New video released: "Inside 9/11 - 7 facts"

Today a new video about 7 substantial facts regarding 9/11 has been released. The 12-minute long film focuses on these points:

1. Insider trading
2. WTC 7
3. Air defense
4. Wargames
5. Flight 77
6. Identification of hijackers
7. Evidence regarding Bin Laden

The video is available in two different language versions:

English version:

German version:

Furthermore a bilingual English / German website with additional links and sources has been launched today:

Hopefully this information will spread! Thanks for your help.

Laura Bush on 9/11: Why Was the President's Wife Left Vulnerable and Unprotected?

Laura Bush appears live on CNN

The wife of the U.S. president is considered one of the nation's "most visible targets," and is therefore provided with a detail of Secret Service agents whose job is to protect her and keep her out of harm's way. And yet on September 11, 2001, Laura Bush, the wife of then-President George W. Bush, was left vulnerable all through the terrorist attacks.

She was allowed to head to her scheduled destination¸ the Russell Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill, even after a second plane hit the World Trade Center and it was obvious the U.S. was under attack. She was allowed to spend time there, even though her Secret Service agents should have taken her away to a "secure site." She even appeared live on CNN, thereby revealing her location to any terrorist who might be watching television. And when people were ordered to evacuate, due to reports that a suspicious plane was heading toward Capitol Hill, Bush remained in the Russell Office Building, even though this could have proved fatal had a plane crashed into it. She was only driven away to a "secure location" at 10:10 a.m., after the attacks had ended. And all this time, she was accompanied by her Secret Service detail.

The failure of those agents to properly protect Bush was extraordinary. Examination of their actions raises serious questions. We need to discover what caused these skilled professionals to repeatedly leave the first lady in serious danger.

Dear 9/11 First Responders

Jon Gold

First, I want to say CONGRATULATIONS!!! Finally. Finally, the 9/11 First Responders that are sick and dying as a result of working down at the pile, have healthcare to take care of them. Healthcare that now includes cancer. It doesn't cover all cancers, so there might still be a fight, but it is certainly better than it was. It has been a long fight. I know. I have been there since almost the very beginning.

I, like many others, have done my best to be supportive of the 9/11 First Responders. To try and bring attention to their issue. I started an archive the day James Zadroga died that has been maintained for years. In January 2007, I held my very first fund-raiser for 9/11 First Responders. I managed to raise $3,290.00 that time. When Mike Bloomberg said that James Zadroga wasn't a hero, people like me were there to get Mike Bloomberg to apologize. Every time the FealGood Foundation went to Washington D.C., I did my best to promote their trips, and the resulting videos.

As I said, it has been a long fight. A hard fight. Because it is difficult to get politicians to do the right thing, sometimes concessions have to be made. Long ago, several 9/11 First Responders were very supportive of the "9/11 Truth Movement." Because of antics in the "9/11 Truth Movement," many 9/11 First Responders started to disassociate from the movement, and understandably so. However, another reason that 9/11 First Responders started to shy away from people in the "9/11 Truth Movement" was because being associated with that group, a group that has been relentlessly slandered and ridiculed by the "mainstream media," meant that it was harder to get politicians to do the right thing. In other words, if the 9/11 First Responders wanted the politicians to play ball, they also had to play the game.

Truth and Why Smart People Are Stupid

Excellent article by Jonah Lehrer of the New Yorker.

"I know so much I don't know where to begin"

Which is related to "Smart people don't think others are stupid":

My experience is that I cant tell someone what I think the truth is and expect positive results. I can only present information that may excite them to discover the connections I think are important. A person who discovers something is more likely to become active than a person who is told they were wrong about something.

The difference between the two outcomes is directly related to the way information is presented. Is it adversarial or interesting?

Occasionally people can agree on the input to a function and the function specification, and they will regard the answer as true, but only the experience of evaluating the facts can really convince a person. Just telling them does not work.... and it shouldn't.

From renovation to revolution: Was the Pentagon attacked from within?

Posted on

I have no desire to attack the Pentagon; I want to liberate it. We need to save it from itself.”  Donald Rumsfeld, September 10, 2001

The official account of what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11 leaves many questions unanswered.[1]  The work of independent investigators has also failed to address those questions. In an attempt to find answers, an alternative account of the Pentagon attack is considered.

An alternative account would be more compelling than the official account if it explained more of the evidence without adding unnecessary complications.  Considering means, motive and opportunity might allow us to propose a possible “insider conspiracy” while maintaining much of the official account as well.

A few of the more compelling unanswered questions are as follows.

  1. How could American Airlines Flight 77 have hit the building as it did, considering that the evidence shows the alleged hijacker pilot, Hani Hanjour, was a very poor pilot?[2]
  2. Why did the aircraft make a 330-degree turn just minutes before hitting the building?
  3. Why did the aircraft hit the least occupied one-fifth of the building that was the focus of a renovation plan and how was it that the construction in that exact spot just happened to be for the purpose of minimizing the damage from a terrorist explosion?[3]
  4. Why was the company that performed the renovation work, just for that one-fifth of the building, immediately hired in a no bid contract to clean-up the damage and reconstruct that area of the building?  (Note: The same company was also immediately hired to clean-up the WTC site within hours of the destruction there.)[4]
  5. What can explain the damage to the building and the aircraft debris or lack thereof?
  6. Why were the tapes from the surveillance videos in the area immediately confiscated by the FBI and never released?

