Obama Administration

Media Roots Radio Transcript: Breaking Apart the 9/11 Coincidence Theory


MEDIA ROOTS – This is the re-release of a special 2 hour 20 minute episode of Media Roots Radio about 9/11, now fully sourced and transcribed below. In this edition, Abby and Robbie Martin introduce how their political awakenings were prompted by 9/11, and break apart the official government and corporate media narrative of the 9/11 attacks by discussing the foreknowledge, government complicity, and gross inconsistencies regarding every aspect of the events. The show then delves into the aftermath: the psychological manipulation of the American psyche and the significance that this event continues to have in our nation and world.


Media Roots Radio - Video Game Warfare, Covert War in Iran, SOPA & Fair Use

MEDIA ROOTS – Abby and Robbie discuss the reality of war: the pre-propaganda that has manufactured consent for the illegal occupations, video game warfare and cognitivie dissonance in combat, the Marine urination scandal; Martin Luther King Jr. and historical revisionism minimizing how anti-imperialism was the main pillar of his philosophical platform; the CIA and the US covert war in Iran; SOPA, PIPA breakdown, the difference between copyright and fair use, the threat to net neutrality and websites like Media Roots under this overarching legislation.


Media Roots Radio - Bin Laden's Death: Government & Media Propaganda, CIA Ties, Mindless Nationalism

Media Roots Radio - Bin Laden's Death: Government & Media Propaganda, CIA Ties, Mindless Nationalism by Media Roots

MEDIA ROOTS- Robbie and Abby Martin cover Osama Bin Laden's timely death in this breaking edition of Media Roots Radio. They break apart the government and media propaganda, expose Bin Laden's CIA ties, dissect his role as boogyman for the War on Terror and comment on the mindless nationalism and lack of critical thinking from fellow Americans following the news of his death.

Art by Abby Martin- Killing Hope

Killing Hope, 16” x 20” acrylic, 2011

MEDIA ROOTS- Never before Barack Obama’s presidential campaign had I ever seen a candidate brand themselves with a corporate logo. Obama’s official logo appears to be a giant blue “O” sun rising over an American flag horizon, symbolizing the supposed dawn of a new beginning. The manipulative branding of the loaded words “Hope & Change” worked beautifully- most of the world rallied strongly behind Obama as he took on the role of the new world leader.

Media Roots Radio- Egypt’s Revolution: Puppet Dictators, Response & Coverage

Media Roots Radio- The Egyptian Revolution: US Response & Coverage by Media Roots

In this episode Abby and Robbie talk about the Egyptian Revolution: US puppet dictators, coverage in this country compared to coverage during Iran’s “green revolution”, the causes of unrest and the tactics being used by Mubarak to try to stifle the revolution.

Media Roots TV- Is Obama Living Up to His Campaign Promises?

Media Roots conducts on the spot interviews with people in Berkeley and Oakland, CA about their support for President Barack Obama.

I know this doesn't have anything to do with 9/11 directly, but I found it fascinating to go out and gauge people's support for this administration here in the bay area. I thought the truth community would enjoy the content and gain some insight from what people are thinking out here...


Media Roots Radio

These are the first and second episodes of Media Roots radio with hosts Abby and Robbie Martin. We break through the left/ right paradigm and speak the truth about 9/11, Obama, the media, terrorism and pharmaceutical drugs. This radio show airs on shortwave radio Sundays at 6pm central time, following the Alex Jones show on frequency 9.350 MHz.

Administration Eyes Foreign Link in Times Square Bomb Plot

Source: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/05/03/officials-reportedly-foreign-plot-times-square-car-bomb/

A New York City police officer stands watch in Times Square May 3
as pedestrians pass by. (AP Photo)

- FOXNews.com

- May 03, 2010

Administration Eyes Foreign Link in Times Square Bomb Plot

The investigation into the Times Square car bomb has started to reveal information that suggests the failed attack was the work of an international plot, a senior administration official told Fox News.

