May 2008

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Pinning the blame for 9/11 - Special Report: A Phila. law firm wages an epic legal battle to win billions from Saudi Arabia.

New lawsuit over Saudi 9/11 involvement, based in part on warnings and info from the US government!!!

"With a ruling from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit imminent, Cozen and his partners have unearthed facts and made connections missed not only by the 9/11 Commission but also by Congress in its investigations.

At the heart of the suit, the biggest and most complex legal action ever undertaken by the law firm, are warnings from U.S. and European officials that the charities were serving as terror fronts.

Among the suit's key assertions:

Senior Saudi officials and members of the royal family or their representatives served as executives or board members of the suspect charities when they were financing al-Qaeda operations. Overall, the Saudi government substantially controlled and financed the charities, the lawsuit alleges.

The charities laundered millions of dollars, some from the Saudi government, into al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups and provided weapons, false travel and employment documents, and safe houses.

Regional offices of the charities employed, in senior positions, al-Qaeda operatives who helped coordinate support for terror cells.

The Project For The New American Century

In light of this news, I thought it would be prudent to post this clip from "In Their Own Words: The Untold Stories Of The 9/11 Families."

"It Would Be the End of His Business ... He Would Be Denounced as an Anti-American and Demonized as a Terrorist Sympathizer"

Now that many highly-credible scientists, engineers and architects have publicly questioned the official explanation for the destruction of the World Trade Center (see this, this, this, this), government apologists are making the following argument:

"Yes, but there are many more scientists, engineers and architects who support the official theory".

Are they right?

Well, initially, there aren't that many people who have come out and publicly supported the official story. In fact, most scientists, engineers and architects have not made any public statement about 9/11 one way or the other.

Last call for Doxa documentaries (Strong Sibel plug from Vancouver Sun)

Thank you Vancouver Sun, for doing so much to promote this film

Yvonne Zacharias, Vancouver Sun
Published: Saturday, May 31, 2008
There's still time to catch a flick or two at the Doxa Documentary Film Festival before it ends Sunday. Here are our picks.
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Filmmakers from two European countries have turned the lens on U.S. malfeasance, shining a light on some its darker corners. Both films track a hero who struggles valiantly to bring a little justice to this world:

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The United States portrays itself as the land of freedom, but the film Kill The Messenger by Mathieu Verboud and Jean-Robert Viallet casts serious doubt on that notion. The film from France documents the cold, crass efforts by the powers-that-be in the U.S. to bring down Sibel Edmonds, an American of Iranian and Turkish origin who was hired by the FBI as a translator in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001 tragedy. She spent months translating high-security clearance documents.

Leslie Robertson gets another gig!

Leslie E. Robertson, the chief engineer in charge of design of the World Trade Center, seems to have done well for himself, notwithstanding the fact that his designs seem to explode to the ground at free-fall speed in an identical symmetrical fashion under dissimilar damage conditions.

His outfit Leslie E. Robertson Associates is behind the 101-storey Shanghai World Financial Center. You’d think the financiers of the project, Mori Building Development, would put someone else on the case given how poorly the designs of WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7 fared on 9/11 – if you are to believe the official NIST/FEMA report that is. But they apparently do not.

A New Truther Is "Born"

this fellow missed his plane on 9/10 and it saved his life. his friend didn't miss his plane and died while having breakfast in the first tower. this is reality folks. real lives were lost. this video brings that home while inspiring us to reach out even more...

Army Judge Is Replaced for Trial of Detainee By WILLIAM GLABERSON NY Times May 31, 2008

Army Judge Is Replaced for Trial of Detainee
Published: May 31, 2008

The chief judge at Guantánamo replaced the military judge in one of the most closely watched war crimes cases on Thursday, creating a new controversy in the military commission system and the potential for new delays.

The decision to replace the judge, Col. Peter E. Brownback III, came without explanation from the chief military judge, Col. Ralph H. Kohlmann. Judge Brownback has been presiding over pretrial proceedings in the prosecution of Omar Ahmed Khadr, a 21-year-old Canadian charged with the killing of an American serviceman in Afghanistan.

Pentagon spokesmen said Judge Brownback, a retired Army judge who was recalled to hear Guantánamo cases in 2004, would return to retirement as a result of “a mutual decision” between the judge and the Army.

But defense lawyers and critics of Guantánamo said there had been no warning of the change and suggested that he had been removed because of a recent ruling that was a rebuke to prosecutors.

Hungry For Truth - Day 5

Hello Everyone. Today is DAY 5 of the fast and another good day for
Blair! As you can see from the attached photo, he's still on his feet
and feeling fine! While we were visiting him today at lunch, he handed
out brochures to motorists who pulled up to the curb, and he had a
couple of conversations with pedestrians who stopped to inquire.
Friends Larry and John are spending the day with Blair again and nagging
him to drink. He lost another pound but says he feels mighty fine.