G. Gordon Liddy Book Signing Tonight

Don't know much about this guy, maybe others can fill in the details here, but sounds like he's heavily involved in Black Ops and a big Bush supporter. Him and all the bloodthirsty Bush supporters that show up to get their books signed tonight might be good candidates for a copy of Loose Change or 9/11 Eyewitness.

His new book is called Fight Back, Tackling Terrorism

When: Thursday, February 16 at 8:00 PM
Where: Book Review, Huntington Long Island

Attend if you can...

Interview with President Day March for Truth Organizer

If you're in the NYC area on Monday, February 20 at 10 A.M., make sure you attend:


As the brainchild behind the 9/11 March for Truth scheduled in New York City on President’s Day (this upcoming Monday, February 20) one gets the distinct impression that Greg Nixon is a man on one colossal mission.

And that mission, in a nutshell? To expose the fact that there is no real “war on terror” other than the one, according to Nixon, that was planned and executed by the Bush administration on September 11 in order to justify military invasions into Afghanistan and Iraq. To paraphrase the organizer of NYC’s upcoming March for 9/11 Truth, “The terrorists didn’t attack us.” It is for this reason, Nixon says, that people have “to understand the depth of the treason and the lies we were told. This is an outrage and these people must be removed from power.”

Statements of Support for the Citizen's Counter-Coup

Citizen's Counter-Coup has posted a set of endorsements sent in in support of their actions, here are a couple:

"Although great strides have been made in educating Americans about the glaring inconsistencies of the Bush-Cheney administration's account of 9/11, we now need a means for reaching an even broader spectrum of our fellow citizens. In this year of mid-term elections and continued exploitation of 9/11 for the neocon agenda of unending war abroad and theft of civil liberties at home, it is urgent that we reach a much higher percentage of Americans. To do so, we need knowledge backed by courage backed by action. I urge all Americans who have already realized the truth about 9/11 to be part of the monthly action that is outlined by Citizens Counter-Coup."

Able Danger Hearing Downloads

Abledangerblog.com has posted the transcript from today's testimony by Anthony Shaffer as well as the audio download.

You can find the transcript here, and a link to listen to the testimony here.

And here is a quote they picked out from the transcript:

DIA has admitted to House Armed Services Committee (HASC) on 8 September 2005 that my ABLE DANGER documents had been destroyed in 2004; there was no U.S. person information in these documents, and they relate to what we now have identified as a major, relevant operation regarding 9-11. Why were these documents destroyed? Why is it that these documents, many that were Top Secret collateral information, not properly accounted for when they were destroyed? I am hopeful that the current DoD IG investigation of DIA's use of frivolous issues to attempt to discredit me and terminate my access to classified information at the cost to the U.S. taxpayer upwards of $2 million will be held accountable - and their purposeful destruction of my set of ABLE DANGER documents will result in their criminal prosecution for illegal destruction of documents.

Blogger Brigade

Sounds like a really bad song by Def Leppard, but also sounds like a really good idea for us. If we organize ourselves properly, we can effectively blanket the Internet with 9/11 news the minute it comes out. Email Jon if you would like to participate...

Les and I were talking about a "Rapid Response Blogger Brigade" which would consist of people willing to take responsibility for certain non 9/11 related websites. Sites that get A LOT of traffic that come equipped with the ability to post. These people will belong to a mailing list that will receive news to post. Once they receive the news, they will go to their assigned sites, and post it.

The Real Conspiracy Theory is the Official Story

Debunking Conspiracy Theorists - Paranoid Fantasies About 9-11 Detract From Real Issues
(hat tip to Gold)

Astute observers of history are aware that for every notable event there will usually be at least one, often several, wild conspiracy theories which spring up around it. "The CIA killed Hendrix", "The Pope had John Lennon murdered ", "Hitler was half Werewolf", "Space aliens replaced Nixon with a clone", etc, etc. The bigger the event, the more ridiculous and more numerous are the fanciful rantings which circulate in relation to it.

Digg Loose Change?

If so, register here, its free:


Then visit this site:

Login with your new user account, and click Digg It on the upper left corner. Enough votes, and this will remain on the front page!!

Note: LC2E will be airing in Austin, TX Saturday Feb. 18th. Dylan will be there as well. You can find more here.

Late Night Grab Bag and Open Thread

Another grab bag? Yes!

Weldon press conference transcript
(hat tip to communitycurrency.org)

I've learned some additional things that are new. You saw the Arlen Specter hearing in Judiciary that occurred in September. It's very troubling to me that it appears as though the DOD witness did not tell the truth. We had testimony that all of the Able Danger data-mining material was destroyed. I now know that that's not the case. In fact, I now know there's data still available. And I am in contact with people who are still able to data mining runs on pre-9/11 data. In those data runs that are now being done today, in spite of what DOD said, I have 13 hits on Mohammed Atta, spelled Mu and Mo. Not Mohammed Attif, not Mohammed Attel; Mohammed Atta. Thirteen times we have hits in the data that's still available, that we were told was destroyed. That was pre-9/11 data, where Mohammed Atta's name was spelled two different ways, but it was Mohammed Atta.

Action Alert-Contact Your Member of Congress Regarding Able Danger

Congressman Weldon is holding hearings TOMORROW the 15th on Able Danger, and he has asked everyone to call their congressional reps to demand they support the investigation into Able Danger.

Webster Tarpley said in his book Synthetic Terror that
Weldon said that the defense agencies not only TRACKED the patsies, er, I mean hijackers, they actually "MANIPULATED" them.

So even though Able Danger is not very interesting and very LIHOP, we can use it to demand that congress investigate the PATSY angle of 9/11 (MIHOP -- controlled demo, etc., being the other half).

Here's Weldon's message:

Thank you for taking the time over the past few months to contact me regarding the Able Danger - a Department of Defense planning effort prior to 9/11 tasked to identify and target the linkages and relationships of Al-Qaeda worldwide. Your voice has played a crucial role in getting 248 Members of Congress to ask for Congressional Hearings. I wanted to update you about the progress that has been made on Able Danger with your help.

Kevin Barrett: Bin Laden tapes are as phony as Sept. 11's connection to Islam


As a Ph.D. Islamologist and Arabist I really hate to say this, but I'll say it anyway: 9/11 had nothing to do with Islam. The war on terror is as phony as the latest Osama bin Laden tape.
The trouble is, it's all based on a Big Lie. Take the recent "bin Laden" tape please! That voice was no more bin Laden than it was Rodney Dangerfield channeling my late Aunt Corinne from Peoria. I recently helped translate a previously unknown bin Laden tape, a real one from the early '90s, back when he was still alive. I know the guy's flowery religious rhetoric. The recent tape wasn't him.