Justice Department takes on itself in probe of 2001 anthrax attacks

The Washinton Post
Published: Jan 27th
By Jerry Markon

Since it began a decade ago, the federal government’s massive investigation of the 2001 anthrax attacks has been plagued by missteps and complications.

Investigators initially focused on the wrong man, then had to pay him a nearly $6 million settlement. In 2008, they accused another man, Bruce E. Ivins, who killed himself before he could go to trial.

Now, in the latest twist, the government has argued against itself.

In documents deep in the files of a recently settled Florida lawsuit, Justice Department civil attorneys contradicted their own department’s conclusion that Ivins was unquestionably the anthrax killer. The lawyers said the type of anthrax in Ivins’s lab was “radically different” from the deadly anthrax. They cited several witnesses who said Ivins was innocent, and they suggested that a private laboratory in Ohio could have been involved in the attacks.

The unusual spectacle of one arm of the Justice Department publicly questioning another has the potential to undermine one of the most high-profile investigations in years, according to critics and independent experts who reviewed the court filings.

“I cannot think of another case in which the government has done such an egregious about-face. It destroys confidence in the criminal findings,’’ said Paul Rothstein, a law professor at Georgetown University.

Rudolph Giuliani Confronted on Building 7

University of Florida - Rudy Giuliani Confronted on Building 7
January 26th, 2012

Bob Tuskin of The Bob Tuskin Radio Show confronts Rudy Giuliani over Building 7 and his possible role in 9/11.

This was covered in the local mainstream news paper:

The Gainesville Sun: http://www.gainesville.com/article/20120126/ARTICLES/120129608

Joe Rogan and Rosie Talk 9/11 Conspiracy Theory - The Rosie Show - Oprah Winfrey Network

Joe Rogan And Rosie O'Donnell On 'The Rosie Show'


"Joe Rogan isn't afraid to get down to the bottom of things on his podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience. Watch as he and Rosie discuss a conspiracy theory surrounding the fall of Tower 7 on September 11, 2001."

"The Rosie Show" airs weeknights at 7 p.m. EST on OWN.

Also covered a bit here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/27/joe-rogan-rosie-show-iraq-war-september-11-video_n_1236021.html

The Deaths of JFK, RFK—and the Silence of the Lambs By Russ Baker on Jan 23, 2012


The Deaths of JFK, RFK—and the Silence of the Lambs
By Russ Baker on Jan 23, 2012

Which is the real president? And which is the real story?

As the 50th anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy approaches, there is a growing flurry of material about—or even from—the Kennedy clan. This includes “insider” accounts and what are described as exciting, must-read and must-watch revelations.

Yet, for some reason, little of it is truly revelatory, or if it is, it seems, almost by design, very, very small potatoes indeed.

Take for example a new documentary by Bobby Kennedy’s daughter, for HBO. What’s the big revelation? That Bobby feared…are you ready… that someone would throw acid in the face of his children. Who? The mafia. And when was this a threat? In the 1950s. When RFK was a Senate investigator, years before he and his brother ever got near the White House. And years before his brother and then he himself were killed under still-unresolved circumstances.

U.S. fights to keep $6.6 million in al-Qaeda assets from 9/11 victims

January 22, 2012 | By Chris Mondics, Inquirer Staff Writer

In a ferocious legal battle pitting government lawyers against victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, the Justice Department is fighting to block thousands of individuals and businesses from taking $6.6 million in frozen al-Qaeda assets seized from an alleged terrorism financier.

Frozen by the U.S. Treasury Department in 2007, the money is sought by the attorneys for 6,000 individual victims and insurers who suffered billions in losses from the attacks on the World Trade Center.

The money, in a Chicago brokerage account controlled by senior al-Qaeda operative Abu al-Tayyeb until his arrest in Saudi Arabia in 2006, drew little public notice until lawyers for 9/11 victims moved in June to collect on a 2007 default judgment.

