America: The Fourth Reich

Here's a slightly old article that I hadn't seen before by Barrie Zwicker of Global Outlook fame that compares 9/11 to the Reichstag Fire. We better be careful, those pesky Canadians might just blow this thing wide open. Thanks to Mad Dog for sending this in:

It should not be denied any longer: America is hurtling along the road to full-fledged fascism. To recognize this is the necessary first step in deflecting the juggernaut and creating the possibility of more peaceful tomorrows. It is legitimate and also necessary to correctly employ the power of naming.

9/11 Revisited: Scientific and Ethical Questions

Prof. Steven E. Jones will provide an invited seminar open to the public at Utah Valley State College in Orem, Utah, on February 1, 2006:

Steven E. Jones, Professor of Physics, Brigham Young University, 7:00-8:30 p.m., CS 404 (Center for the Study of Ethics, Cosponsored with the School of Science and Health)

(Thanks to Monte for submitting this)

Midweek Grab Bag

Tracking the 19 Hijackers, Where Are They Now?:

People Rise Up - 12/21/05 - WTCs 1, 2 & 7, Why & How Did They Fall? (Thanks to Carol):
Update: Very good so far, our friends at George Washington Blog Spot are mentioned!!

Speaking of George Washington, here is a letter he sent to Barbara Boxer, I know we have a few Boxer constituents visit this site on occasion, maybe they could do the same:

Heavy Metal

The steel from the debris of the World Trade Centers provides evidence that the buildings were demolished.

Specifically, metal tests on steel remains from the world trade center show something never before seen in building fires: reactions which caused "intergranular melting capable of turning a solid steel girder into Swiss cheese." Sulfur and other elements commonly used in high-explosives were also found. The New York Times described this as "perhaps the deepest mystery uncovered in the investigation." (this quote is contained in the following link)

As The Bush Administration Continues to Falter, 9/11 Remains His Trump Card

It is no surprise that when the President is finally challenged by the mainstream press that he again pulls his ultimate trump card, 9/11. For some reason or another the 9/11 families don't much appreciate this. Perhaps it is the carelessness with which he throws around 9/11, or perhaps they are tired of having their loved ones as the ultimate political tool for this administration.

How about this, he can use 9/11 to justify anything he wants, and we can have subpoena rights and ask all of his administration un-filtered questions about 9/11 under oath. Sound fair?

The King's Red Herring - Kristen Breitweiser

Indira Singh on Guns and Butter radio; spring/summer 2005.

Thanks to Reprehensor for this:

Part One

Part Two

What happened with that particular triage site is that pretty soon after noon, after midday on 9/11, we had to evacuate that because they told us that Building 7 was coming down.

If you had been there, not being able to see very much, just flames everywhere and dark smoke, it is entirely possible… I do believe that they brought Building 7 down because I heard that they were going to bring it down, because it was unstable, because of the collateral damage.

Where O' Where Are the Black Boxes From 9/11?

9/11: Missing Black Boxes in World Trade Center Attacks Found by Firefighters, Analyzed by NTSB, Concealed by FBI

One of the more puzzling mysteries of 9-11 is what ever happened to the flight recorders of the two planes that hit the World Trade Center towers. Now it appears that they may not be missing at all.

Counterpunch has learned that the FBI has them.
But the FBI states, and also reported to the 9-11 Commission, that none of the recording devices from the two planes that hit the World Trade Center were ever recovered.

9/11 Interviews For Your Ears

Seems like alternative radio has definitely picked up over the last year, and now that tvnewslies radio is back on the air I'm sure it will grow even more.

Here are a few recent shows you might want to check out:
Greg Szymanski interviews James Fetzer
TVNewsLies Radio interviews Michael Ruppert

Also, Jesse from sends word that Eric Hufschmid will be on his show tomorrow the 20th. You can find their streaming link and archive here.

Open Thread - Holiday Related

Welp, that time of the year is coming up, and I'm curious to see what 9/11 related actions are going on related to the holiday season.

Me personally, I bought 5 copies of Griffin's last book and burned 5 sets of DVDs for a few that I know are beginning to question 9/11. A suggestion sent in involved giving away 9/11 related books and media at gift exchanges. Any other ideas for what we can do this season to help our cause?

Also, it is the giving season, and a lot of 9/11 related sites out there are in need of funding. Giving a little gift to those that support the 9/11 movement might not be a bad idea, and no I don't mean just this site ;)

Bush Defends His Decision To Spy On Us

Thanks to Jon for the heads up on this one: