9-11 Truth: A Story On the Verge of Breaking Through

9-11 Truth: A Story On the Verge of Breaking Through
This article has a few links to previous articles by this journal on 9/11, definately worth the read.

The popular movement to discover and expose what really happened on September 11, 2001 continues to grow apace as more and more of the Bush Administration's lies come to light. This huge story is on the verge, finally, of breaking through the matrix and unraveling a significant section of it. Soon, the complicity or ignorance of the corporate media and the corporate political parties surrounding 9-11 could be known to many more than the millions already in the movement.

Promising 9/11 News from St. Louis Media Reform Conference

Building Bridges to a New Media

Several 9/11 activists attended with the goal of distributing 600 DVDs and audio CDs of the David Ray Griffin lecture at the University of Wisconsin which was broadcast on C-Span in April 30th and May 8th. Along with the broad array of alternative media folks who received these, we were able to give them to almost every media celebrity. In the process we had many excellent conversations with people who were aware of David Ray Griffin's work as well as others who knew of the many anomalies of the official explanation and were beginning to realize the magnitude of the scandal. I spoke to a man who was an Air Force vet who said they had the ability to track all flights 35 years ago! He knew there was no credible explanation for the failure of our air defenses so he was open to hearing the rest of the evidence. Overall, the receptiveness was very positive.

No Need to Investigate Terrorist Attacks

Blair rejects calls for probe into bombings

Tony Blair will on Monday reject Conservative demands for a government inquiry into last week's London bomb attacks, insisting such a move would distract from the task of catching the perpetrators.

As police and security services on Sunday continued searching for the bombers - thought to be Islamist terrorists - Downing Street said the prime minister believed an inquiry now into the outrage which killed at least 49 people would be a "ludicrous diversion." Instead, in a statement to the Commons on Monday following last week's Group of Eight summit, Mr Blair is expected to focus on the direction the government must take to ensure future terrorism is defeated.

William Rodriguez Radio Interview

rinf.com has hosted a 15 minute interview with William Rodriguez after his appearance in London during the 9/11 Euro-Tour. Rodriguez is a hero of 9/11 and one of the last to escape the north tower before its collapse. He was interviewed by the 9/11 Commission only to have his testimony left out. He contends that massive explosions were going off in the basement of the tower prior to the impact and 'collapse'.

You can download the mp3 here.

After 9/11, a swift and powerful change in the law of the land

After 9/11, a swift and powerful change in the law of the land
It is quite amazing how quick the patriot act was ready to propose given its length and the amazing acronym.

It was half past noon on Sept. 19, 2001, when a small phalanx of administration officials strode down a second-floor hallway in the Capitol building, headed for a secret meeting in a room nearly hidden behind a bank of elevators. Inside, they faced a group of the nation's most powerful lawmakers.

Carrying a 40-page document labeled "The Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001," the officials had come to make a case for providing federal investigators with new tools to fight terrorism on American soil. They were led by then-Attorney General John Ashcroft, who wasted little time getting to the point.

Wargames on 9/11 Mention and Oliver Stone's 9/11 Movie

This week has been quite a slow week for 9/11 related alternative news. I would assume a large part of that is due to the attacks on 7/7 in London. Since this site is focused on 9/11 news I have avoided much discussions of these recent attacks.

With that said, prisonplanet.com has a new article comparing an oddity from both 9/11 and 7/7, simulations of the attack occurring at the same time as the real attack.

London Underground Bombing 'Exercises' Took Place at Same Time as Real Attack

Site Update News

You may have noticed the evolution of this site is a continual process. I wanted to take a minute to update the great viewers of this site as to what is new, and what is on the way.

So here is what is new over the last month or so:

Friday Night Grab Bag

David Griffin C-SPAN Video Available!
While the video from Griffin's CSPAN appearance has been available for quite some time, mujca.com has announced a new edited version available for a $20 donation by mail. Here are the details from their site:

Edited by Ken Jenkins, this video contains the complete C-SPAN talk, enhanced with cut-away images of the people and things Dr. Griffin mentions. The DVD is available for a suggested $20 donation.

Open Thread - Suggestions?

I will be updating the site with today's news in a few hours assuming there is some. In the mean time, here is an open thread, post anything I've missed today or this week.

BTW, I will be spending a bit of time this weekend trying to make some improvements to this site. I need some feedback on things I should change, things I should improve, etc. etc. So if you have some suggestions, or things I should look into please post them here in the comments, or email me at comments@911blogger.com.

Dr. Lueren Moret and her D.U. 9/11 Studies

In doing my browsing today I came across the name of Dr. Lueren Moret, an authority on depleted uranium, specifically an interview with her from early June. I noticed she made several comments about 9/11 in this recent article, hence my post.

She has made some pretty interesting comments about studies after 9/11 from the pentagon to ground zero on radiation and the possible use of depleted uranium. While I cannot vouch for her or her information I did find these comments interesting, and I thought I would see if others might be more familiar with her work and her associations. Besides, it is a slow day for 9/11 related news.