The official student newspaper of UWisc-Eau Claire since 1923: "New campus organization of 9/11 ‘truthers’ is misinformed"

New campus organization of 9/11 ‘truthers’ is misinformed

James Kust
May 3, 2012

On Sept. 11, 2001, this country  changed forever.

There’s no overstating it. It’s the day that bumped George W. Bush’s approval rating above 90 percent, the day that united our country in a display of patriotism not seen since World War II.

Sept. 11 shifted our nation’s domestic and foreign policy permanently, and was responsible for starting a War on Terror that is still deploying thousands of young men and women.

Ten years later, we’re still trying to understand what happened that day.

And from this lack of understanding comes confusion.

As many know, there exists a noteworthy movement that claims the events of 9/11 were an “inside job” — a purposeful act orchestrated by our government and special interest groups designed, depending on who you ask, to increase oil revenues or seize foreign lands, among other claims.

These so-called “truthers” have arrived at UW-Eau Claire.

On Monday night the Student Senate unanimously approved the constitution for a new student organization — Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth: College Outreach Team.

KPFA 94.1 to Feature 9/11 Update Show During Spring Fund Drive this Friday, May 11th

KPFA 94.1 to Feature 9/11 Update Show During Spring Fund Drive this Friday, May 11th

Berkeley, CA. - May 10, 2012 - Pacifica Radio/KPFA's Project Censored Show on the Morning Mix will do a special 9/11 update program this Friday May 11th, from 8:00 to 9:00 A.M. Pacific time. All 9/11 researchers and activists are encouraged to tune in and support the KPFA spring fund drive any way they can.

The show will be available live at 94.1 FM in Northern & Central California and online at:

Co-hosts Peter Phillips and Mickey Huff of Project Censored will be in dialogue with 9/11 activists/researchers Richard Gage, AIA, Dr. Paul W. Rea, and Carol Brouillet.

Longtime peace activist Carol Brouillet will join in for the hour talking about her decade of seeking justice and truth surrounding the events of September the 11th. Richard Gage, AIA, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth will be talking about the final version of their film, "Explosive Evidence: The Experts Speak Out." Dr. Paul Rea will deconstruct the so-called War on Terror and discuss his new book Mounting Evidence: Why We Need A New Investigation into 9/11.

Abby Martin and Sibel Edmonds on RT TV

The Obama administration has the worst track record when it comes to prosecuting whistleblowers. Obama once claimed he'd work hard to have a transparent government, but many have faced retaliation for revealing controversial government information. Sibel Edmonds, a former FBI translator and government whistleblower, waited 340 days for FBI clearance of her memoir but finally released it on her own, without any redactions or approval. It indicts high treason and intentional deception in the highest levels of government. Edmonds, founder of the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition, joins Abby Martin in the RT studio to discuss.

Al Qaeda Bomb Plot: Would-Be Underwear Bomber Worked for CIA

By Adam Goldman, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — The CIA had al-Qaida fooled from the beginning.

Last month, U.S. intelligence learned that al-Qaida's Yemen branch hoped to launch a spectacular attack using a new, nearly undetectable bomb aboard an airliner bound for America, officials say.

But the man the terrorists were counting on to carry out the attack was actually working for the CIA and Saudi intelligence, U.S. and Yemeni officials told The Associated Press on Tuesday.

The dramatic sting operation thwarted the attack before it had a chance to succeed.

It was the latest misfire for al-Qaida, which has repeatedly come close to detonating a bomb aboard an airliner. For the United States it was a victory that delivered the bomb intact to U.S. intelligence.

The officials spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the operation. The cooperation of the would-be bomber was first reported Tuesday evening by the Los Angeles Times.

Media Roots Radio – FBI Staged Terror Plots, Bin Laden Death Victory Lap

MEDIA ROOTSAbby and Robbie Martin discuss FBI entrapment: how every "foiled" terror plot has either been facilitated or completely orchestrated by the US government, the gross misuse of taxpayer funds and the morality of entrapment methods; the anniversary of Bin Laden's death: the multiple reports of his death prior to the final report, the continuous alternations of the original narrative and government propaganda surrounding the death, Obama's victory lap at Bagram and corporate media cheerleading about the killing; cyber terrorism and CISPA; the hope for humanity's future: the need to shift our consciousness outside of the current paradigm, reinstate the enormous power that we all have to take charge of our minds and instill a better, more enlightened future.

