Off to Chicago 9/11 Conference

Just got all my crap together for my trip to the Chicago event. Unfortunately as per usual I waited until the last minute to get my stuff together, so I'm sure I have forgotten something or another.

In any event, after scouring the massive number of simultaneous events that will be occurring I have realized that covering everything from the three day event will be nearly impossible, however we will do our best to cover what we can - and will be taking a digital camcorder, camera, and 12 hours worth of tapes to help. If you are attending the Chicago events and are taking a camcorder please let me know so that we can cover different events and perhaps exchange tapes. The people at who helped organize this event will also be releasing a set of approximately 25 DVDs at 2 hours a piece within a couple of weeks of the event - we will be sure to get our hands on the set and spread them around if at all possible.

Calling All Dutch 9/11 Skeptics

The guys over at Zapruder Inc. are organizing an event on June 20th and are requesting all Dutch 9/11 skeptics to come join in and help out.

Here is a brief summary of their plans (rough translation):

We have an offer from a very well viewed and very reputable TV program that if we will offer the 9/11 petition one more time they will film us. I want to test your willingness, this event works best if we can assemble lots of people who want to join us (and go) and take with us more letters of readers in the petition.

We are in a hurry, the cabinet will go on holiday in three weeks. The wording of the petition will be very neutral so that believers as well as non-believers can agree on it, we just want the politicians to look at it and speak out.

Webster Tarpley Interviews Thierry Meyssan and Morgan Reynolds

This is more than a few days late, but on May 27th Webster Tarpley had both Thierry Meyssan and Morgan Reynolds on his show. You can find the show in the World Crisis Radio Archive under May 27th.

Sorry for the late coverage of this.

Review of Music Video for Lies, Lies, Lies by Ministry

The album peaks with “Lies, Lies, Lies”, a remarkably candid statement of disbelief in the official line on the Iraq War and the catastrophic events that led up to it. The song opens with sound clips borrowed from Dylan Avery’s incendiary documentary Loose Change – a powerful touchstone for those who believe the Bush Administration has covered up crucial facts about the 9/11 attacks. Over some of the heaviest beats in Ministry history (and that’s saying something) Jorgensen spits lyrics about government deceit, and punctuates a grinding guitar riff with a guttural cry of “lies!” that sounds as if it’s coming from the burning throat of an infernal judge. His conviction and his outrage are equally scalding.

Hour Long Video of Various Clips From Louder Than Words

An hour long smorgasbord of content from Louder Than Words - Google Video

A presentation of both the actions of Louder Than Words and a preview of content from Loose Change: Final Cut

While your at google video, here is a link to all the cameraplanet footage from 9/11.

Ray McGovern: False Flag Attacks "Probable" to Justify War with Iran

Here's the article

Former CIA analyst and Presidential advisor Ray McGovern, fresh from his heated public confrontation with Donald Rumsfeld, fears that staged terror attacks across Europe and the US are probable in order to justify the Bush administration's plan to launch a military strike against Iran, which he thinks will take place in June or July.


McGovern entertained the notion that western governments and intelligence hierarchies could potentially stage terror attacks in Europe and the US either before or after an invasion of Iran.


Quotes from famous historical figures can give us perspective, inspire us, educate us, and rouse us to action. So take a look at the following quotes, and see if they apply to our situation today . . ."

Here are the quotes.

New Media For Your Enjoyment

Orwell Rolls in His Grave. This comes highly recommended by Dem Bruce Lee Styles:

Alex Jones Interviews Ray McGovern:

Reclaiming 9/11 A remix-omentary consisting of interviews, news footage, etc:

Note: is back up and running as

NIST Violated Data Quality Act

In this interesting article, Ed Haas argues that NIST violated federal law by failing to demonstrate quality, utility, objectivity, and integrity in its analysis of why World Trade Center buildings 1, 2 and 7 collapsed.

Why did the U.S. government deem it appropriate to exclude the NIST reports from being used as evidence in lawsuits and legal actions? There is only one plausible explanation. The U.S. government knows that the NIST findings could not withstand the rigors of cross-examination. The fact that approximately 150 plaintiffs that refused the government’s 9/11 Victims Fund are still waiting for their day in court nearly five years after 9/11 validates my premise that the government is allergic to any civilian force that desires to put the government’s account of 9/11 to the test of a jury trial.

911 Proof

If you haven't been there for awhile, check out . They've totally re-worked the website to be even easier to read.

This is a good website to send 9/11 newbies.