American Scholars Symposium in LA June 24 & 25

This is guaranteed to be unlike any other conference of its kind - the first one ever presented by Alex Jones, a progenitor of the 9/11 Truth Movement who was the first speak out and challenge the government's official story of what happened on 9/11.

Come and experience the biggest ever 9/11 conference - More highly respected speakers than any other, more amazing films than any other, plus special surprise guests. Come to learn, come to share and come to help each other create new strategies to defend the constitution and save the republic from the grip of its greatest enemy.

Dr. Steven Jones Shares Comments Received Regarding His 9/11 Paper

Comments regarding Prof. Jones' "Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?"

1. Email to Prof Jones from a structural engineer in Texas:

“It occurred to me that structural engineers and architects are practitioners of static physics [like yourself] although we use different terminology peculiar to our professions to elaborate on our designs.

I am surprised how few of my colleagues have expressed public disbelief at the official line which lurches from theory to theory as the shortcomings of each became apparent. I guess they have run out of ideas on Building 7.

George Washington's Blog Compares 9/11 to a Bank Heist

If Its Broken, Why Haven't They Fixed It? - George Washington's Blog

A bank is robbed in an unusual way. Burglars break in through an air conditioning vent and shine a laser at the video cameras to "blind" them. Millions are stolen.

The bank president announces that no one could have foreseen this type of burglary.

The commission investigating the robbery -- stacked with the bank president's business partners and friends -- finds that the break-in was unexpected. The commission makes numerous suggestions on how to thwart similar burglaries by installing motion detectors in the air conditioning vents and bank vault.

Veterans for 9/11 Truth Radio Interview

FMA on CKUT: Veterans for 9/11 Truth

Notes: Veterans for 911 Truth was created by people who met by chance at The Scholars for 911 Truth Forum. They are good people with something in common, they are people, who are patriots, that are champions of truth and justice, that understand that what happened on 911, and what has ensued since, is a Coup d'Etat.

for more info:

Thanks Carol for the heads up!

A Few Notes - Open Thread

There is a buzz of 9/11 discussion going on right now in response to the Moussaoui trial, and Kristen Breitweiser's appearances on the Today Show and Hardball - it's good to see some people actually talking about 9/11. It may be worth the time to use google's blog search to find some of the ongoing discussions and chime in. If you come across any blogs making interesting commentary on these new 9/11 related items feel free to post them in the comments.

Also, we received a very generous donation tonight from a friend, we will be sure to put it to good use soon - details to come.

I'll be out of town for the weekend, but we will still be updating, so if you've got something new - including upcoming events - send it in.

Rabbi Michael Lerner Salutes “Amazing” 9/11 Truth Efforts

Rabbi Michael Lerner Salutes “Amazing” 9/11 Truth Efforts -

Rabbi Michael Lerner, the prominent progressive Jewish activist and founder of Tikkun, has offered a powerful statement of encouragement and advice to the exploding 9/11 truth movement. Rabbi Lerner’s call for turning 9/11 truth into a force for change, and not just a forum for theorizing, offers a welcome note of inspiration to the upcoming international 9/11 truth conference in Chicago, 9/11: Revealing the Truth, Reclaiming Our Future, June 2nd to June 4th, 2006:

Kristen Breitweiser Requests Government Accountability on Hardball

'Hardball with Chris Matthews' for May 3, 5pm

BREITWEISER: Yes, I have to say two things really. No. 1, now that the Moussaoui penalty phase is over, I certainly hope that the information will be flowing freely to the American people. For four years, I and many other 9/11 family members have fought very hard to have information released go the public, information about governmental failures. We were always told that we couldn't have that information because it would harm Moussaoui's right to a fair trial.

Details on Upcoming Film '9/11: Press for Truth'

The anti-‘Farenheit 9/11’

The main subjects are the Jersey Girls, a quartet of Sept. 11 widows who relentlessly demanded answers and inquiry from Congress, and Paul Thompson, an Internet researcher who has assembled an enormous archive of news stories, all trying to find answers, to find patterns in the chaos.

Ultimately 9/11: Press For Truth is an information-dense, taut procedural about the real job of journalism and intelligence, not about Deep Throat sources and grand gestures, but sifting through staggering amounts of information to find the connections. It provides no answers, only more questions that remain largely unasked, five years later.

Hufschmidt Discusses 9/11 Movement with Louder than Words

Mirrored at 911podcasts here:

Eric Hufschmid discusses 9/11 with the creators of Loose Change: Dylan Avery, Korey Rowe, Jason Bermas

Artist: Eric Hufschmidt, Dylan Avery, Korey Rowe, Jason Bermas
Title: Hufschmidt Discusses 9/11 Movement with Louder than Words
Year: 2006
Genre: Speech
Length: 62:40 minutes (7.17 MB)
Format: MP3 Mono 22kHz 16Kbps (CBR)

Green Party Candidate Speaks of Dr. David Ray Griffin

The case for impeachment grows daily, as more egregious, self-serving, war provoking, Presidential lies are revealed. Theologian, David Ray Griffin, has also shattered the credibility of the 9/11 Commission Report, exposing the lie at the foundation of the Bush regime.

Yet, the press attacks Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, who bravely raised questions about 9-11, and who organized "The 9/11 Omission: What the Commission Got Wrong" panel at the Congressional Black Caucus Annual Legislative Conference. McKinney stars in Guerrilla News Network's award winning film, American Blackout, which questions the legitimacy of the 2000 and 2004 Presidential elections.