EPA scientist who warned of caustic dust from Ground Zero wins job back

Cate Jenkins was fired from job as chemist after accusing EPA of deliberately covering up dangers of 9/11 wreckage dust - The Guardian

twin towers 9/11
Dust from the Twin Towers caused chemical burns to the lungs of firefighters and other rescue teams. Photograph: Jose Jimenez/Getty Images

A government scientist sacked for exposing the dangers to firefighters from the caustic air at Ground Zero in the days after 9/11 got her job back on Monday.

A federal court ordered that Cate Jenkins, a chemist at the Environmental Protection Agency, be reinstated to her job with back pay.

Her lawyer said the decision, although based on matters of legal process, amounted to vindication for Jenkins's claims that the EPA had covered up the danger posed to first responders and others in lower Manhattan from the asbestos and highly corrosive dust that rose from the wreckage of the World Trade Center.

It was also a rare victory for whistleblowers, said lawyer Paula Dinerstein. "This doesn't happen that often."

17,000+ New Pages Of NIST WTC Investigative Records

On April 3, 2012, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released an additional 17,000+ pages of World Trade Center (WTC) records obtained by them from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, the New York City Department of Buildings and Turner Construction. The latest records are part of an ongoing NIST WTC records release. NIST has since advised that more records will follow.

(Download files here)

The 9/11 Propaganda Archive, Part 1

MEDIA ROOTS — A mysterious pair of internet archivists who call themselves 'Neuro Linguistic Programming' started to upload what they claim is 'Part 1 of 40' of American mainstream media print publications from the day of 9/11 and the immediate weeks that followed. They plan to put up full issues of Time and Newsweek that are filled to the brim with blatant terrorist fearmongering and propaganda.

Following 9/11, news media accelerated at an amazing rate, and most companies adopted internet versions of their paper or magazines. Before this was commonplace, many interesting pieces of information from that day were most likely never reprinted again– due to false information or just abandonment by the person feeding the propaganda of a particular propagandistic ploy.

'Part 1' gives us a look at a 'Terrorism Survival Guide,' an actual print magazine which was distributed and sold at grocery stores around the country. We especially like the bio-terror section with the photoshoot of the little girl in a hazmat suit holding a Barbie with a gasmask on. We hope that they continue with this project, it's fascinating to say the least, and possible they will uncover something most journalists and researchers have completely forgotten.

To read Part One: Terrorism Survival Guide visit Media Roots.

5 charged in 9/11 attack resist Gitmo hearing

By BEN FOX, Associated Press

GUANTANAMO BAY NAVAL BASE, Cuba (AP) — The self-proclaimed mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks repeatedly declined to answer a judge's questions Saturday and his co-defendants knelt in prayer in what appeared to be a concerted protest against the military proceedings.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other men appeared for the first time in more than three years for arraignment at a military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay, charged with 2,976 counts of murder for the 2001 attacks.

The hearing quickly bogged down before they could be arraigned. The men took off the earphones that provide Arabic translations and refused to answer any questions from the judge, Army Col. James Pohl, dramatically slowing a hearing that is heavy on military legal procedure.

At one point, two defendants got up and prayed alongside their defense tables under the watchful eyes of troops arrayed along the sides of the high-security courtroom on the U.S. base in Cuba.

May 5 2012 Corbett Report Radio 126 – Blowing the Whistle on the FBI

May 5 2012

Corbett Report Radio 126 – Blowing the Whistle on the FBI

On tonight’s broadcast we dip into the Corbett Report archives to highlight the stories of some of the whistleblowers from within the ranks of the FBI. From perjury on the stand to fraud in the crime lab to theft of evidence from Ground Zero, tonight we uncloset the FBI’s skeletons.