9/11 Grab Bag

French Guy sent this in, pretty good stuff. (said like Quint in Jaws):

Jim Hoffman has updated his response to the final report from the NIST on the 'collapses' of the WTC towers:
Building a Better Mirage - NIST's 3-Year $20,000,000 Cover-Up of the Crime of the Century

Jimmy Walter on Air America:

Airplane Parts from 9/11

Here is some information that was sent in. Please note, there are more images than this, and I did alter these ones to limit their file size, so if you need the originals please contact us or Louis.

I have uploaded all the images here: http://www.putfile.com/somebigguy
They are about 6 MB in total.

Update: I was just informed that images posted in the above link are not full size, so definitely, get in contact if you'd like the full size images.

I was there that morning of 9/11 working on a nearby roof and the following week I was asked to go to Ground Zero to help with the rigging of some of the buildings that were damaged. I worked on, 1 Liberty Plaza, Century 21 Building, Hilton Millenium Hotel, and The Federal Building.

Open Thread

What's new? Anyone attend the event in Florida?

Have at it.

Voice Joins 9/11 Skeptics


Yet another venue has weighed in with skepticism, toward the official story of what happened on September 11, 2001. The Village Voice, in a story picked up by prisonplanet, asks "Ten Big Questions About 9/11," and attempts to open the dialogue even further than it has already been on the Internet's back pages.

The story notes the sizable number of inquiries that have already taken place, most recently the 9-11 Public Discourse Project, an offshoot of the 9-11 Commission after their official mandate lapsed in 2004, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology, each of which just concluded their own investigations. "Some questions can't be answered," the story admits. "People who lost loved ones will never know exactly how the end came, if it hurt, what the final thoughts and words were. But other questions are more tractable.

Why does the world trade center no longer exist?

See the entire article that features quotes from David Ray Griffin and other doubters of the official story. Also, check out the comments at the end of this article, there are people actually having a rational discussion of 9/11. Strange but true. Thanks to The Professional for sending this in.


I wonder how many of the enemy out there will still call me a conspiracy nut. Probably all of them still. I get some satisfaction seeing growing support from time to time for what I've believed all along.

Flight77.info FOIA Request Denied Again

This is really not much of a surprise here, but it is a good example of how the government still refuses to release certian 9/11 related information.


the government denied our second FOIA request (requesting the the 85 video recordings mentioned in the maguire statement). that denial letter is posted to the right. their reason for denial is that the videos are in an 'investigative file' and exempt from disclosure.

posted below the denial letter is our appeal to the denial. my attorney, mr. hodes makes the case that not ALL of those recordings will end up being shown to the jury in the moussaoui hearing. therefore, how could releasing those recordings be harmful to the sentencing? the appeal is definitely a good read.

9/11 2.0 - Independent Investigation of 9/11

Those that have done detailed analysis of the events of 9/11, have your say:


Because of numerous omissions and distortions in the 9-11 Commission Final Report (and the availability of new evidence) it is now considered imperative to conduct an entirely new, independent investigation of 9/11.

This new investigation -- conducted by an all-volunteer community of independent researchers collaborating over the Internet -- is being referred to as 9/11 2.0.

The 2.0 represents the 9/11 Truth Movement's push to cause a second (and very different) wave of understanding concerning 9/11 to engulf the public consciousness. Conversely, it also represents an ominous warning concerning the necessity of conducting a new investigation in order to avoid another 9/11.

Before 9/11, U.S. warned Saudis about plane threats


The United States told Saudi Arabia more than three years before the September 11 attacks that Osama bin Laden might be targeting civilian airplanes, according to a newly declassified State Department cable.

The June 1998 cable, obtained by George Washington University's National Security Archive under the Freedom of Information Act, said the United States had no specific information that al Qaeda was planning such an attack, and did not say it might fly planes into buildings.

Steven Jones Research Paper Update

Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?

Professor Steven E. Jones from BYU has updated his research paper on the 'collapses' of WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7.

The report also includes an image from Ground Zero showing molten hot steel, presumably weeks after 9/11. How temperatures exceeding 1500 degrees could be found in the sub-basements of the WTC towers weeks (and even months) after 9/11 has yet to be fully explained.

EDIT: You can also find a video linked in his report which comments on the lava like core found weeks after 9/11 here:

$50 Million Reward for Insider Proof of 9/11 Conspiracy

$50,000,000.00 Reward Offer for 9/11 Conspiracy Proof

International Researcher Sorcha Faal announces $50 million reward for information proving 9/11 Conspiracy.

(PRWEB) December 9, 2005 -- WhatDoesItMean.Com today announces that we are offering a reward of $50,000,000.00 (fifty-million dollars) to any present or former United States Government Public or Military Official having direct knowledge and verifiable proof that the events of September 11, 2001 were not caused by Islamic Terrorists.

Cabinet Secretaries of the Administration, Military Officers with a Rank of Brigadier General or higher, present or former Directors of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, United States Senators and United States Congressional Leaders are only those eligible to claim this reward.