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -  On February 25, in the small town of Horsham in the United Kingdom, there will be a rare and potentially groundbreaking opportunity for the 9/11 truth movement. Three hours of detailed 9/11 evidence is to be presented and considered in a court of law where the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) will be challenged over the inaccurate and biased manner in which it has portrayed the events and evidence of 9/11.

Over the last 16 months, BBC has been challenged strongly by individuals in the UK over two documentaries that they showed in September 2011 as part of the tenth anniversary of 9/11, namely ‘9/11: Conspiracy Road Trip’ and ‘The Conspiracy Files: 9/11 Ten Years On’. Formal complaints were lodged with BBC over the inaccuracy and bias of these documentaries, which, according to 9/11 activists, was in breach of the operating requirements of BBC through their ‘Royal Charter and Agreement’ with the British public. This document requires BBC to show information that is both accurate and impartial. These complaints were supported by the US-based educational charity Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth), which submitted detailed scientific evidence to BBC to buttress the complaints. The evidence focuses in particular on the confirmed free-fall of WTC 7 and NIST's 2008 admission of this fact. In addition, over 300 AE911Truth petition signers supported these complaints by sending letters to BBC, requesting that BBC show this evidence to the public.

Newly-Released Memo by Donald Rumsfeld Proves Iraq War Started On False Pretenses Washington's Blog


Newly-Released Memo by Donald Rumsfeld Proves Iraq War Started On False Pretenses

Everyone Knew Iraq Had No WMDS … and Was Not Behind Anthrax Attacks or 9/11

Everyone knew that Iraq didn’t have weapons of mass destruction.

Indeed, Secretary of State Colin Powell’s chief of staff – Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson – just said that Powell knew that there were no WMDs:

I wonder what will happen when we put 500,000 troops into Iraq and comb the country from one end to the other and find nothing

Know Your Terrorists: Ayman Al-Zawahiri-Episode 258 16 Feb 2013



podcast http://www.corbettreport.com/?powerpress_pinw=6879-podcast

16 Feb 2013
Episode 258 – Know Your Terrorists: Ayman Al-Zawahiri

Posted by Corbett

We are told a certain tale about the story of Ayman Al-Zawahiri, Osama Bin Laden’s right-hand man and the inheritor of the Al Qaeda operation…but we are not told everything. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we go in search of the real Ayman Al-Zawahiri and uncover some surprising connections.

9/11 attack changed our regard for law

Letter to the Editor in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch 2/14/13


"The Drone Age" editorial (Feb. 8) asserts that our laws need to catch up with the United States' military tactics. Justification is based on the characterization that al-Qaida's surprise attack changed everything. What it actually changed was only our regard for law. Based on 9/11, the U.S. asserted it can attack any country without being attacked first, our executive branch can kill anyone by assuring us he was a threat, and government agencies can watch citizens from the skin up without oversight.

However, we were lied into Iraq. It was an illegal war. It's connection to 9/11 was a fabrication. We were also lied into Afghanistan. On 9/11 three buildings collapsed symmetrically at, or near, freefall speed into their own footprints. The tops of the twin towers fell (in near freefall) through thousands of tons of undamaged steel and concrete as though it offered no resistance to the falling debris. A third building, undamaged by planes, fell the same way. Collapsing skyscrapers symmetrically, with debris falling faster as it comes down, and keeping the debris in the building's own footprints can only be accomplished through controlled demolition.

It's not really a big surprise that the folks who lied us into Iraq lied us into Afghanistan. What is surprising is that the Post-Dispatch seems prepared to accept rewriting rules of law based on an unbelievable story about what supposedly happened to "change everything" on 9/11. 9/11 was an inside job. We need to find the real villains, not rewrite laws.

Phillip Michaels • University City

Forgetting Torture: Lee Hamilton, John Brennan, and Abu Zubaydah

The pervasive news surrounding the confirmation hearing of John Brennan, Obama’s nominee for CIA director, is paralleled by another, related story that has been largely ignored by the U.S. media.  That is the story of the man called Abu Zubaydah, whose alleged torture testimony, obtained by the CIA while Brennan was the head of the agency’s Terrorist Threat Center, built the foundation for the official account of 9/11.  This week I spoke to Lee Hamilton, former vice-chairman of the 9/11 Commission, about the serious problems that the government’s new stance on Zubaydah creates for the 9/11 Commission Report.

As stated in my last article on the subject, Zubaydah is at the center of an unraveling of the official account of the 9/11 attacks.[1]  His extensive torture at the hands of the CIA during Brennan’s tenure, which included at least 83 water-boarding sessions, hanging the man naked from the ceiling, slamming him against a concrete wall, and other atrocious experimental techniques, was said to produce valuable evidence about al Qaeda.  However, the government now claims that Zubaydah was never a member or associate of al Qaeda and therefore he could not have known any of the information that the 9/11 Commission attributed to him.

From the start of our conversation, Hamilton told me that he was having trouble remembering Zubaydah.  That was odd considering that an article he and Thomas Kean wrote for the New York Times in 2008, describing how the CIA obstructed the 9/11 investigation, referred several times to Zubaydah specifically.[2]  The article claimed that “Beginning in June 2003, we requested all reports of intelligence information on these broad topics that had been gleaned from the interrogations of 118 named individuals, including both Abu Zubaydah and Abd al Rahim al-Nashiri, two senior Qaeda operatives.”  Kean and Hamilton further wrote that, “in October 2003, we sent another wave of questions to the C.I.A.’s general counsel. One set posed dozens of specific questions about the reports, including those about Abu Zubaydah.”

It Has Happened Here: The Police State is Real


The Bush regime’s response to 9/11 and the Obama regime’s validation of this response have destroyed accountable democratic government in the United States. So much unaccountable power has been concentrated in the executive branch that the US Constitution is no longer an operable document.

Whether a person believes the official story of 9/11 which rests on unproven government assertions or believes the documented evidence provided by a large number of scientists, first responders, and structural engineers and architects, the result is the same. 9/11 was used to create an open-ended “war on terror” and a police state. It is extraordinary that so many Americans believe that “it can’t happen here” when it already has.

We have had a decade of highly visible evidence of the construction of a police state: the PATRIOT Act, illegal spying on Americans in violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, the initiation of wars of aggression--war crimes under the Nuremberg Standard--based on intentional lies, the Justice Department’s concocted legal memos justifying the executive branch’s violation of domestic and international laws against torture, the indefinite detention of US citizens in violation of the constitutionally protected rights of habeas corpus and due process, the use of secret evidence and secret “expert witnesses” who cannot be cross-examined against defendants in trials, the creation of military tribunals in order to evade federal courts, secret legal memos giving the president authority to launch preemptive cyber attacks on any country without providing evidence that the country constitutes a threat, and the Obama regime’s murder of US citizens without evidence or due process.

AE911Truth Condemns the Defacing of Famous Painting in the Louvre

Written by AE911Truth
Friday, 08 February 2013

On February 7, an unidentified woman who has been described as having "mental health problems" was arrested for defacing a famous painting in a satellite museum of the Louvre in France. According to news reports, the woman used a black marker to scrawl “AE911” on the painting by artist Eugène Delacroix, titled "La Liberté guidant le peuple".

Eugène Delacroix, "La Liberté guidant le peuple"

We do not know if this act of vandalism was done in reference to our organization. Whether or not this is true, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth) condemns and deplores the defacing of this priceless work of art and all public and private property. Our code of conduct requires all of our volunteers to abide by the laws, rules, and regulations of society.

The founder and CEO of the non-profit organization, Richard Gage, AIA, noted, “I was shocked and horrified to learn of this senseless act of vandalism. I sincerely hope that this unbalanced person is not in anyway associated with our numerous volunteers in France. Our organization prides itself on the integrity of its activists, who are seeking a real, unimpeachable investigation of the destruction of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11.”

Over 1,700 architects and engineers have signed our petition to Congress, which cites scientific forensic evidence that proves the Twin Towers and WTC Building 7 were brought down by explosive controlled demolition. The evidence is also detailed in our latest documentary, 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out, which calls for the public to peacefully and lawfully demand justice.

Anyone who is interested in distributing our vital information should do so in obedience with local, regional, national and international laws.

More information about our organization and the 9/11 evidence is available at www.AE911Truth.org.

Philip Marshall, 9/11 author, and two children found dead in Calif.

A 6 Feb 2013 report in the Santa Barbara Review discusses the slaying of a 9/11 author Philip Marshal and his two children Alex and Macaila in their home in the "gated community of Forest Meadows", California, east of Sacramento. I have been through this area several times as my Brother-in-Law lived in nearby Pollock Pines.

Philip was just completing his book, “The Big Bamboozle: 9/11 and the War on Terror.”

I wonder if the 9/11 Truth Community can help this brave man's family -- do any of us know him? We can also encourage a thorough investigation and fair reporting of the man's death. He was an outspoken member of our world-wide truth-seeking community. The photo in the article shows two beautiful youth with their father Philip.

[quote] Phillip Marshall Wrote About a Conspiracy; Was He the Victim of One?
By Editor on February 6, 2013 in News

A Santa Barbara View Exclusive Report