When Asked About Sending Troops To Afghanistan, Obama Cites Meeting With 9/11 Families

In the comments in this thread, I said, "whether or not this was just a PR stunt, only time will tell." Strike one. - Jon

Press Conference by the President

Source: whitehouse.gov

East Room
8:01 P.M. EST
February 9, 2009

THE PRESIDENT: Good evening, everybody. Please be seated.

Before I take your questions tonight, I'd like to speak briefly about the state of our economy and why I believe we need to put this recovery plan in motion as soon as possible.



Ali al-Jarrah, cousin of Ziad al-Jarrah who allegedly was among the 19 hijackers who carried out the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, was arrested by Lebanese authorities on charges of spying for Israel.

Read the New York Times article at: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/19/world/middleeast/19lebanon.html?_r=3&hp

Dean Jackson/Editor-in-Chief www.DNotice.org
Washington, DC

Lusitania Truthers Vindicated!

Lusitania Truthers Vindicated!

By Jonathan Cole P.E.

The Jan/Feb 09 Archaeology Magazine "Lusitania's Secret Cargo" appears to have vindicated the Lusitania “Truthers” .

The article states:

"The nearly century-old debate about whether the passenger liner Lusitania was transporting British war munitions when torpedoed by a German U-boat is over.

Physical evidence of just such a cargo has been recovered from the wreck, which rests 12 miles off the Irish coast in 300 ft. of murky turbulent water."

"Lusitania was sunk off County Cork on May 7, 1915. The attack killed 1,198 people, including 128 Americans and helped push the United States into WWI. Ever since the ship went down, there have been suspicions [by conspiracy theorists known as 'the Lusitania truthers' (JC.)] that the Lusitania was carrying live munitions. Under the rules of war, that would have made the liner a legitimate target, as the Germans maintained at the time."

Port Authority Of NY/NJ: No Records For WTC Security Company Linked To Bush Family

The following is a February 5, 2009 Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Freedom of Information response indicating that no records were located regarding the pre-September 11, 2001 World Trade Center security companies tied to Marvin Bush, brother of former U.S. president George W. Bush.

WeAreChangeLA Has Breakfast With Peter Phillips, Project Censored, Global Dominance Group

Peter Phillips is a Professor of Sociology at Sonoma State University and Director of Project Censored, projectcensored.org. WeAreChangeLA is joined by Dr.Phillips for Breakfast and fascinating conversation. There are five segments including:

Propaganda & the US Media
The US Spreads Democracy (As if)
On Palestine & Israel
Left & Right Militarism
Media Gate-keeper Constipation & the Solution to the Power Elite

See them all!

Thank you Peter Phillips and the tireless truth seekers at Project Censored.

Professor Michael Keefer on Canada's "War on Terror" at the University of Toronto

See parts 2 - 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJDyQqB0EE0&feature=related

Michael Keefer, Professor of English at the University of Guelph and former president of the Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English, presented Canada's "War on Terror" at the University of Toronto on November 14, 2008. Keefer breaks down the foundations of the "War on Terror" by critically analyzing contemporary investigative journalism, 9/11, election fraud, Canada's role in Afghanistan, the Toronto 18 frameup, and the loss of civil liberties.

Along with Professor Paul Zarembka, Keefer's moving speech led to the formation of a new chapter at the University of Toronto. Special thanks to Dr. Richard B. Lee, Adam Parrott and Adnan Zuberi for organizing the conference. Prof. Zarembka's talk will be posted soon.

Third trial of Sears Tower plot begins in Miami REUTERS Wed Feb 18, 2009


"A defense lawyer countered that the men were set up in a crime "manufactured" by the FBI and two government informants she referred to as "The Muscle" and "The Little Thug."

Third trial of Sears Tower plot begins in Miami
Wed Feb 18, 2009 2:17pm EST

By Jim Loney – Wed Feb 18

MIAMI (Reuters) – Six men plotted in a poor Miami neighborhood to join al Qaeda and wage war against the United States, a U.S. prosecutor told jurors Wednesday at the opening of the third trial of an alleged scheme to blow up Chicago's Sears Tower and U.S. government buildings.

A defense lawyer countered that the men were set up in a crime "manufactured" by the FBI and two government informants she referred to as "The Muscle" and "The Little Thug."

Government prosecutors have tried and failed twice in the last two years to persuade juries that the men conspired with the Islamic militant group to wage holy war against the United States. The previous attempts ended in mistrials when the jurors could not decide guilt or innocence.

Democracy Now! - 9/11 Widow Beverly Eckert, 1951-2009, Advocate for Peace and 9/11 Victims

Yesterday, (Feb. 17, 2009), Democracy Now covered the life of Beverly Eckert briefly;

The segment did not delve into much of Eckert's 9/11 work, but you can read a summary of what she did in Nick Levis' report here;

Levis' 911truth.org report is linked at my YouTube post, so please vote it up, favorite the video, and post it around:


(Thanks to Guy for the news tip.)

Daniele Ganser - part 1: How false flag conspirators were recruited

In the comming days, I will post several german-speaking interviews with Dr. Daniele Ganser, an academic historian from Switzerland who has researched false flag terrorism in Europe. Besides his publicity around the 9/11 truth movement, I think also his historical work about the so-called "secret armies" is extremly interesting. If you want to get several examples which false flag operations have been definetly proven, how they were uncovered, how they were interlocked with politicians or even brought to courts, Gansers work is a good place to start.

Here is the first video of several in a row. I try to translate about one segment each weekend after work and post them here:

UK: Spy chief: We risk a police state

Via Lori Price's excellent news list at: http://www.legitgov.org/

Those who wish to be added to the list can go here: http://www.legitgov.org/#subscribe_clg and add your name. Those who wish to unsubscribe can go here: http://lists.people-link.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/legitgov.


Spy chief: We risk a police state

17 Feb 2009

Dame Stella Rimington, the former head of MI5, has warned that the fear of terrorism is being exploited by the Government to erode civil liberties and risks creating a police state.

Dame Stella accused ministers of interfering with people’s privacy and playing straight into the hands of terrorists.

“Since I have retired I feel more at liberty to be against certain decisions of the Government, especially the attempt to pass laws which interfere with people’s privacy,” Dame Stella said in an interview with a Spanish newspaper.

“It would be better that the Government recognised that there are risks, rather than frightening people in order to be able to pass laws which restrict civil liberties, precisely one of the objects of terrorism: that we live in fear and under a police state,” she said.