Read more here: http://articles.philly.com/2012-01-22/business/30652937_1_qaeda-al-qaeda-terror-attacks

CIA Leaked bin Laden Operation Details to (SOPA-Supporting) Sony


While the White House went to great lengths to keep the details of last year’s raid on the Osama bin Laden compound from penetrating the public peripheral, investigators are questioning how much intel the Pentagon passed to hotshots in Hollywood.

Lawmakers say that the May 2011 event that nearly ended the War on Terror was among the most secretive in the history of the CIA, and the Obama administration has since shunned the public from any details pertaining to the plan even after the former al-Qaeda leader’s execution and burial at sea. As skeptics scorned President Obama for his lack of transparency in the process and demanded proof, the White House largely left details of the event and what occurred before and after locked up in Washington.

According to Rep. Peter King (R-NY), insiders in Tinsletown were given the key.

A New 9/11 Investigation - Coming to a Theater Near You? Hollywood Stars Seek to Make Feature Film Focused on WTC Demolitions


A New 9/11 Investigation - Coming to a Theater Near You? Hollywood Stars Seek to Make Feature Film Focused on WTC Demolitions
Written by Howard Cohen
Friday, 20 January 2012 15:11

“A Violation of Trust” (formerly titled “Confession of a 9/11 Conspirator”) is a feature film project that is willing to do what the world’s governments and legal bodies are unwilling to do – open a real investigation of 9/11 for the entire world to see. It dramatizes the first day of “The President’s New Investigation of 9/11”, with actors performing from a tightly-written, factually-accurate script that pits the 9/11 Commission Report and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Reports against the work of 9/11 researcher Dr. David Ray Griffin and the scientific research highlighted by leading 9/11 truth organizations, including Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

Were Explosives the Source of the Seismic Signals Emitted from New York on September 11, 2001? by Andre Rousseau January 20, 20

Go to original for diagrams and links:

Were Explosives the Source of the Seismic Signals Emitted from New York on September 11, 2001?

by Andre Rousseau
January 20, 2011


When major shocks occur at the Earth's surface or at depth, waves of different types, magnitudes and speeds may move out from the source location. Such waves can be detected by seismometers located at recording stations, and the data from the recordings can be analyzed to learn many details of the source events. Seismic signals were recorded at stations in New York and four neighboring states on September 11, 2001 during the period when the North and South Towers (WTC1 and WTC2, respectively) were struck by airliners and collapsed, as well as during the collapse of Building 7 of the WTC, which had not been hit by a plane.

Another Peer-reviewed Publication: “Conspiracy Theories and Stylized Facts”

Conspiracy Theories and Stylized Facts
Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 21.2 (Fall 2011)
Kurtis Hagen

ABSTRACT: In an article published in the Journal of Political Philosophy, Cass Sunstein and Adrian Vermeule argue that the government and its allies ought to actively undermine groups that espouse conspiracy theories deemed “demonstrably false.” They propose infiltrating such groups in order to “cure” conspiracy theorists by treating their “crippled epistemology” with “cognitive diversity.” They base their proposal on an analysis of the “causes” of such conspiracy theories, which emphasizes informational and reputational cascades. Some may regard their proposal as outrageous and anti-democratic. I agree. However, in this article I merely argue that their argument is flawed in at least the following ways: (1) their account of the popularity of conspiracy theories is implausible, and (2) their proposal relies on misleading “stylized facts,” including a caricature of those who doubt official narratives and a deceptive depiction of the relevant history.

[NOTE: I have included extended excerpts below, believing this to be within the scope of fair use.]  

MLK: A Call to Conscience

MLK: A Call to Conscience

The second episode of Tavis Smiley Reports examines Martin Luther King, Jr.’s stand against the Vietnam War and the influence of his legacy today. Tavis speaks with scholars and friends of King, including Cornel West, Vincent Harding and Susannah Heschel.

Watch here: MLK: A Call to Conscience on PBS. See more from Tavis Smiley.