Only on Fox: Footage of World Trade Center wreckage aired during coverage of Operation Swarmer

This is unbelievable, why would they have this video queued up? This was no doubt a mistake of some sort, somebody pushed the wrong button or something, but how could they have footage of 9/11 at hand when they are talking about Iraq? Hasn't it been proven time and time again that Saddam and Iraq were in no way involved with 9/11?

Thanks to Chris for sending this in...

During its initial coverage of Operation Swarmer -- a joint U.S.-Iraqi military operation that began March 16 -- Fox News aired video footage of the wreckage of New York's World Trade Center following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The footage aired during the 11 a.m. ET hour of the March 16 edition of Fox News Live.

Don't Whine - Grow a Spine

GW Does it again. We all know the Dems are complicit in the attacks, but one day they might just rise up, if they think they can win...

A few days go I slammed the Republican party. Now its your turn, Democrats.

The Democrats have been making whiny, nasal sounds about how the Republicans aren't playing nice, about how they can't get any media coverage, about how they have to "play to the right" because American people have swung so far to the right.

James Spader's Speech on Boston Legal

Wow, was this shown on TV???? Check it out, thanks to Crooks And Liars, the video is a little poor, if anyone finds a better version, please let us know:

Edit, Much better version, thanks to Neil:

Edit, leave your comments here:

New Pentagon Research Site

Check it out:

Why investigate 9/11? The simple answer is because the current administration has failed to do so. The official investigation has been handled poorly by any standards.
This is where I begin my piece of the investigation. I've decided to focus strictly on the Pentagon attack.


Senator Hicks is raising a stink!!! Attend and support him if you can:

Press Contacts:
Bill Lessard
PRwithBrains for Hicks for Senate
(914) 476-6089

Les Jamieson
(917) 658-0132

Green Party Senatorial Candidate Sander Hicks, and Spitzer Must Respond to our “Citizens’ Indictment” and Charges of “Obstruction of Justice”

SEPTEMBER 11: Evidence to the Contrary REDUX 2006

Anyone seen this? I found it while searching for other information, its fairly recent, from Feb 20. I don't have time to check it out right now, if anyone does, let us know how it is...

A Firefighter Looks At Premeditated Murder At WTC

Almost every professional and intelligent person I have spoken with over the past few years will listen half-heartedly as I list the reasons why 911 was an inside job. Although they acknowledge they have little trust in the veracity and honesty of their US government (which has lied to them consistently over the last five years), these same intelligent people nevertheless cling to some childlike trust in the government version of events for September 11, 2001.

Some Site News and a Donation Request

I just noticed that the 1 year anniversary of is coming up in about 2 weeks. I'm blown away looking at the length of the archive here now. The amount of man hours spent by all 9/11 researchers over the last 12 months is pretty amazing, enough to make a massive archive..

You may have noticed I upped the ad fund raising amount from $250 to $800 a few days ago. We have been getting a few very generous donations towards this fund in the last month or two, and I decided to knock it up to $800 in order to do something bigger than the blogads we have run over the last year.

Somebigguy will be pulling the weight this weekend as I will be in and out while on a trip, but I wanted to leave an open thread for some brainstorming, and also to make a plea for donations towards the $800 ad fund.

Two New 9/11 Related Radio Shows Premiere

Tonight is the premiere of Michael Woolsey's 'Visibility 9/11' radio show on Revere Radio Network. It starts tonight at 9PM EST, and airs each Wednesday night.

Webster Tarpley has a new show as well on Republic Broadcasting Network on Saturdays from 4-6pm EST.

If you can't catch them live both sites maintain archives of their shows as well.

Feel free to post other radio shows which are friendly to those that question 9/11.

'9/11 Eyewitness' Shown at International Press Conference

911 Eyewitness Shows at International Press Conference

Is the American Press still Free?

This was the title of a controversial presentation at a prestigious press club in Tokyo, Japan, Tuesday, March 14. The New York Times Tokyo Bureau Chief, Jim Brooks, said that he couldn't attend an official press function about 9/11 or he would be fired. Coincidentally, the Reuters Bureau chief, Daniel Sloan, was also a strong opponent to the event being held, but he and Brooks were voted down by international members and the event was able to go ahead.