What Would You Ask Petraeus?

This is a letter I just received from Congressman Robert Wexler. I think he really could use our help.

What Would You Ask Petraeus?

Dear Eloy,

As President Bush stubbornly refuses to change course in Iraq, it grows increasingly frustrating for those of us who have been loudly demanding a withdrawal. I know you share my frustration. Every day, I receive letters and emails from patriotic Americans who want to - somehow – personally contribute to a solution.

Now it is your turn.

Next week, General Petraeus – the architect of the failed surge policy and our chief military leader in Iraq - will be testifying before the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

For too long the Bush Administration has been in a bubble – hiding from the truth and avoiding tough questions from outraged American citizens. This time I am turning the oversight powers of Congress over to you.

I want you to be the ones asking the questions to General Petraus.

Write me back with a short reply and tell me what - specifically - you would like me to ask. Please include your first name as well as your city and state.

I will choose the best two questions and ask them to General Petraeus this Wednesday. You will be able to watch his answers directly on C-Span.

Please consider submitting a question. You already work so hard to bring accountability to this Administration and to bring our troops home from Iraq. I hope this provides you another opportunity for us to collaborate and directly influence the national dialogue.

Please keep your questions short and focused.

I look forward to your response, and thank you for participating directly in our democracy.

Congressman Robert Wexler


Not sure if he wants questions from Californians

but I sent him one, anyway.

Thanks for posting this. Congressman Wexler is an interesting fellow, not exactly sure where he is with 9/11, though.

I hope that you and yours are well.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

How do you sleep?


Nice. Short and

Nice. Short and sweet.

Here's one for Petraeus I can imagine Wexler actually asking:

"General Petraeus, is it not true that, despite rhetoric to the contrary, the US military in fact has no plans to withdraw forces from Iraq below a permanent occupation of some 40 - 60 thousand, even assuming ideal conditions of political and economic stability, and that your real mission has less to do with fighting terrorism than with "buying time" until the Oil Law is passed, then consolidating your forces into large permanent bases from which to control Iraqi oil fields and exploration blocks so that ExxonMobil, Chevron and other western oil giants can take their spoils?"

“On the altar of God, I swear eternal hostility against all forms of tyranny over the mind of man."--Thomas Jefferson

UK Officials Warn Petraeus Wants Iran Attack--Apr 5, 2008

British officials gave warning yesterday that America's commander in Iraq will declare that Iran is waging war against the US-backed Baghdad government...


I would ask him not to betray us into attacking Iran!

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