9/11 - The Ultimate WMD

9/11 - The Ultimate WMD - scoop.co.nz

I shamelessly admit it; I simply cannot 'get over' 9/11 and move on. Every time that the images of that day begin to fade in my mind, something happens or someone says something that brings it all back again. The most recent examples for me were a CNN on line poll and two articles which appeared in New York magazine and SFGate.com and once again, I am reminded that I'm not the only one out here that feels duped by the official version of events.
Then there was New York magazine's Mark Jacobson's article The Ground Zero Grassy Knoll and SF Gate's Mark Morford's Long Live the 9/11 Conspiracy which brought up the subject of those of us who just don't buy the 'official version' of 9/11. Both of these pieces not only point to the various 'conspiracy theories' we've all heard, but they also make the argument that there are many, many Americans who justly believed from the beginning that the 9/11 Commission didn't tell the whole story.

9/11 questions explored in new documentary Loose Change 2nd Edition

New Documentary??? Where have these guys been?


Produced by Korey Rowe and directed by Dylan Avery, the documentary LOOSE CHANGE 2ND EDITION explores many troubling questions about the 9/11 attacks using scientific analyses, eyewitness accounts, historical facts, television news footage and many other resources.

The gut-wrenching television news coverage from that day is combined with detailed examination of hard data, theories and apparently unusual circumstances. It is a fast-paced yet steady presentation of objective analysis and uncomfortable possibilities.

SF Chronicle- Headline - AN INSIDE JOB?

Carol Brouillet was kind enough to scan in this San Francisco Chronicle article and send it in. Although the article is a number of days old, its still exciting to see it in print media. This article no doubt reached a whole new audience that otherwise knew nothing about the topic.

(Click for full size)

The image looks kind of grainy in a web browser, but if you open it in an image viewing program, it looks a little clearer. The photo credit got cropped, but it was taken by Andrea Booher / FEMA 2001.

Beginning of the Week Open Thread

Sorry for not being around to handle the comments this weekend. I got a msg from Gold about it and banned the flooder, and just now got home to delete the mess.

But anyways, back in town, ready for a new week, what's new?

Open thread, have at it!

Thanks SBG for keeping the site on top of things! :)

911 Eyewitness and Loose Change 2 Podcasts Available

Let me know if you have any difficulties with these:

Loose Change Second Edition: Subscribe | View

911 Eyewitness: Subscribe | View

Also, check this out:


End of Week Grab Bag

Well here we are, another day, another HUGE pile of news to post. Some people have been mentioning that with the number of new posts, old conversations get abandoned and never resolved. Keep in mind that www.yourbbsucks.com is the official 911blogger discussion forum and would be better suited to long conversations.

Also, due to the number of government officials (2)we have recently attracted, the requirement that users register at the site would help keep the number of purely abusive and nonsensical posts down to a minimum. Just watch out for The Shape.

Letter to the Editor: Sept. 11 questions remain

Wow, it just keeps coming. There was a time when you had to search far and wide for a decent 9/11 article, not anymore...


An unspeakable fraud was perpetrated upon the American people on Sept. 11, 2001, but the mainstream media isn't reporting it.

Look at building 7 of the World Trade Center: 47 stories tall, 300 feet from the Twin Towers, not hit by any plane and constructed of structural steel.At 5:20 p.m. that day, with fires on two floors, the building came straight down at free-fall speed into a neat pile.

Columnists Discussing 9/11

This topic is all over the news, some good, some bad, but at least they are discussing it. Thanks to FHB for sending these in:

9/11 Conspiracy Theories Go Mainstream

Listen up, and you may hear the truth
UQ Wire: Larry Clow - System Breakdown

David Ray Griffin on Flashpoints


Author, scholar and 9-11 investigator David Ray Griffin tears the lid off the official story of the attack on the Twin Towers.

Download | Listen | Podcast

Thanks to Carol for submitting this.

Charlie Sheen Reinvigorates 9/11 Truth Movement

Average Americans defend Charlie Sheen while establishment attack dogs whimper, falter, retract - Responses to hit pieces routinely show massive support for Sheen


Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com | April 1 2006

As the Charlie Sheen story ends its second week and with cookie-cutter establishment hit pieces continuing to be churned out, the attack dogs are facing an intensifying backlash from a clear majority of educated American citizens who are sick and tired of the sneering elitism of the mainstream media.