Shout Out

Shout Out

Andrew Lowe-Watson has the following idea for a 9/11 shout out:

"I have been thinking of an idea for a mass worldwide protest on September 11th. This year is make or break time for the movement.

This is my idea: A minute's shout. Like the two-minute silence in reverse.

The plan - called SHOUT FOR TRUTH - is to post all over the internet the time and day of this event. At 09:11 a.m. [local time] on "9/11/06" every truther in the world stops what they are doing and shouts "Nine-eleven was an inside job!" for a minute. It could have quite a dramatic effect on those watching."

I Want to Believe You, Mr. President - MP3 Download

Zan Overall - I Want to Believe You Mr. President - 5MB MP3

I got a CD and some sheet music last weekend in our POBox, above is one of the songs off the CD. The song is called 'I Want to Believe You Mr. President' and is a song about 9/11. The words and music are by Zan Overall, and the vocals are by Bill Horn.

It's actually a pretty catchy song - something similar to a lounge song or sing along.

In any event, feel free to download it, share it, etc. so long as you don't profit from it. If you would like the full CD with other versions of the song including the instrumental, as well as the sheet music and lyrics, then send an email to Zan.

9/11 conspiracy theorists find audience

9/11 conspiracy theorists find audience -

Robert McFarland, a 76-year-old retired Boulder physician, is quick to admit he's a "radical, paranoid, left-wing conspiracy theorist."

"If you tell people that up front, they can't insult you," said McFarland, who practiced internal medicine for 30 years until 1991.

But McFarland and others who question the official version of what happened on Sept. 11, 2001, say interest in their points of view is growing as Internet buzz on the attacks becomes more widespread.

Podcast The Truth

One of the members of Scholars for 9/11 Truth had a great idea. Its worth reading the whole thing to get why his idea is such a good one:

I was in a state of disbelief from the get-go about the 9-11 attacks, but finally seeing the video of WTC7 coming down convinced me, as it did so many others, that a false flag operation had happened.

We are a culture finely tuned to video. My question, whenever I get into 9-11 discussions with random bystanders, is "But ... have you seen the video of WTC7 coming down?"

Their response is usually "What building 7?"

So I picked a used Palm Tungsten T running PalmOS 5.0 on Craigslist for $40, and I can now whip out and show them. I chose a Palm T over an iPod because it is so much cheaper, takes a standard SD memory card, and has a 320x320 color screen. Also it is the smallest Palm PDA. Drawback is it doesn't have much memory for multimedia. Movies and stills run fine, but a slideshow with movies AND underlying audio runs into trouble.

Save the Net

As I've previously said, the Internet has been the main reason that the criminals who carried out 9/11, got us into the war in Iraq, and have stripped away our basic freedoms have not been even more successful in carrying out their agenda.

As Kevin Barrett has said "We've already taken the net. Now we've got to go out and take the rest of the world with the truth."

Well, we're about to lose the Net unless we act right now.

Why? Because congress is allowing the big telecoms to charge for "fast" webpage loading. Those websites which can't pay the fast-loading fee -- which would include 99% of the websites and blogs, including THIS ONE, which provide real truth and provide an alternative to the mainstream media -- would lose readers, because no one wants to wait around for a slow-loading webpage. More importantly, the growth of readership of such websites would stop dead in its tracks, because people just starting to question the "official" version of things will simply go to faster-loading pages. And once the telecoms and government start down this road, do you think they'll have any problem "accidentally" preventing hard-hitting truth sites from loading at all?

New Zogby Poll Frightens Masters Of Terror Into Releasing 'Bin Laden Tape'

Nearly half of entire country sees 9/11 cover-up, 24 hours later 'Bin Laden tape' gets released

A new Zogby International poll that shows over 45% of Americans want a new independent investigation of 9/11 has the masters of terror running scared and dreaming up new ways to blind side intrigued Americans into sticking their heads back in the sand and relinquishing their suspicions in return for government protection.

The outcome of the poll was that 45% supported calls for a new inquiry on behalf of Congress or an international tribunal and that 42% believed the 9/11 Commission was a cover-up.

The Impossible, Improbable, and Implausible of 9/11

9/11: the impossible, the improbable, the implausible - Building a Pyramid

September 11, 2001. The day the world changed. Or so we are told.

We are also told the events of that day had been subject of several extensive official investigations. There are documents that have been produced as the result of those investigations - namely, the 9/11 Commission Report and an assorted collection of government-commissioned studies. We will refer to the version of events parlayed in the Report as the official version. The following is a partial list of problems found in that version of the events of 9/11.

Osama Bin Distractin

The day after the first national poll showed that 70 million Americans support a new 9/11 investigation, and 55% of Americans disapprove of the way in which the media has covered questions surrounding 9/11, what does the mainstream media do?

They covered the poll, and apologized for their terrible coverage of the evidence that 9/11 was an inside job or allowed to happen on purpose! Finally, it only took them 4 and a half years, but they've finally started reporting the truth!

Uh ... no. Instead, all of the major networks are ignoring the poll and instead running a story about how Osama directed 9/11. Specifically, the top story at all of the MSM websites is something like "Osama bin Laden says Zacarias Moussaoui had nothing to do with the 9/11 terrorists attacks", that Osama directed the 19 hijackers on exactly what to do, and crazy old Moussaoui wasn't one of them.

National Poll Coverage

The big, conservative news site World Net Daily , and the almost-as-big, liberal news site Raw Story have picked up the National 9/11 poll.

Write the other media companies and demand they cover the poll as well.

Better yet, call the newsdesk. A personal touch works even better.