The New York Times Covers the Chicago Conference

500 Conspiracy Buffs Meet to Seek the Truth of 9/11 -
For the record, I am not a 'conspiracy buff' - nor would I consider many of those at the conference 'conspiracy buffs'. In fact I am a concerned citizen that believes my own government was involved in 9/11 - an opinion that came after many months of reading and researching, an opinion I believe any open minded researcher would reach as well.

In the foyer, there were stick-pins for sale ("More gin, less Rummy"), and in the lecture halls discussions of the melting point of steel. "It's all documented," people said. Or: "The mass media is mass deception." Or, as strangers from the Internet shook hands: "Great to meet you. Love the work."

Back From Chicago Just in Time to Pass Out

Just got back down to Hotlanta from the Chicago conference about a half hour ago, just a quick update on what I managed to see/do today. For those that are not aware, the conference was massive enough such that it was impossible to see every presentation there in person, but Somebigguy and myself split up a good bit, so we will each have some commentary to post in the coming days of what we saw personally.

In any event, in summary - Friday was more or less the press conference, the march in Chicago, and the keynote speeches of Dr. Steven Jones, Alex Jones, and Meria Heller. Saturday I sat in on a discussion/presentation with Carol Brouillet, an interfaith discussion with Kevin Barret and Faiz Khan from Mujca, caught a small part of Q&A segment of 9/11 Eyewitness Hoboken (and got a final copy), watched Ken Jenkins and Morgan Reynolds discuss conjecture surrounding 9/11 (quite interesting), and saw the premier of Improbable Collapse. Finally, today I saw Kevin Ryan's presentation, saw Dr. Jones present again (different subject matter), and sat in on a strategy discussion.

Checking in From Chicago

Just a quick check in from Chicago - this place is a zoo. Just as a quick example, as soon as I got on the shuttle bus from the airport to the hotel, Alex Jones and the creators of Loose Change got on the bus - I was in the 9/11 skeptics twilight zone. Since then both Somebigguy and myself have seen an incredible number of 9/11 skeptics, of all shapes, sizes, and persuasions. We have seen keynote speeches last night from Steven Jones and Alex Jones, as well as the premier of Improbable Collapse.

Bombs Heard in the Twin Towers

Forget all of the videos and photos of the collapse of the World Trade Centers for a minute. Let's talk about an aspect of 9/11 that we've all glossed over: sound.

The following earwitness testimony indicates controlled demolition of the Twin Towers:

. . .

What could make the above-described sounds other than explosives used as part of a controlled demolition?"

Here's the article

Arab-American sues to regain spot on ballot

Arab-American sues to regain spot on ballot

By John Petrick
Posted on Saturday May 27, 2006

Sami Merhi, the Passaic County Arab-American candidate abandoned by the county’s Democratic leaders over comments about terrorism, has sued to reclaim his spot on the party’s primary ballot.

“The stated reason for the withdrawal was ‘politics’, but the underlying basis … is the fact that Merhi is an Arab-American and exercised his constitutional right of freedom of speech,” says the suit, filed in state court Friday...

9-11 Video Game Circulating On Internet

9-11 Video Game Circulating On Internet

by Lisa Hughes

A disturbing video game about 9-11 is circulating on the internet. The images are reminiscent of a terrible day in our history. While some would say it's in bad taste, we spoke with a woman who lost her husband on 9-11 who says, it's worse.

“They owe every family who lost someone on nine eleven a personal apology,” said Cindy McGinty. She is referring to the makers of the internet video game "New York Defender."

It encourages players to "use your mouse and fight back" by shooting down planes before they get to the World Trade towers. If they miss, the planes hit the towers and they crumble. Just like 9-11.

Mars tribute to 9/11 victims

Mars tribute to 9/11 victims

Debris from the terror attacks on the World Trade Centre is sitting on the surface of Mars. Engineers used mangled metal from the wreckage of the 9/11 outrage to build parts for two robot rovers now exploring the Red Planet.

The quiet tribute was the idea of staff at Honeybee Robotics, a company operating close to the New York disaster scene who built drilling tools for Nasa. Many of the Manhatten workers had to flee choking clouds of smoke and dust after the twin towers were destroyed by two airliners in September 2001...

Spain Acquits Accused 9/11 Plotter.

Court overturns 9/11 conviction

Spain's Supreme Court yesterday overturned an al-Qaida suspect's conviction for conspiracy to commit murder in the September 11 terrorist attacks, weeks after prosecutors acknowledged the case against him was weak.

The high court threw out a 15-year sentence against Syrian-born Imad Yarkas for conspiracy to commit murder in the airliner attacks in the United States, but upheld a 12-year sentence he received for belonging to a terror organization.

It also confirmed the acquittal of three other suspects accused of belonging to or collaborating with al-Qaida. They had already been released in April at the request of prosecutors. They are Moroccans Driss Chebli, Sadik Merizak and Abdelaziz Benyaich...

NYC Out to Cripple 9/11 Claims

City out to cripple 9/11 claims, say docs


City lawyers are "fishing for information" at medical gatherings that could be used to undermine claims for 9/11-related health problems, doctors and union officials charged yesterday.

Two attorneys from the Law Department attended a meeting last week that organizers said was intended for doctors and advocates to have a frank discussion about how to treat patients suffering from illnesses believed linked to Ground Zero toxins.

The Emperor has No Votes

Personally, I don't think the Democratic branch of the corporate party is any better than the Republican branch.

But since the Democrats are just now starting to awaken to the fact that the 2004 election was stolen, maybe this is an opening to talk about another conspiracy: 9/11.

The Emperor has No Votes