New Articles on Flight 93 in the Wake of Upcoming Discovery Channel 'Recreation'

It has been widely reported that the Discovery Channel will be airing a documentary on Flight 93 which crashed in Shanksville, PA on 9/11. You can find a bunch of articles on the upcoming show which will air on 9/11 this year. Here is one for example.

In any event, a few articles have been posted today about Flight 93, so here is a quick rundown:

Catching the FBI in a Big Fat Lie

Further Details on Upcoming National Geographic 9/11 Mini-Series

There are a few new details on the upcoming National Geographic 4 hour mini-series I had mentioned last week.

A long view of 9/11

National Geographic Channel will examine the events before, during and after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, in an upcoming four-hour series.

But unlike the numerous documentary series and reams of press and government reports that have come before, "Inside 9/11," takes a long view.

Retired Federal Aviation Administration Special Agent Wants New 9/11 Investigation

Boston Globe - 9/11: There is more to this story

THE SEPT. 11 commission report is now a year old. Many questions about the days leading up to Sept. 11, 2001 and who should be held accountable remain unanswered.

The report was a good beginning, but it requires a follow-up investigation, with subpoena power, to address the lack of accountability for security and intelligence failures that contributed to making us so vulnerable.

Flaws in the 9/11 Commission's process included conflicts of interest, lack of transparency, questionable investigative rigor, and critical whistleblower information provided yet inexplicably left out of the report. It is time to pick up where the commission left off. Demand accountability and tell the rest of the 9/11 story.

Paul Thompson on Air America Tomorrow Morning

I just heard that Paul Thompson, author of 'The Terror Timeline' and, will be on Air America tomorrow (Wednesday) morning. You can stream live from Air America through their site here.

He will be on 'Morning Sedition' which runs from 6am-9am EST. You can find their site, and confirmation of his appearance, at the link below as well as leave feedback afterwards:

Fitzgerald Investigation Researching Pre-9/11 Put Options?

Tenet under investigation for pre-9/11 AA put options?

Tom Heneghen reports to Cloak & Dagger Internet Radio (late of 50,000-watt blowtorch CFMJ-AM) that a trusted "source close to the Fitzgerald investigation" says the independent prosecutor is looking into former CIA Director George Tenet's role in pre-9/11 put options placed on American Airlines.

Previous editions of Cloak & Dagger reported that the special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald has taken his investigation beyond who named Valerie Plame as a CIA agent into who frauded up claims that Saddam Hussien was seeking yellowcake uranium and, ultimately, the 9/11 scam.

Fund Raising for 'Truth Emergency Convergence' Blogads Advertisements

I have grown frustrated at the lack of coverage of the 9/11 Congressional Hearing and D.C. Truth Emergency by the major blogs..

I went ahead and submitted the following ad to in the hopes to bring some much needed attention to these upcoming events.

D.C. Emergency Truth

Rep. McKinney and Grijalva

NY Fireman Lou Cacchioli Upset That 9/11 Commission 'Tried To Twist My Words'

NY Fireman Lou Cacchioli Upset That 9/11 Commission 'Tried To Twist My Words;' A True Hero, He Vows To Stick To The Truth, Something Lacking In The 9/11 Investigation

Former veteran fireman recalls hearing three distinct 'huge explosions' while rescuing people in north tower between 23rd and 24th floors, testimony ignored in the 9/11 Commission's final report. Brave fireman recalls how he almost called it quits after losing his buddies, his job and his health. Now, four years later, he's finally on the rebound, making an emotional and physical recovery, adding he keeps active with the fire department and enjoys his life as a new grandfather.

Is the Time for 9/11 Truth About to End? (Rant)

The above image is from Steve Bradenton, a cartoonist from What is meant to be a cartoon mocking the current administration is by itself a prime example of where we stand today in the world.

Either we will all start paying attention to our doubts about 9/11 and start demanding some real answers, or we may be faced with another such attack with no hope of finding 9/11 truth thereafter.

9/11 Truth Art Contest Judging Update From Carol Brouillet

I just got this email from Carol Brouillet about the status of the 9/11 Truth Art Contest put together by Carol and I hope she won't mind me sharing it.

If you aren't familiar with Carol she was one of the organizers and creators of the deception dollar and runs her blog Questioning the War on Terror. She was also a major organizer of the 1st International Citizens Inquiry into 9/11 which can be viewed here.

Open Thread

Grab Bag and a rant on the way shortly, until then, what's up?