Open Thread - Back to Town

Tommorrow will be a day of traveling for me. I've already got a few things to cover when I get back, as well as anything sent through email.

Post anything that might come up until I do a full update this weekend.

Interview with Michael Meacher Discussing 9/11, Iraq, and More

Freeplay: Alex Jones In London
I just came across this new interview with Michael Meacher, a member of parliament until 2003, and author of This War on Terrorism is Bogus (Guardian).

It is definately worth checking out, and spreading.

Second Set of Photos from Truth Emergency Event in DC

The kind folks over at have posted their second set of photos from the D.C. Truth Emergency Convergence last month.

You can check them out here.

They are promising more are on the way, I'll post once the new videos and such are available.

Pentagon Announces September 11 Concert - Can You Spell Propaganda?

Pentagon announces September 11 concert

The Pentagon would hold a massive march and country music concert to mark the fourth anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said in an announcement tucked into an Iraq war briefing today.

"This year the Department of Defence will initiate an America Supports Your Freedom Walk," Rumsfeld said, adding that the march would remind people of "the sacrifices of this generation and of each previous generation".

Hi-Res Scans of Major 9/11 Article in Daily Mail

A few days ago in a thread called 9/11 ON TRIAL Article in the Daily Mail I made brief reference to an article on 9/11 being in a publication called the 'Daily Mail'.

At the time I didn't realize that the Daily Mail is a very large publication in the UK. According to a user here this is one of the top newspapers in the UK, and after getting the scans of the article today I have to say it is quite refreshing to see such major coverage!

Check out the scans by clicking the thumbnails below:


Statement of September 11th Advocates Regarding Surveillance of Mohammed Atta

Statement of September 11th Advocates Regarding Surveillance of Mohammed Atta

For Immediate Release
August 10, 2005

Statement of September 11th Advocates Regarding Surveillance of Mohammed Atta

As a group of 9/11 widows who fought for the creation of the 9/11 Independent Commission, we are horrified to learn of further possible evidence (as detailed by the New York Times article, "4 in 9/11 Plot Are Called Tied to Qaeda in '00") that the 9/11 Commission failed to fully investigate all of the facts and circumstances surrounding the 9/11 attacks.

911Research Releases Major Article Critiquing NIST's WTC Report

I just noticed that Jim Hoffman from has released a major rebuttal to the recent NIST report on the collapses of WTC1 and WTC2.

You can find this rebuttal at the link below. The rebuttal is quite lengthy in scope and will take some time to peruse, but I think it is great to see such an in-depth response to the NIST report.

Building a Better Mirage - NIST's 3-Year $20,000,000 Cover-Up of the Crime of the Century

McKinney and Others Blast the Atlanta Journal Over '9/11 Conspiracy' Comments

Two weeks ago I mentioned the AJC's article on the recent 9/11 hearing hosted by Cynthia McKinney. I have seen sections of the hearing as well as listened to it live, and the term 'conspiracy theory' being mentioned in the AJC's article did strike a cord with me. At this point I am always somewhat happy to see any mention of 9/11 questions by the mainstream media, and seeing as how the AJC was the only mainstream news source to even mention the event I couldn't hate them too much (although myself and others did write them letters complaining about the tone of their article).

Out of Town Open Thread

I will be out of town until late Friday night. I will have internet access, but I'm not sure what exactly my abilities will be while I am gone. I will do my best to stay on top of things, but I won't be answering emails.

Please post any articles here which I might miss!

Four in 9/11 Plot Are Called Tied to Al-Qaeda in 2000

Four in 9/11 Plot Are Called Tied to Qaeda in '00

In the summer of 2000, the military team, known as Able Danger, prepared a chart that included visa photographs of the four men and recommended to the military's Special Operations Command that the information be shared with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the congressman, Representative Curt Weldon of Pennsylvania, and the former intelligence official said Monday.