Professor Jones is Right: Government Refused to Examine Trade Center Collapses

BYU Physics professor Steven Jones has stated that the government agency tasked with examining the collapse of the World Trade Centers did NOT investigate any anomalies in the collapse of the buildings, failing to even examine any evidence regarding the buildings’ impossible near free-fall speeds and symmetrical collapses, apparent demolition squibs, the fact that the buildings turned to dust in mid-air, the presence of molten metal in the basement areas in large pools in all of the buildings, or the unexplained straightening out of the upper 34 floors of the South Tower after they had precipitously leaned over and started toppling like a tree.

Flashback - Jimmy Walter on 'Week in Review'

(MOV) posted a video clip of Jimmy Walter ( on a show called 'Week in Review' which aired on October 3rd, 2004.

I had not seen this video before, despite it being hosted on I was very impressed not only with Jimmy's ability to run through the subject matter in a short period of time, but the fact that the entire panel of the show was instantly interested in the material presented.

Occam’s Razor and 9-11 Conspiracy Theories

Thanks to The Professional for this:

Are You Sure Laughing at Conspiracy Theories Makes You Smart?

There are always really wacky or just plain factually challenged theories , and they never help either (which raises potential questions about the origins of those ideas). The only thing that matters, though, to the Conspiracy-mockers is the question: Does the Conspiracy Theory reflect badly on their beloved America (the concept, not the place or the people)? And this is crucial. If so, it is rejected out of hand as mere “anti-Americanism.” If the Conspiracy Theory, on the other hand, reflects well on their beloved America (the concept, not the place or the people), it gets the reverse treatment: blind and complete acceptance.

9-11 Probers Leave Questions Behind

9-11 Probers Leave Questions Behind - Power Plays Blog

The private watchdog group formed by the former members of the 9-11 Commission is closing up shop. The announcement of its last media event—a December 5 briefing where the 9-11 Discourse Project "will issue its final assessment of progress on all 9/11 Commission recommendations"—came today. This is no surprise: The project (funded by entities like the Carnegie Corporation, the Drexel Family Foundation, and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund) was intended to last for just a year after the commission expired in August 2004, its mission to "educate the public on the issue of terrorism and what can be done to make the country safer." But even if this end was long planned, it doesn't mean everyone thinks the job is finished.

TVNL RADIO; 9/11- Unanswered Questions! today at noon ET


Topic: 11/22 - 9/11, Unanswered Questions*

Guest: Jim Brewster- Filmaker, Director of 911 Eyewitness

NOTE: You can find an archive of the show here.

'The Great Conspiracy' Documentary via Google Video Search

Barrie Zwicker's The Great Conspiracy - The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw is available through Google's video search. The quality is pretty high, and it appears to be the full length.

You can watch it here.

Be sure to check it out if you haven't before, and do some searches for other 9/11 videos as well.

Breaking News: Reopen 911 Commercial on CNN

At least thats what these people are talking about here:

Lets hope its true, stay tuned...

Jonesing on conspiracy theories

Look what happens when you read the academic paper questioning the official version of the collapse of the three World Trade Center buildings that Brigham Young University physics professor Steven E. Jones recently posted at

Jones is an honest-to-goodness scientist whose specialties are metal-catalyzed fusion, solar energy and something called archaeometry. The 9,000-word abstract, part of a 2006 book called "The Hidden History of 9/11/2001," asks, "Why Indeed did the WTC Buildings Collapse?"

Server Outage

I've been going through some issues related to massive bandwidth usage over the last 2 days. Out of the blue we sent out 30-40GB of transfers in the last 2 days.

I am in the process of moving the server to a new host, so the next few days may be bumpy, but will pay off in the long term. With our new server we will have 15x the bandwidth, and 14x the storage.

Sorry for the downtime, it will all be straightened out soon enough.


Weekend Grab Bag

Bush's War Of Terror, WTC Buildings

There has never been a steel frame building that has ever collapsed as a result of fire.[14] There have been numerous steel buildings that have had severe fires that burned for several hours but the buildings never collapsed. The towers were built to withstand 160 mile winds and the crash of a 707, a plane not much smaller than a 767. They were also heavily imbued with asbestos, a fire retardant. The South Tower collapsed at 9:59 AM after being hit at 9:03 AM (56 minutes). The North Tower collapsed at 10:28 AM after being hit at 8:46 AM (1 hour, 42 minutes).