December 2010

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"Christmas Day One Year Later" by Kurt Haskell

Saturday December 25, 2010
Christmas Day One Year Later-The Underwear Bomber-Case Closed
by Kurt Haskell from Thailand

EXCERPT - "...The U.S. Government has now been shown to be staging "terrorist" plots with individuals who likely would be unknown without its help. We now must go a little further and question whether there have been any legitimate terrorist attacks ever. I am not well informed enough to answer that question, but in pondering that question you must consider, as uncomfortable as it may be, that the U.S. Government also staged the attacks on September 11, 2001...."

Media Roots TV- Is Obama Living Up to His Campaign Promises?

Media Roots conducts on the spot interviews with people in Berkeley and Oakland, CA about their support for President Barack Obama.

I know this doesn't have anything to do with 9/11 directly, but I found it fascinating to go out and gauge people's support for this administration here in the bay area. I thought the truth community would enjoy the content and gain some insight from what people are thinking out here...

Daniel Ellsburg Sees Need for New 9/11 Investigation

July 14, 2006 inteview with Jack Blood on "Deadline Live", Ellsberg is passionate about the need for a new 9/11 investigation. Ellsberg's views are a challenge to Veterans For Peace, an organization for which he advocates support. Judging from the signs at the December 16 war protest in DC, VFP members remain mysteriously timid about using the need for a new 9/11 investigation as a powerful challenge to the pretext of the war that led to the war itself.

The reaction of FAA, New York, to Flight 175

The head of FAA, New York, Mister McCormick, speaks about the time as the observed Flight 175 was heading toward New York ...

"Probably on of the most difficult moments of my life was the 11 Minutes from the point I watched this aircraft, when we first lost communications until the point the aircraft hit the WTC. For those 11 Minutes, I knew, we knew, what was going to happen, and that was difficult."

Who was in charge to get military assistance for Flight 175 according to FAA-controllers?

Mister LaCates: "He believes that the OMIC (Operations Manager in Charge) has the responsibility and operational knowledge to contact the military."

Mister Rosenberg: "It would be OMIC who would have responsibility and operational knowledge on what channels to go through to get military assistance"

Stefan Molyneux's 9/11 Reasoning

After listening to Stefan Molyneux on the Alex Jones Show I was curious as to his views on 9/11 ... :

"This is my reasoning, for better or worse...

* If 9/11 was an inside job, it will never be proven. The evidence - and key witnessess - have all been destroyed.
* If it is proven, it will only engender anger to certain individuals, not the state as a whole. It will actually increase the power of the state.
* There are an infinity of truths out there, which will help our cause far more - why focus on this impossible one?
* It's not rational to focus on 9/11, therefore the motive must arise from childhood."

Stefan Molyneux 05-28-2007

That was one of Stef's responses to a poster going by "Alex Truberg." Truberg did a great job trying to wake Stef up. I didn't show as much restraint as Truberg:

"This is my reasoning, for better or worse... "

1 "If 9/11 was an inside job, it will never be proven. The evidence - and key witnesses - have all been destroyed."

Foreknowledge of two more hijacked planes around 09:03 heading towards D.C.

This article discusses the statements of two important persons with regard of foreknowledge about the unfolding crisis.

In following CNN-interview Secret Service agent Nelson Garabito says, that shortly after the second plane-crash he was informed by the FAA, that there were two "outstanding planes" heading towards Washington DC. One was "approximately 30 minutes out", the other "was 45 minutes" out.

In the 911-commission reports stands ...

"Shortly after the second attack in New York, a senior Secret Service agent charged with coordinating the President’s movements established an open line with his counterpart at the FAA,who soon told him that there were more planes unaccounted for—possibly hijacked— in addition to the two that had already crashed."

Lyndon Johnson made a dirty deal with CIA Republicans to murder John Kennedy in the 1963 Coup d’Etat.

Robert Morrow
December 23, 2010

Lyndon Johnson made a dirty deal with CIA Republicans to murder John Kennedy in the 1963 Coup d’Etat. (People like Clint Murchison Sr., H.L. Hunt, Nelson Rockefeller, David Rockefeller, top Nelson Rockefeller aide Henry Kissinger, George Herbert Walker Bush and Gen. Edward Lansdale all are excellent candidates for elite sponsorship.) Lyndon Johnson and Allen Dulles may very well have been co-CEOs of the JFK assassination; with the CIA in charge of the killing of JFK, and Lyndon Johnson and (his close friend and neighbor of 19 years in Washington, DC) FBI director J. Edgar Hoover in charge of the cover up.

Portland hears about need for "Regime Change" from 9/11 Truth Alliance

"Portland, Oregon 9/11 Truth Alliance members Gregory Fegel (first speaker) and Brian McManus (second speaker) address the City Council of Portland, Oregon on December 8th, 2010, following the FBI-orchestrated 'Christmas Tree bomb' incident which occured on November 26th, 2010 at the annual Christmas Tree lighting ceremony in Portland's Pioneer Courthouse Square."

On November 26th, 2010, 19 year-old Mohamed Osman Mohamud was arrested by the FBI when he tried to detonate a fake bomb in downtown Portland. The fake bomb, the van, and the cell phone used in the incident were supplied to Mohamud by the team of FBI agents who led Mohamud into making the attack.

Michael Moore-"Bush State Department was spending its time on a single screening of 'Fahrenheit 9/11' in freakin' New Zealand"

Another WikiLeaks Cable from the Bush Administration About My Movies

...a note from Michael Moore

Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010


Twice within four days, my name has popped up in the Bush-era secret cables uncovered by WikiLeaks. Lucky me. Though nowhere near as earth-shattering as the uncovering of American misdeeds in Iraq and Afghanistan, these classified cables provide a stunning and bizarre peek into the paranoid minds of the Bush White House when it came to the subject of one Michael Francis Moore.

And considering how WikiLeaks has released only 1,826 cables of its planned drop of 251,287 -- and I've already played a starring role twice -- I can only say I await with bemused anticipation how the moi-storyline will play itself out.

The most recent secret cable revelation is in today's Guardian newspaper of London. It's entitled, "US Intervened in Michael Moore NZ Screening." Oh yeah, baby! New Zealand! That's where we'll stop Moore and his band of evildoers!

Media Roots Radio- Breaking Apart the Official 9/11 Coincidence Theory

Media Roots Radio- Breaking Apart the Official 9/11 Coincidence Theory by Media Roots


This is a special 2 hour 20 minute episode of Media Roots Radio about the events of 9/11. In this edition, Abby and Robbie Martin introduce how their political awakenings were prompted by 9/11, and break apart the official government and corporate media narrative of the 9/11 attacks by discussing the foreknowledge, government complicity, and gross inconsistencies regarding every aspect of the events.