These questions should be considered along with the fact that U.S military and “Homeland Security” expenditures since the 9/11 attacks have totaled approximately $8 trillion.[5]  This paints a picture that calls for an in-depth investigation into the people running the Pentagon, to see if they might have had the motivation and ability to plan and execute the attack.

Renowned actor Ed Asner speaks out at premiere of new 9/11 movie
by Elliott Freeman

Los Angeles - Veteran actor Ed Asner has walked the red carpet at the premieres of countless Hollywood films, but this time he took the podium to support the producers of a controversial new documentary that challenges the offical 9/11 story.

The premiere of "9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out", a film by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth), took place at the Beverly Hills Music Hall Theatre in Los Angeles, California, as part of a nationwide screening tour that continues through July 11. The group, which consists of 1700 architects and engineers, has called for a new investigation of the destruction of the Twin Towers and WTC Building 7
Actor Ed Asner joins Frances Battaglia one of the producers of Experts Speak Out after the film

Ruling Allows Health Fund for Sept. 11 to Cover Cancers By ANEMONA HARTOCOLLIS Published: June 8, 2012 NYTimes

Ruling Allows Health Fund for Sept. 11 to Cover Cancers
Published: June 8, 2012

A federal health official’s ruling has cleared the way for 50 different types of cancer to be added to the list of sicknesses covered by a $4.3 billion fund set up to compensate and treat people exposed to the toxic smoke, dust and fumes in the months after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attack.

Senate Passes 9/11 Health Bill as Republicans Back Down (December 23, 2010)
Logistics Hang Over a Ruling on 9/11 Cancer (May 29, 2012)
Times Topic: 9/11 Health and Environmental Issues

The decision, released on Friday afternoon, came as a vindication for hundreds and perhaps thousands of people who have claimed — often in the face of resistance from public health officials — that their cancers were caused by their exposure to the dust cloud and debris thrown up in the aftermath of the attack.

Letter: Group questions official story of 9/11

My letter to the editor of my local paper made it in for the Buffalo premiere of Experts Speak Out. It made the print edition too. Had a 250 word limit. Hope there is a nice turnout. I am heading there myself later. News of other events has been a bit scarce I'm sorry to say. I'll post how it goes tonight in Buffalo.

Peace everyone.

Posted: Friday, June 8, 2012 12:23 pm

Has anyone ever wondered why so many people do not believe the “official” 9/11 narrative? Well 1,700 reasons are coming to Buffalo today, at 9 p.m. at the Market Arcade Cinema in the form of a 90-minute documentary by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth ( See for venue information or view it online.

Ae911truth is a organization of of 1,700 licensed and/or degreed professionals who petition for a new investigation, into the destruction of all three World Trade Center buildings that fell that day. Yes, that’s right, I said three, and those reading this who did not know three buildings fell that day need to be there the most. WTC 7 was a 47-story steel-and-concrete building that free-falls through itself for over 100 feet. It drops like a stone accelerating at the same rate as gravity. Many have never seen the destruction of WTC Building 7 and those who have, never see 9/11 the same again. They can suspend the Constitution but not the laws of physics. The official story is easily falsifiable. We must begin viewing 9/11 and the “war on terror” in a new context. These highly respected professionals in the fields of structural/mechanical engineering, architecture, physics, chemistry, and more risk everything by speaking out publicly about the glaring flaws in the NIST reports and the vast evidence ignored by investigators. See the facts and join the discussion.

Port Authority to pay Chertoff firm $1.2M for security study


The Port Authority will pay former Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff’s consulting firm more than $1.2 million for a review and overhaul of the agency’s security operations, under a recent extension of the firm’s no-bid contract.

Former Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff
Former Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff

The Chertoff Group’s contract extension — the second in six months — was quietly approved last week without discussion at a public meeting of agency commissioners.

The firm will be paid an additional $650,000, on top of the $600,000 already approved, to advise the Port Authority on the hiring of a new security director and to help create the agency’s first-ever security department, a Port Authority spokesman said Wednesday.

Families of 9/11 victims blast amount of money wasted building Ground Zero memorial museum

NEW YORK — A group representing some Sept. 11 family members says it agrees with New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo that spending for the memorial museum at Ground Zero is out of control.

The group commended the governor Wednesday for saying "a tremendous amount of money" has been "wasted" at the site.

The 9/11 Parents and Families of Firefighters and WTC Victims said it "never asked for the world's most expensive memorial and museum." Members said they would have been "thankful for a simple, dignified, above ground monument to the lives and deaths of 9/11 victims."

They said the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey's decision to increase tolls to pay for the project was "unacceptable."

Their statement follows the announcement this week that the memorial foundation and the site's owners are close to an agreement to resume construction of the museum.