The official could not definitively say whether a foreign conspiracy was behind the incident, but that the body of evidence was moving in that direction.

The Washington Post first reported that officials were eyeing an international connection. One official told the Post that "some tell-tale signs" have led investigators to look at a "foreign nexus."

The Obama Administration and International Law - "The Law of 9/11"

Title: The Obama Administration and International Law

Author: Harold Hongju Koh (Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of State)
Event: Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law
Location: Washington, DC
Published: March 25, 2010

For the complete text go to:
Url: http://www.state.gov/s/l/releases/remarks/139119.htm

Quote: "We live in a time, when, as you know, the United States finds itself engaged in several armed conflicts. As the President has noted, one conflict, in Iraq, is winding down. He also reminded us that the conflict in Afghanistan is a “conflict that America did not seek, one in which we are joined by forty-three other countries… in an effort to defend ourselves and all nations from further attacks.”


Pressure Mounts to Move Terror Trial

Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/01/29/eveningnews/main6155613.shtml

Jan. 28, 2010

Pressure Mounts to Move Terror Trial
Obama Administration Considers Moving Trial of Accused Sept. 11 Mastermind to Remote Location

By Bob Orr

(CBS) Pledging to bring justice to the victims of Sept. 11, Attorney General Eric Holder declared that accused mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed would stand trial at the scene of the crime, "in a courthouse just blocks away from where the twin towers once stood."

But with mounting political pressure, the Obama Administration is now strongly considering moving the trial from Manhattan to a more remote location, reports CBS News correspondent Bob Orr.

Slate: The Obama administration has picked the worst possible case for its first torture trial

Torture Roulette
The Obama administration has picked the worst possible case for its first torture trial.
By Dahlia Lithwick
Posted Monday, Dec. 14, 2009, at 6:38 PM ET

For close to a year now, the Obama administration has been playing judicial Whac-a-Mole over accountability for Bush administration torture policies. Each time an opportunity arises to assess the legality of Bush-era torture, the Obama administration shuts it down. When another case pops up, the administration slaps it down. This all started last February when the Justice Department invoked the alarming "states secrets" privilege in an effort to shut down an ACLU lawsuit against Boeing subsidiary Jeppesen DataPlan Inc. for its role in Bush's "extraordinary rendition" program. (That case will be reheard at the 9th Circuit tomorrow).

White House official resigns over NYC flyover incident (AP story)

The Associated Press reports that a White House internal investigation has released the findings of an internal investigation into the recent incident involving a low-flying Air Force One over New York City; and that, in consequence of the 'embarassing incident,' Louis Caldera of the White House Military Office has submitted his resignation, effectively accepting the blame:


WASHINGTON – The White House official who authorized a $328,835 photo-op of Air Force One soaring above New York City resigned under fire Friday as the administration tried to move past the embarrassing incident that sent panicked workers rushing into the streets amid flashbacks of Sept. 11.

As former Army Secretary Louis Caldera took the fall for the flyover, the White House released the findings of an internal investigation that portrayed him as out of the loop in a cycle of missed messages and questionable judgments as plans for the photo shoot proceeded.

Declassify and Release 9/11 Commission Records in 2009 - Change.gov and org

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Declassify and Release 9/11 Commission Records in 2009

Mr. President-Elect Obama, The 9/11 Commission records “general restriction from public access”, according to federal law, lasts until 2009. Please order all involved Federal Agencies, including but not limited to the Pentagon, FAA, FBI and CIA, to finish the work of declassifying 9/11 Commission records for public release, immediately. Researcher and writer Professor Peter Dale Scott, summarizes the current situation:

“The FBI has been declassifying documents cooperatively with respect to this commitment, and recently the CIA has begun to cooperate as well. [79] But some federal agencies, notably the FAA and Pentagon, are not collaborating with the 9/11 Commission's commitment at all...Both the FAA and the Pentagon declined to release important records to the 9/11 Commission, despite its statutory powers, until required to do so by judicial subpoena.”