Strong Criticism of Israel's Violent Incursion Into Gaza all over the Internet

(Has Israel finally jumped the shark? It's clear that the attack on the Palestinians has resulted in a massive amount of civilian casualties that can't be merely explained away by claiming that Hamas is using all of these people as human shields. The civilian populace was targeted and murdered with the same casual disregard as the militants. Schools, mosques and the infrastructure in Gaza generally, has been smashed, and the IDF has rolled out experimental weaponry to try out on the Palestinians as if they were lab rats. The Palestinians are certainly captive, but although the U.S. mainstream media is absolutely uncritical of Israel's atrocities, the web is alive with criticism. Here are 6 very useful articles that I found with a quick look on the web over the last couple of days. -- What has this got to do with 9/11? Arguably, Israel would have acted with much more restraint without the 9/11 inspired "War on Terror" to use as a justification for this ramping up of slaughter. This is the horrible legacy of the un-investigated murders of 9/11.)

1. Norman Finkelstein on Russia Today - 1.21.2009

If you only have time to watch a brief video, Finkelstein gives an excellent wrap-up of the Gaza incursion, and its inherently brutal aftermath;

(continued below the fold)

Now is the PERFECT Time to Prosecute Bush and Cheney

Quite a few people think that - now that they are out of office - it is too late to try Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gonzales and the rest of the boys for their crimes.

Even those who support prosecutions think it probably won't happen. For example, Dave Lindorff wrote today:

The likelihood of their being indicted and brought to trial now that they have left office is exceedingly slim.

The truth, however, is that it is a much better time to prosecute the criminals then when they were in office.


Because, as an attorney has previously pointed out:

“Rogue” Trader Highlights Possible 9/11 and 7/7 Insider Trading

“Best trading day in the history of Société Générale was September 11, 2001″

Steve Watson
Friday, Jan 23rd, 2009

According to an article in The London Times today, Société Générale rogue trader Jérôme Kerviel profited enormously on the day of the 7/7 London bombings. He has also revealed how his company made huge profits on September 11th 2001, prompting some to return to questions over insider foreknowledge of both terrorist attacks.

The article states:

“The best trading day in the history of Société Générale was September 11, 2001,” he said. “At least, that’s what one of my managers told me. It seems that profits were colossal that day.

“I had a similar experience during the London attacks in July 2005.”

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Yet another military exercise occurring on Sept. 11, 2001 uncovered

When it seems impossible to discover additional shady military exercises occurring Sept. 11, 2001, there comes along yet another investigator uncovering secret documents pointing to unprecedented military actions happening the same day.

National Security Archive senior fellow Jeffrey T. Richelson is reporting in his new book, "Defusing Armageddon: Inside NEST, America's Secret Nuclear Bomb Squad," that the U.S. nuclear bomb squad, known as the Nuclear Emergency Search Team, was out of the country on its first foreign deployment since 1998, at a British air base in the Cotswolds, on Sept. 11 as part of Operation Jackal Cave.

According to the book, the exercise involved more than 500 personnel, 62 aircraft, 420 short tons of cargo, the CIA and a special operations force that would seize a mock nuclear device that the NEST squad would disable.

"Phantom Flight 11" Calls

I made YouTube videos of three calls on the NEADS tapes (channel 7). They are calls by Boston Center military liaison Colin Scoggins to NEADS about "Phantom Flight 11." The first two are mentioned in the 9/11 Commission report, but the third one isn't, so I guess that's the one that's really interesting. ;)

(audio links below the fold)

Tune on in.

Director Jason Williams and Producer Michael Gull on The Morning Blend.

New Day

Robert and Alison Logan were married less than a year when Alison
boarded American Airlines Flight 77 on the morning of September 11th,
2001. Later that morning, Robert watched in horror as televised news
reports told him that Alison's fight had been hijacked and crashed into
the Pentagon.

Eight years later, Robert has pulled his life back together and
relocated to the Midwest. Still haunted by the memory of Alison, he has
married Rachel, a clinical psychiatrist, and they share an idyllic life
with Rachel's daughter Carly.

The peaceful calm of Robert and Rachel's life is torn apart when a
research project Rachel is working on includes a brain damaged patient
at a secure hospital who bears a striking resemblance to Alison. Both
Robert and Rachel embark on their own personal investigations, for
separate reasons, to discover the truth about the woman in the

Their inquiries attract the attention of the ruthless Agent Ross, who
will stop at nothing to keep the identity of the woman in the hospital
a secret.

September 11th Advocates Statement Regarding The Closing Of Guantanamo Bay

For immediate release
January 23, 2009

The Guantanamo Bay Detention Center continues to be an enormous stain on America’s reputation. Newly elected President Obama has taken the first step in removing this stain by keeping his campaign promise to the American people.

The temporary halting of proceedings at Gitmo gives us the “audacity to hope” that President Obama will be able to restore America's good name, which has been repeatedly tarnished during the past eight years.

We appreciate the tough decisions that President Obama has been forced to make and admire him for taking these difficult tasks on. We look forward to hearing his plan for closing Guantanamo Bay forever, finding a just way to try the detainees and putting an end to this horrific chapter in America's history.

# # #

Patty Casazza
Monica Gabrielle
Mindy Kleinberg
Lorie Van Auken

Additonally, please see earlier statement below, which further explains our position.

September 11th Advocates Statement
April 3, 2008

VIDEO: THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS - Montreal Lecture: The Great Depression of the 21st Century

THE GLOBAL RESEARCH LECTURE - Montreal, January 14, 2009

Michel Chossudovsky discusses;

Causes and consequences of the financial meltdown;
The speculative onslaught;
Financial fraud and the "bank bailouts";
Bankruptcy of the real economy;
Impacts on employment, wages and social services;
Towards a spiralling public debt;
The economic crisis and its relationship to the Middle East war;
The centralization of corporate power;
The concentration of wealth;
The globalization of poverty.